# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Run me like this: ./create_manpage_completions.py /usr/share/man/man{1,8}/* > man_completions.fish """ = Siteshwar Vashisht = 2012 Copyright (c) 2012, Siteshwar Vashisht All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ from __future__ import print_function from deroff import Deroffer import argparse import bz2 import codecs import errno import gzip import os import re import string import subprocess import sys import traceback lzma_available = True try: try: import lzma except ImportError: from backports import lzma except ImportError: lzma_available = False try: from subprocess import DEVNULL except ImportError: DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, "wb") # Whether we're Python 3 IS_PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 # This gets set to the name of the command that we are currently executing CMDNAME = "" # Information used to track which of our parsers were successful PARSER_INFO = {} # built_command writes into this global variable, yuck built_command_output = [] # Diagnostic output diagnostic_output = [] diagnostic_indent = 0 # Three diagnostic verbosity levels VERY_VERBOSE, BRIEF_VERBOSE, NOT_VERBOSE = 2, 1, 0 # Pick some reasonable default values for settings global VERBOSITY, WRITE_TO_STDOUT, DEROFF_ONLY, KEEP_FILES VERBOSITY, WRITE_TO_STDOUT, DEROFF_ONLY, KEEP_FILES = NOT_VERBOSE, False, False, False def add_diagnostic(dgn, msg_verbosity=VERY_VERBOSE): # Add a diagnostic message, if msg_verbosity <= VERBOSITY if msg_verbosity <= VERBOSITY: diagnostic_output.append(" " * diagnostic_indent + dgn) def flush_diagnostics(where): if diagnostic_output: output_str = "\n".join(diagnostic_output) print(output_str, file=where) diagnostic_output[:] = [] # Make sure we don't output the same completion multiple times, which can happen # For example, xsubpp.1.gz and xsubpp5.10.1.gz # This maps commands to lists of completions already_output_completions = {} def compile_and_search(regex, input): options_section_regex = re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) options_section_matched = re.search(options_section_regex, input) return options_section_matched def unquote_double_quotes(data): if len(data) < 2: return data if data[0] == '"' and data[len(data) - 1] == '"': data = data[1 : len(data) - 1] return data def unquote_single_quotes(data): if len(data) < 2: return data if data[0] == "`" and data[len(data) - 1] == "'": data = data[1 : len(data) - 1] return data # Make a string of characters that are deemed safe in fish without needing to be escaped # Note that space is not included g_fish_safe_chars = frozenset(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_+-|/:=@~") def fish_escape_single_quote(str): # Escape a string if necessary so that it can be put in single quotes # If it has no non-safe chars, there's nothing to do if g_fish_safe_chars.issuperset(str): return str str = str.replace("\\", "\\\\") # Replace one backslash with two str = str.replace( "'", "\\'" ) # Replace one single quote with a backslash-single-quote return "'" + str + "'" # Make a string Unicode by attempting to decode it as latin-1, or UTF8. See #658 def lossy_unicode(s): # All strings are unicode in Python 3 if IS_PY3 or isinstance(s, unicode): return s try: return s.decode("latin-1") except UnicodeEncodeError: pass try: return s.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeEncodeError: pass return s.decode("latin-1", "ignore") def output_complete_command(cmdname, args, description, output_list): comps = ["complete -c", cmdname] comps.extend(args) if description: comps.append("-d") comps.append(description) output_list.append(lossy_unicode(" ").join([lossy_unicode(c) for c in comps])) def built_command(options, description): # print "Options are: ", options man_optionlist = re.split(' |,|"|=|[|]', options) fish_options = [] for optionstr in man_optionlist: option = re.sub(r"(\[.