# i3-msg is a tool to send messages to the i3 window manager. # See: https://i3wm.org complete -c i3-msg -l quiet -s q -d 'Only send ipc message and suppress output' complete -c i3-msg -l version -s v -d 'Display version number and exit' complete -c i3-msg -l help -s h -d 'Display help and exit' complete -c i3-msg -l socket -s s -d 'Set socket' complete -c i3-msg -s t -x -d 'Specify ipc message type' -a ' command\t"Payload is a command" get_workspaces\t"Get current workspace" get_outputs\t"Get current outputs" get_tree\t"Get layout tree" get_marks\t"Get list of marks" get_bar_config\t"Get list of configured binding modes" get_version\t"Get i3 version" '