document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {"prompt", () => ({ selectedPrompt: null, showSaveButton: true, samplePrompts: [], savePromptButtonTitle: "Set Prompt", // where is this initialized in the original code? terminalBackgroundColor: "black", async fetchSamplePrompts() { this.samplePrompts = await (await fetch("sample_prompts/")).json(); if (this.selectedPrompt === null) { this.selectPrompt(this.samplePrompts[0]); } }, selectPrompt(prompt) { this.selectedPrompt = prompt; this.savePromptButtonTitle = "Set Prompt"; }, setNewPrompt(selectedPrompt) { $http .post("set_prompt/", { fish_prompt: selectedPrompt.function }) .then(function (arg) { // Update attributes of current prompt and select it this.samplePrompts[0].demo = selectedPrompt.demo; this.samplePrompts[0].right = selectedPrompt.right; this.samplePrompts[0].function = selectedPrompt.function; this.samplePrompts[0].font_size = selectedPrompt.font_size; this.selectedPrompt = this.samplePrompts[0]; // Note that we set it this.savePromptButtonTitle = "Prompt Set!"; }); }, setPrompt() { if (this.selectedPrompt) { this.setNewPrompt(this.selectedPrompt); } }, async init() { await this.fetchSamplePrompts(); }, }));"functions", () => ({ functions: [], selectedFunction: null, functionDefinition: "", async selectFunction(fun) { this.selectedFunction = fun; await this.fetchFunctionDefinition(this.selectedFunction); }, cleanupFishFunction(contents) { /* Replace leading tabs and groups of four spaces at the beginning of a line with two spaces. */ var lines = contents ? contents.split("\n") : []; var rx = /^[\t ]+/; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; /* Get leading tabs and spaces */ var whitespace_arr = rx.exec(line); if (whitespace_arr) { /* Replace four spaces with two spaces, and tabs with two spaces */ var whitespace = whitespace_arr[0]; var new_whitespace = whitespace.replace(/( )|(\t)/g, " "); lines[i] = new_whitespace + line.slice(whitespace.length); } } return lines.join("\n"); }, async fetchFunctionDefinition(name) { let resp = await fetch("get_function/", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, // TODO are functions guaranteed to newer contain symbols which require escaping? body: `what=${name}`, }); this.functionDefinition = (await resp.json())[0]; }, async init() { this.functions = await (await fetch("functions/")).json(); this.selectFunction(this.functions[0]); }, }));"variables", () => ({ vars: [], query: "", async init() { this.vars = await (await fetch("variables/")).json(); }, get filteredVars() { return this.vars.filter( (v) => || v.value.includes(this.query) ); }, }));"history", () => ({ // All history items, as strings. allItems: [], // How many items per page. itemsPerPage: 50, // Filtered items grouped into pages. A list of lists. Never empty. filteredItems: [], // The current page index (0 based). currentPage: 0, // The filter query. query: "", // The items which are selected. selectedItems: [], // Filter all of our items. // This could also be a getter though they are not cached // and would be recalculated on each page change. filterAndGroup() { this.filteredItems = this.allItems.filter((item) => item.includes(this.query)); }, get currentPageDescription() { if (!this.filteredItems.length) { return "None"; } return `${this.currentPage + 1} / ${Math.ceil( this.filteredItems.length / this.itemsPerPage )}`; }, prevPage() { this.currentPage = Math.max(this.currentPage - 1, 0); }, nextPage() { this.currentPage = Math.min(this.currentPage + 1, this.filteredItems.length - 1); }, selectItem(item) { var index = this.selectedItems.indexOf(item); if (index >= 0) { // Deselect. this.selectedItems.splice(index, 1); } else { this.selectedItems.push(item); } }, async deleteHistoryItem(item) { await fetch("delete_history_item/", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, body: `what=${encodeURIComponent(item)}`, }); let index = this.allItems.indexOf(item); this.allItems.splice(index, 1); this.filterAndGroup(); }, async init() { this.allItems = await (await fetch("history/")).json(); // TODO this should not be necessary as long as we use $watch below this.filterAndGroup(); this.$watch("query", () => { this.filterAndGroup(); this.currentPage = 0; }); }, }));"bindings", () => ({ bindings: [], query: "", async init() { this.bindings = await (await fetch("bindings/")).json(); }, get filteredBindings() { return this.bindings.filter( (b) => b.command.includes(this.query) || b.bindings.some((variety) => variety.readable_binding.toLowerCase().includes(this.query.toLowerCase()) ) ); }, })); });