#RUN: %fish %s #REQUIRES: command -v tmux # disable on github actions because it's flakey #REQUIRES: test -z "$CI" set -g isolated_tmux_fish_extra_args -C ' set -g fish_autosuggestion_enabled 0 ' isolated-tmux-start isolated-tmux send-keys 'true needle' Enter # CHECK: prompt 0> true needle tmux-sleep isolated-tmux send-keys 'true hay ee hay' Enter # CHECK: prompt 1> true hay ee hay tmux-sleep isolated-tmux send-keys C-p C-a M-f M-f M-f M-. # CHECK: prompt 2> true hay needle hay tmux-sleep isolated-tmux capture-pane -p isolated-tmux send-keys C-e C-u true Up Up Escape tmux-sleep isolated-tmux capture-pane -p | grep 'prompt 2' # CHECK: prompt 2> true isolated-tmux send-keys C-z _ tmux-sleep isolated-tmux capture-pane -p | grep 'prompt 2' # CHECK: prompt 2> _ # When history pager fails to find a result, copy the search field to the command line. isolated-tmux send-keys C-e C-u C-r "echo no such command in history" tmux-sleep isolated-tmux send-keys Enter # CHECK: prompt 2> echo no such command in history isolated-tmux capture-pane -p | grep 'prompt 2' isolated-tmux send-keys C-c isolated-tmux send-keys C-r hay/shmay isolated-tmux send-keys C-w C-h isolated-tmux send-keys Enter # CHECK: prompt 2> true hay ee hay isolated-tmux capture-pane -p | grep 'prompt 2>' isolated-tmux send-keys C-c