*\])", "", optionstr) option = option.strip(" \t\r\n[](){}.,:!") # Skip some problematic cases if option in ["-", "--"]: continue if any(c in "{}()" for c in option): continue if option.startswith("--"): # New style long option (--recursive) fish_options.append("-l " + fish_escape_single_quote(option[2:])) elif option.startswith("-") and len(option) == 2: # New style short option (-r) fish_options.append("-s " + fish_escape_single_quote(option[1:])) elif option.startswith("-") and len(option) > 2: # Old style long option (-recursive) fish_options.append("-o " + fish_escape_single_quote(option[1:])) # Determine which options are new (not already in existing_options) # Then add those to the existing options existing_options = already_output_completions.setdefault(CMDNAME, set()) fish_options = [opt for opt in fish_options if opt not in existing_options] existing_options.update(fish_options) # Maybe it's all for naught if not fish_options: return # Here's what we'll use to truncate if necessary max_description_width = 78 if IS_PY3: truncation_suffix = "…" else: ELLIPSIS_CODE_POINT = 0x2026 truncation_suffix = unichr(ELLIPSIS_CODE_POINT) # Try to include as many whole sentences as will fit # Clean up some probably bogus escapes in the process clean_desc = description.replace("\\'", "'").replace("\\.", ".") sentences = clean_desc.split(".") # Clean up "sentences" that are just whitespace # But don't let it be empty sentences = [x for x in sentences if x.strip()] if not sentences: sentences = [""] udot = lossy_unicode(".") uspace = lossy_unicode(" ") truncated_description = lossy_unicode(sentences[0]) + udot for line in sentences[1:]: if not line: continue proposed_description = ( lossy_unicode(truncated_description) + uspace + lossy_unicode(line) + udot ) if len(proposed_description) <= max_description_width: # It fits truncated_description = proposed_description else: # No fit break # Strip trailing dots truncated_description = truncated_description.strip(udot) # If the first sentence does not fit, truncate if necessary if len(truncated_description) > max_description_width: prefix_len = max_description_width - len(truncation_suffix) truncated_description = truncated_description[:prefix_len] + truncation_suffix # Escape some more things truncated_description = fish_escape_single_quote(truncated_description) escaped_cmd = fish_escape_single_quote(CMDNAME) output_complete_command( escaped_cmd, fish_options, truncated_description, built_command_output ) def remove_groff_formatting(data): data = data.replace("\\fI", "") data = data.replace("\\fP", "") data = data.replace("\\f1", "") data = data.replace("\\fB", "") data = data.replace("\\fR", "") data = data.replace("\\e", "") data = re.sub(".PD( \d+)", "", data) data = data.replace(".BI", "") data = data.replace(".BR", "") data = data.replace("0.5i", "") data = data.replace(".rb", "") data = data.replace("\\^", "") data = data.replace("{ ", "") data = data.replace(" }", "") data = data.replace("\ ", "") data = data.replace("\-", "-") data = data.replace("\&", "") data = data.replace(".B", "") data = data.replace("\-", "-") data = data.replace(".I", "") data = data.replace("\f", "") data = data.replace("\(cq", "'") return data class ManParser(object): def is_my_type(self, manpage): return False def parse_man_page(self, manpage): return False class Type1ManParser(ManParser): def is_my_type(self, manpage): return compile_and_search('\.SH "OPTIONS"(.*?)', manpage) is not None def parse_man_page(self, manpage): options_section_regex = re.compile('\.SH "OPTIONS"(.*?)(\.SH|\Z)', re.DOTALL) options_section = re.search(options_section_regex, manpage).group(1) options_parts_regex = re.compile("\.PP(.*?)\.RE", re.DOTALL) options_matched = re.search(options_parts_regex, options_section) add_diagnostic("Command is %r" % CMDNAME) if options_matched is None: add_diagnostic("Unable to find options") if self.fallback(options_section): return True elif self.fallback2(options_section): return True return False while options_matched is not None: data = options_matched.group(1) last_dotpp_index = data.rfind(".PP") if last_dotpp_index != -1: data = data[last_dotpp_index + 3 :] data = remove_groff_formatting(data) data = data.split(".RS 4") if len(data) > 1: # and len(data[1]) <= 300): optionName = data[0].strip() if optionName.find("-") == -1: add_diagnostic("%r doesn't contain '-' " % optionName) else: optionName = unquote_double_quotes(optionName) optionName = unquote_single_quotes(optionName) optionDescription = data[1].strip().replace("\n", " ") built_command(optionName, optionDescription) else: add_diagnostic("Unable to split option from description") return False options_section = options_section[options_matched.end() - 3 :] options_matched = re.search(options_parts_regex, options_section) def fallback(self, options_section): add_diagnostic("Trying fallback") options_parts_regex = re.compile("\.TP( \d+)?