#disable file seletion complete -f tuned-adm #get profile list set profiles (tuned-adm list 2>&1 < /dev/null | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n +2 | head -n -1) # all tuned-adm actions set -l actions list available profiles active off profile profile_info recommend verify auto_profile profile_mode #first argument complete -k -c tuned-adm -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) = 1" \ -xa "$actions" # second argument for profile subcommand complete -k -c tuned-adm -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) = 2; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from profile" \ -xa "$profiles" #options complete -k -c tuned-adm -s h -l help -d "show this help message and exit" complete -k -c tuned-adm -s v -l version -d "show program's version number and exit" complete -k -c tuned-adm -s d -l debug -d "show debug messages" complete -k -c tuned-adm -s a -l async -d "with dbus do not wait on commands completion and return immediately" complete -k -c tuned-adm -s t -l timeout -d "with sync operation use specific timeout instead of the default 600 second(s)" complete -k -c tuned-adm -s l -l loglevel -d "level of log messages to capture"