# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_INIT(fish,1.15.0,axel@liljencrantz.se) AC_CANONICAL_TARGET if test $target_cpu = powerpc; then AC_DEFINE([TPUTS_KLUDGE],[1],[Evil kludge to get Power based machines to work]) fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([CPU],[L"$target_cpu"],[CPU type]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS(config.h) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CPP AC_PROG_INSTALL #AC_ISC_POSIX #AC_PROG_MAKE_SET # Optionally drop xsel AC_ARG_WITH( xsel, AC_HELP_STRING([--without-xsel], [do not build the xsel program needed for X clipboard integration]), [xsel=$withval], [xsel=with_xsel] ) if [[ "$xsel" = "with_xsel" ]]; then AC_SUBST( XSEL,[xsel-0.9.6/xsel]) AC_SUBST( XSEL_MAN,[xsel.1x]) AC_SUBST( XSEL_MAN_PATH,[xsel-0.9.6/xsel.1x]) else AC_SUBST( XSEL,[ ]) AC_SUBST( XSEL_MAN,[ ]) AC_SUBST( XSEL_MAN_PATH,[ ]) fi if [[ "$prefix" = NONE ]]; then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED( [PREFIX], L"/usr/local", [Installation directory]) AC_SUBST( PREFIX, /usr/local) AC_SUBST(sysconfdir,[/etc]) export prefix=/usr/local else AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED( [PREFIX], L"$prefix", [Installation directory]) AC_SUBST( PREFIX, [$prefix]) AC_SUBST(sysconfdir,[/etc]) fi if echo $prefix | grep \^$HOME >/dev/null; then AC_SUBST(sysconfdir,[$HOME/etc]) AC_MSG_NOTICE(["Install in $HOME"]) fi AC_SUBST(fishdir,[/fish.d]) AC_SUBST(fishfile,[/fish]) AC_SUBST(fishinputfile,[/fish_inputrc]) AC_ARG_VAR( [docdir], [Documentation direcotry] ) if test -z $docdir; then AC_SUBST(docdir,[$datadir/doc/fish]) fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED( DOCDIR, [L"$(eval echo $docdir)"], [Documentation directory] ) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED( SYSCONFDIR, [L"$sysconfdir"], [System configuration directory] ) # See if Linux procfs is present AC_CHECK_FILES([/proc/self/stat]) # See if NetBSD pkgsrc is installed AC_CHECK_FILE([/usr/pkg/lib],[AC_SUBST(LIBDIR,[-L/usr/pkg/lib\ -R/usr/pkg/lib])]) AC_CHECK_FILE([/usr/pkg/include],[AC_SUBST(INCLUDEDIR,[-I/usr/pkg/include])]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS( [wprintf futimes wcwidth wcswidth] ) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([getopt.h termio.h]) # Check if we have ncurses, and use it rather than curses if possible. AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ncurses.h],[AC_SUBST(CURSESLIB,[ncurses]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NCURSES_H)],[AC_SUBST(CURSESLIB,[curses])]) #Force use of ncurses if it is avialable via NetBSD pkgsrc. This is an #ugly kludge to force NetBSD to use ncurses, since NetBSDs own version #does not properly support terminfo. AC_CHECK_FILE([/usr/pkg/include/ncurses.h],[AC_SUBST(CURSESLIB,[ncurses]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NCURSES_H)]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile fish.spec doc_src/fish.1 doc_src/Doxyfile init/fish]) AC_OUTPUT