\section fish_mode_prompt fish_mode_prompt - define the appearance of the mode indicator

\subsection fish_mode_prompt-synopsis Synopsis

The fish_mode_prompt function will output the mode indicator for use in vi-mode.

\subsection fish_mode_prompt-description Description

The default `fish_mode_prompt` function will output indicators about the current Vi editor mode displayed to the left of the regular prompt. Define your own function to customize the appearance of the mode indicator. You can also define an empty `fish_mode_prompt` function to remove the Vi mode indicators. The `$fish_bind_mode variable` can be used to determine the current mode. It
will be one of `default`, `insert`, `replace_one`, or `visual`.

\subsection fish_mode_prompt-example Example

function fish_mode_prompt
  switch $fish_bind_mode
    case default
      set_color --bold red
      echo 'N'
    case insert
      set_color --bold green
      echo 'I'
    case replace_one
      set_color --bold green
      echo 'R'
    case visual
      set_color --bold brmagenta
      echo 'V'
    case '*'
      set_color --bold red
      echo '?'
  set_color normal

Outputting multiple lines is not supported in `fish_mode_prompt`.