(.*?)\.TP", re.DOTALL) options_matched = re.search(options_parts_regex, options_section) if options_matched is None: add_diagnostic("Still not found") return False while options_matched is not None: data = options_matched.group(2) data = remove_groff_formatting(data) data = data.strip() data = data.split("\n", 1) if len(data) > 1 and len(data[1].strip()) > 0: # and len(data[1])<400): optionName = data[0].strip() if optionName.find("-") == -1: add_diagnostic("%r doesn't contain '-'" % optionName) else: optionName = unquote_double_quotes(optionName) optionName = unquote_single_quotes(optionName) optionDescription = data[1].strip().replace("\n", " ") built_command(optionName, optionDescription) else: add_diagnostic("Unable to split option from description") return False options_section = options_section[options_matched.end() - 3 :] options_matched = re.search(options_parts_regex, options_section) return True def fallback2(self, options_section): add_diagnostic("Trying last chance fallback") ix_remover_regex = re.compile("\.IX.*") trailing_num_regex = re.compile("\\d+$") options_parts_regex = re.compile("\.IP (.*?)\.IP", re.DOTALL) options_section = re.sub(ix_remover_regex, "", options_section) options_matched = re.search(options_parts_regex, options_section) if options_matched is None: add_diagnostic("Still (still!) not found") return False while options_matched is not None: data = options_matched.group(1) data = remove_groff_formatting(data) data = data.strip() data = data.split("\n", 1) if len(data) > 1 and len(data[1].strip()) > 0: # and len(data[1])<400): optionName = re.sub(trailing_num_regex, "", data[0].strip()) if "-" not in optionName: add_diagnostic("%r doesn't contain '-'" % optionName) else: optionName = optionName.strip() optionName = unquote_double_quotes(optionName) optionName = unquote_single_quotes(optionName) optionDescription = data[1].strip().replace("\n", " ") built_command(optionName, optionDescription) else: add_diagnostic("Unable to split option from description") return False options_section = options_section[options_matched.end() - 3 :] options_matched = re.search(options_parts_regex, options_section) return True class Type2ManParser(ManParser): def is_my_type(self, manpage): return compile_and_search("\.SH OPTIONS(.*?)", manpage) is not None def parse_man_page(self, manpage): options_section_regex = re.compile("\.SH OPTIONS(.*?)(\.SH|\Z)", re.DOTALL) options_section = re.search(options_section_regex, manpage).group(1) options_parts_regex = re.compile( "\.[IT]P( \d+(\.\d)?i?)?(.*?)\.([IT]P|UNINDENT|UN|SH)", re.DOTALL ) options_matched = re.search(options_parts_regex, options_section) add_diagnostic("Command is %r" % CMDNAME) if options_matched is None: add_diagnostic("%r: Unable to find options" % self) return False while options_matched is not None: data = options_matched.group(3) data = remove_groff_formatting(data) data = data.strip() data = data.split("\n", 1) if len(data) > 1 and len(data[1].strip()) > 0: # and len(data[1])<400): optionName = data[0].strip() if "-" not in optionName: add_diagnostic("%r doesn't contain '-'" % optionName) else: optionName = unquote_double_quotes(optionName) optionName = unquote_single_quotes(optionName) optionDescription = data[1].strip().replace("\n", " ") built_command(optionName, optionDescription) else: add_diagnostic("Unable to split option from description") options_section = options_section[options_matched.end() - 3 :] options_matched = re.search(options_parts_regex, options_section) class Type3ManParser(ManParser): def is_my_type(self, manpage): return compile_and_search("\.SH DESCRIPTION(.*?)", manpage) != None def parse_man_page(self, manpage): options_section_regex = re.compile("\.SH DESCRIPTION(.*?)(\.SH|\Z)", re.DOTALL) options_section = re.search(options_section_regex, manpage).group(1) options_parts_regex = re.compile("\.TP(.*?)