// Implementation of the disown builtin. #include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "builtin_disown.h" #include #include #include #include "builtin.h" #include "common.h" #include "fallback.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "io.h" #include "parser.h" #include "proc.h" #include "wutil.h" // IWYU pragma: keep /// Helper for builtin_disown. static int disown_job(const wchar_t *cmd, parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams, job_t *j) { if (j == nullptr) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Unknown job '%ls'\n"), L"bg"); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } // Stopped disowned jobs must be manually signaled; explain how to do so. auto pgid = j->get_pgid(); if (j->is_stopped()) { if (pgid) killpg(*pgid, SIGCONT); const wchar_t *fmt = _(L"%ls: job %d ('%ls') was stopped and has been signalled to continue.\n"); streams.err.append_format(fmt, cmd, j->job_id(), j->command_wcstr()); } // We cannot directly remove the job from the jobs() list as `disown` might be called // within the context of a subjob which will cause the parent job to crash in exec_job(). // Instead, we set a flag and the parser removes the job from the jobs list later. j->mut_flags().disown_requested = true; add_disowned_job(j); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } /// Builtin for removing jobs from the job list. maybe_t builtin_disown(parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams, wchar_t **argv) { const wchar_t *cmd = argv[0]; int argc = builtin_count_args(argv); help_only_cmd_opts_t opts; int optind; int retval = parse_help_only_cmd_opts(opts, &optind, argc, argv, parser, streams); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; if (opts.print_help) { builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } if (argv[1] == nullptr) { // Select last constructed job (ie first job in the job queue) that is possible to disown. // Stopped jobs can be disowned (they will be continued). // Foreground jobs can be disowned. // Even jobs that aren't under job control can be disowned! job_t *job = nullptr; for (const auto &j : parser.jobs()) { if (j->is_constructed() && (!j->is_completed())) { job = j.get(); break; } } if (job) { retval = disown_job(cmd, parser, streams, job); } else { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: There are no suitable jobs\n"), cmd); retval = STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } } else { std::set jobs; // If one argument is not a valid pid (i.e. integer >= 0), fail without disowning anything, // but still print errors for all of them. // Non-existent jobs aren't an error, but information about them is useful. // Multiple PIDs may refer to the same job; include the job only once by using a set. for (int i = 1; argv[i]; i++) { int pid = fish_wcstoi(argv[i]); if (errno || pid < 0) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: '%ls' is not a valid job specifier\n"), cmd, argv[i]); retval = STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } else { if (job_t *j = parser.job_get_from_pid(pid)) { jobs.insert(j); } else { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Could not find job '%d'\n"), cmd, pid); } } } if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) { return retval; } // Disown all target jobs for (const auto &j : jobs) { retval |= disown_job(cmd, parser, streams, j); } } return retval; }