#!/bin/sh # Script to produce an OS X installer .pkg and .app(.zip) VERSION=`git describe --always --dirty 2>/dev/null` if test -z "$VERSION" ; then echo "Could not get version from git" VERSION=`sed -E -n 's/^.*PACKAGE_VERSION "([0-9a-z.\-]+)"/\1/p' osx/config.h` if test -z "$VERSION"; then echo "Could not get version from osx/config.h" exit 1 fi fi echo "Version is $VERSION" set -x make distclean #Exit on error set -e PKGDIR=`mktemp -d` SRC_DIR=$PWD OUTPUT_PATH=${FISH_ARTEFACT_PATH:-~/fish_built} mkdir -p $PKGDIR/build $PKGDIR/root $PKGDIR/intermediates $PKGDIR/dst ( cd "$PKGDIR/build" && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo "$SRC_DIR" && make -j 4 && env DESTDIR=$PKGDIR/root/ make install ) pkgbuild --scripts build_tools/osx_package_scripts --root $PKGDIR/root/ --identifier 'com.ridiculousfish.fish-shell-pkg' --version "$VERSION" $PKGDIR/intermediates/fish.pkg productbuild --package-path $PKGDIR/intermediates --distribution build_tools/osx_distribution.xml --resources build_tools/osx_package_resources/ $OUTPUT_PATH/fish-$VERSION.pkg # Make the app xcodebuild -scheme fish.app -configuration Release DSTROOT=/tmp/fish_app/ SYMROOT=DerivedData/fish/Build/Products cd DerivedData/fish/Build/Products/Release/ zip -r $OUTPUT_PATH/fish-$VERSION.app.zip fish.app rm -r $PKGDIR