\.TP", re.DOTALL) options_matched = re.search(options_parts_regex, options_section) add_diagnostic("Command is %r" % CMDNAME) if options_matched is None: add_diagnostic("Unable to find options section") return False while options_matched != None: data = options_matched.group(1) data = remove_groff_formatting(data) data = data.strip() data = data.split("\n", 1) if len(data) > 1: # and len(data[1])<400): optionName = data[0].strip() if optionName.find("-") == -1: add_diagnostic("%r doesn't contain '-'" % optionName) else: optionName = unquote_double_quotes(optionName) optionName = unquote_single_quotes(optionName) optionDescription = data[1].strip().replace("\n", " ") built_command(optionName, optionDescription) else: add_diagnostic("Unable to split option from description") return False options_section = options_section[options_matched.end() - 3 :] options_matched = re.search(options_parts_regex, options_section) class Type4ManParser(ManParser): def is_my_type(self, manpage): return compile_and_search("\.SH FUNCTION LETTERS(.*?)", manpage) != None def parse_man_page(self, manpage): options_section_regex = re.compile( "\.SH FUNCTION LETTERS(.*?)(\.SH|\Z)", re.DOTALL ) options_section = re.search(options_section_regex, manpage).group(1) options_parts_regex = re.compile("\.TP(.*?)\.TP", re.DOTALL) options_matched = re.search(options_parts_regex, options_section) add_diagnostic("Command is %r" % CMDNAME) if options_matched is None: print("Unable to find options section", file=sys.stderr) return False while options_matched != None: data = options_matched.group(1) data = remove_groff_formatting(data) data = data.strip() data = data.split("\n", 1) if len(data) > 1: # and len(data[1])<400): optionName = data[0].strip() if optionName.find("-") == -1: add_diagnostic("%r doesn't contain '-' " % optionName) else: optionName = unquote_double_quotes(optionName) optionName = unquote_single_quotes(optionName) optionDescription = data[1].strip().replace("\n", " ") built_command(optionName, optionDescription) else: add_diagnostic("Unable to split option from description") return False options_section = options_section[options_matched.end() - 3 :] options_matched = re.search(options_parts_regex, options_section) class TypeScdocManParser(ManParser): def is_my_type(self, manpage): return ( compile_and_search( r"\.(\\)(\") Generated by scdoc(.*?)\.SH OPTIONS(.*?)", manpage ) != None ) def parse_man_page(self, manpage): options_section_regex = re.compile("\.SH OPTIONS(.*?)\.SH", re.DOTALL) options_section_matched = re.search(options_section_regex, manpage) if options_section_matched is None: return False options_section = options_section_matched.group(1) options_parts_regex = re.compile("(.*?).RE", re.DOTALL) options_matched = re.match(options_parts_regex, options_section) add_diagnostic("Command is %r" % CMDNAME) if options_matched is None: add_diagnostic("%r: Unable to find options" % self) return False while options_matched is not None: # Get first option and move options_section option = options_matched.group(1) options_section = options_section[options_matched.end() : :] options_matched = re.match(options_parts_regex, options_section) option = remove_groff_formatting(option) option = option.split("\n") # Crean option list option_clean = [] for line in option: if line not in ["", ".P", ".RS 4"]: option_clean.append(line) # Shold be at least two lines if len(option_clean) < 2: add_diagnostic("Unable to split option from description") continue # Name and description, others lines are ignored option_name = option_clean[0] option_description = option_clean[1] if "-" not in option_name: add_diagnostic("%r doesn't contain '-'" % option_name) option_name = unquote_double_quotes(option_name) option_name = unquote_single_quotes(option_name) built_command(option_name, option_description) return True class TypeDarwinManParser(ManParser): def is_my_type(self, manpage): return compile_and_search("\.S[hH] DESCRIPTION", manpage) is not None def trim_groff(self, line): # Remove initial period if line.startswith("."): line = line[1:] # Skip leading groff crud while re.match("[A-Z][a-z]\s", line): line = line[3:] # If the line ends with a space and then a period or comma, then erase the space # This hack handles lines of the form '.Ar projectname .' if line.endswith(" ,") or line.endswith(" ."): line = line[:-2] + line[-1] return line def count_argument_dashes(self, line): # Determine how many dashes the line has using the following regex hack # Look for the start of a line, followed by a dot, then a sequence of # one or more dashes ('Fl') result = 0 if line.startswith("."): line = line[4:] while line.startswith("Fl "): result = result + 1 line = line[3:] return result # Replace some groff escapes. There's a lot we don't bother to handle. def groff_replace_escapes(self, line): line = line.replace(".Nm", CMDNAME) line = line.replace("\\ ", " ") line = line.replace("\& ", "") return line def is_option(self, line): return line.startswith(".It Fl") def parse_man_page(self, manpage): got_something = False lines = manpage.splitlines() # Discard lines until we get to ".sh Description" while lines and not ( lines[0].startswith(".Sh DESCRIPTION") or lines[0].startswith(".SH DESCRIPTION") ): lines.pop(0) while lines: # Pop until we get to the next option while lines and not self.is_option(lines[0]): lines.pop(0) if not lines: continue # Get the line and clean it up line = lines.pop(0) # Try to guess how many dashes this argument has dash_count = self.count_argument_dashes(line) line = self.groff_replace_escapes(line) line = self.trim_groff(line) line = line.strip() if not line: continue # Extract the name name = line.split(None, 2)[0] # Extract the description desc_lines = [] while lines and not self.is_option(lines[0]): line = lossy_unicode(lines.pop(0).strip()) # Ignore comments if line.startswith(r".\""): continue if line.startswith("."): line = self.groff_replace_escapes(line) line = self.trim_groff(line).strip() if line: desc_lines.append(line) desc = " ".join(desc_lines) if name == "-": # Skip double -- arguments continue elif len(name) > 1: # Output the command built_command(("-" * dash_count) + name, desc) got_something = True elif len(name) == 1: built_command("-" + name, desc) got_something = True return got_something class TypeDeroffManParser(ManParser): def is_my_type(self, manpage): return True # We're optimists def is_option(self, line): return line.startswith("-") def could_be_description(self, line): return len(line) > 0 and not line.startswith("-") def parse_man_page(self, manpage): d = Deroffer() d.deroff(manpage) output = d.get_output() lines = output.split("\n") got_something = False # Discard lines until we get to DESCRIPTION or OPTIONS while lines and not ( lines[0].startswith("DESCRIPTION") or lines[0].startswith("OPTIONS") or lines[0].startswith("COMMAND OPTIONS") ): lines.pop(0) # Look for BUGS and stop there for idx in range(len(lines)): line = lines[idx] if line.startswith("BUGS"): # Drop remaining elements lines[idx:] = [] break while lines: # Pop until we get to the next option while lines and not self.is_option(lines[0]): line = lines.pop(0) if not lines: continue options = lines.pop(0) # Pop until we get to either an empty line or a line starting with - description = "" while lines and self.could_be_description(lines[0]): if description: description += " " description += lines.pop(0) built_command(options, description) got_something = True return got_something # Return whether the file at the given path is overwritable # Raises IOError if it cannot be opened def file_is_overwritable(path): result = False file = codecs.open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") for line in file: # Skip leading empty lines line = line.strip() if not line: continue # We look in the initial run of lines that start with # if not line.startswith("#"): break # See if this contains the magic word if "Autogenerated" in line: result = True break file.close() return result # Remove any and all autogenerated completions in the given directory def cleanup_autogenerated_completions_in_directory(dir): try: for filename in os.listdir(dir): # Skip non .fish files if not filename.endswith(".fish"): continue path = os.path.join(dir, filename) cleanup_autogenerated_file(path) except OSError as err: return False # Delete the file if it is autogenerated def cleanup_autogenerated_file(path): try: if file_is_overwritable(path): os.remove(path) except (OSError, IOError): pass def parse_manpage_at_path(manpage_path, output_directory): # Return if CMDNAME is in 'ignoredcommands' ignoredcommands = [ "cc", "g++", "gcc", "c++", "cpp", "emacs", "gprof", "wget", "ld", "awk", ] if CMDNAME in ignoredcommands: return # Clear diagnostics global diagnostic_indent diagnostic_output[:] = [] diagnostic_indent = 0 # Set up some diagnostics add_diagnostic("Considering " + manpage_path) diagnostic_indent += 1 if manpage_path.endswith(".gz"): fd = gzip.open(manpage_path, "r") manpage = fd.read() if IS_PY3: manpage = manpage.decode("latin-1") elif manpage_path.endswith(".bz2"): fd = bz2.BZ2File(manpage_path, "r") manpage = fd.read() if IS_PY3: manpage = manpage.decode("latin-1") elif manpage_path.endswith(".xz") or