.. _cmd-time:

time - measure how long a command or block takes



   time COMMAND


``time`` causes fish to measure how long a command takes and print the results afterwards. The command can be a simple fish command or a block. The results can not currently be redirected.

For checking timing after a command has completed, check :ref:`$CMD_DURATION <variables-special>`.

Your system most likely also has a `time` command. To use that use something like `command time`, as in `command time sleep 10`. Because it's not inside fish, it won't have access to fish functions and won't be able to time blocks and such.


(for obvious reasons exact results will vary on your system)


   >_ time sleep 1s
   Executed in    1,01 secs   fish           external
      usr time    2,32 millis    0,00 micros    2,32 millis
      sys time    0,88 millis  877,00 micros    0,00 millis

   >_ time for i in 1 2 3; sleep 1s; end

   Executed in    3,01 secs   fish           external
      usr time    9,16 millis    2,94 millis    6,23 millis
      sys time    0,23 millis    0,00 millis    0,23 millis