manpage_path.endswith(".lzma"): if not lzma_available: return fd = lzma.LZMAFile(str(manpage_path), "r") manpage = fd.read() if IS_PY3: manpage = manpage.decode("latin-1") elif manpage_path.endswith((".1", ".2", ".3", ".4", ".5", ".6", ".7", ".8", ".9")): if IS_PY3: fd = open(manpage_path, "r", encoding="latin-1") else: fd = open(manpage_path, "r") manpage = fd.read() else: return fd.close() manpage = str(manpage) # Ignore perl's gazillion man pages ignored_prefixes = ["perl", "zsh"] for prefix in ignored_prefixes: if CMDNAME.startswith(prefix): return # Ignore the millions of links to BUILTIN(1) if "BUILTIN 1" in manpage or "builtin.1" in manpage: return # Clear the output list built_command_output[:] = [] if DEROFF_ONLY: parsers = [TypeDeroffManParser()] else: parsers = [ TypeScdocManParser(), Type1ManParser(), Type2ManParser(), Type4ManParser(), Type3ManParser(), TypeDarwinManParser(), TypeDeroffManParser(), ] parsersToTry = [p for p in parsers if p.is_my_type(manpage)] success = False for parser in parsersToTry: add_diagnostic("Trying %s" % parser.__class__.__name__) diagnostic_indent += 1 success = parser.parse_man_page(manpage) diagnostic_indent -= 1 # Make sure empty files aren't reported as success if not built_command_output: success = False if success: PARSER_INFO.setdefault(parser.__class__.__name__, []).append(CMDNAME) break if success: if WRITE_TO_STDOUT: output_file = sys.stdout else: fullpath = os.path.join(output_directory, CMDNAME + ".fish") try: output_file = codecs.open(fullpath, "w", encoding="utf-8") except IOError as err: add_diagnostic( "Unable to open file '%s': error(%d): %s" % (fullpath, err.errno, err.strerror) ) return False # Output the magic word Autogenerated so we can tell if we can overwrite this built_command_output.insert( 0, "# " + CMDNAME + "\n# Autogenerated from man page " + manpage_path ) # built_command_output.insert(2, "# using " + parser.__class__.__name__) # XXX MISATTRIBUTES THE CULPABLE PARSER! Was really using Type2 but reporting TypeDeroffManParser for line in built_command_output: output_file.write(line) output_file.write("\n") output_file.write("\n") add_diagnostic(manpage_path + " parsed successfully") if output_file != sys.stdout: output_file.close() else: parser_names = ", ".join(p.__class__.__name__ for p in parsersToTry) # add_diagnostic('%s contains no options or is unparsable' % manpage_path, BRIEF_VERBOSE) add_diagnostic( "%s contains no options or is unparsable (tried parser %s)" % (manpage_path, parser_names), BRIEF_VERBOSE, ) return success def parse_and_output_man_pages(paths, output_directory, show_progress): global diagnostic_indent, CMDNAME paths.sort() total_count = len(paths) successful_count, index = 0, 0 padding_len = len(str(total_count)) last_progress_string_length = 0 if show_progress and not WRITE_TO_STDOUT: print( "Parsing man pages and writing completions to {0}".format(output_directory) ) man_page_suffixes = set([os.path.splitext(m)[1][1:] for m in paths]) lzma_xz_occurs = "xz" in man_page_suffixes or "lzma" in man_page_suffixes if lzma_xz_occurs and not lzma_available: add_diagnostic( 'At least one man page is compressed with lzma or xz, but the "lzma" module is not available.' " Any man page compressed with either will be skipped.", NOT_VERBOSE, ) flush_diagnostics(sys.stderr) for manpage_path in paths: index += 1 # Get the "base" command, e.g. gcc.1.gz -> gcc man_file_name = os.path.basename(manpage_path) CMDNAME = man_file_name.split(".", 1)[0] # Show progress if we're doing that if show_progress: progress_str = " {0} / {1} : {2}".format( (str(index).rjust(padding_len)), total_count, man_file_name ) # Pad on the right with spaces so we overwrite whatever we wrote last time padded_progress_str = progress_str.ljust(last_progress_string_length) last_progress_string_length = len(progress_str) sys.stdout.write("\r{0}\r".format(padded_progress_str)) sys.stdout.flush() try: if parse_manpage_at_path(manpage_path, output_directory): successful_count += 1 except IOError: diagnostic_indent = 0 add_diagnostic("Cannot open " + manpage_path) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: add_diagnostic( "Error parsing %s: %s" % (manpage_path, sys.exc_info()[0]), BRIEF_VERBOSE, ) flush_diagnostics(sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) flush_diagnostics(sys.stderr) print("") # Newline after loop add_diagnostic( "Successfully parsed %d / %d pages" % (successful_count, total_count), BRIEF_VERBOSE, ) flush_diagnostics(sys.stderr) def get_paths_from_man_locations(): # Return all the paths to man(1) and man(8) files in the manpath parent_paths = [] # Most (GNU, macOS, Haiku) modern implementations of man support being called with `--path`. # Traditional implementations require a second `manpath` program: examples include FreeBSD and Solaris. # Prefer an external program first because these programs return a superset of the $MANPATH variable. for prog in [["man", "--path"], ["manpath"]]: try: output = subprocess.check_output(prog, stderr=DEVNULL) if IS_PY3: output = output.decode("latin-1") parent_paths = output.strip().split(":") break except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): continue # If we can't have the OS interpret $MANPATH, just use it as-is (gulp). if not parent_paths and os.getenv("MANPATH"): parent_paths = os.getenv("MANPATH").strip().split(":") # Fallback: With mandoc (OpenBSD, embedded Linux) and NetBSD man, the only way to get the default manpath is by reading /etc. if not parent_paths: try: with open("/etc/man.conf", "r") as file: data = file.read() for key in ["MANPATH", "_default"]: for match in re.findall(r"^%s\s+(.*)$" % key, data, re.I | re.M): parent_paths.append(match) except FileNotFoundError: pass # Fallback: hard-code some common paths. These should be likely for FHS Linux distros, BSDs, and macOS. if not parent_paths: parent_paths = ["/usr/share/man", "/usr/local/man", "/usr/local/share/man"] print( "Unable to get the manpath, falling back to %s." % ":".join(parent_paths), "Explictly set $MANPATH to fix this error.", file=sys.stderr, ) result = [] for parent_path in parent_paths: for section in ["man1", "man6", "man8"]: directory_path = os.path.join(parent_path, section) try: names = os.listdir(directory_path) except OSError: names = [] names.sort() for name in names: result.append(os.path.join(directory_path, name)) return result if __name__ == "__main__": script_name = sys.argv[0] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="create_manpage_completions: Generate fish-shell completions from manpages" ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--cleanup-in", type=str, help="Directories to clean up in", action="append", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--directory", type=str, help="The directory to save the completions in", ) parser.add_argument( "-k", "--keep", help="Whether to keep files in the target directory", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--manpath", help="Whether to use manpath", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--progress", help="Whether to show progress", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--stdout", help="Write the completions to stdout", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", type=int, choices=[0, 1, 2], help="The level of debug output to show", ) parser.add_argument( "-z", "--deroff-only", help="Whether to just deroff", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument("file_paths", type=str, nargs="*") args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: VERBOSITY = args.verbose if args.stdout: WRITE_TO_STDOUT = True if args.deroff_only: DEROFF_ONLY = True if args.keep: KEEP_FILES = True if args.manpath: # Fetch all man1 and man8 files from the manpath or man.conf args.file_paths.extend(get_paths_from_man_locations()) # Directories within which we will clean up autogenerated completions # This script originally wrote completions into ~/.config/fish/completions # Now it writes them into a separate directory if args.cleanup_in: for cleanup_dir in args.cleanup_in: cleanup_autogenerated_completions_in_directory(cleanup_dir) if not args.file_paths: print("No paths specified") sys.exit(0) if not args.stdout and not args.directory: # Default to ~/.local/share/fish/generated_completions/ # Create it if it doesn't exist xdg_data_home = os.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME", "~/.local/share") args.directory = os.path.expanduser( xdg_data_home + "/fish/generated_completions/" ) try: os.makedirs(args.directory) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise if not args.stdout and not args.keep: # Remove old generated files cleanup_autogenerated_completions_in_directory(args.directory) parse_and_output_man_pages(args.file_paths, args.directory, args.progress)