#!/usr/bin/env bash # Helper to notarize an .app.zip or .pkg file. # Based on https://www.logcg.com/en/archives/3222.html set -e die() { echo "$*" 1>&2 ; exit 1; } check_status() { echo "STATUS" $1 } get_req_uuid() { RESPONSE=$(</dev/stdin) if echo "$RESPONSE" | egrep -q "RequestUUID"; then echo "$RESPONSE" | egrep RequestUUID | awk '{print $3'} elif echo "$RESPONSE" | egrep -q "The upload ID is "; then echo "$RESPONSE" | egrep -p "The upload ID is [-a-z0-9]+" | awk '{print $5}' else die "Could not get Request UUID" fi } INPUT=$1 AC_USER=$2 test -z "$AC_USER" && die "AC_USER not specified as second param" test -z "$INPUT" && die "No path specified" test -f "$INPUT" || die "Not a file: $INPUT" ext="${INPUT##*.}" (test "$ext" = "zip" || test "$ext" = "pkg") || die "Unrecognized extension: $ext" LOGFILE=$(mktemp -t mac_notarize_log) AC_PASS="@keychain:AC_PASSWORD" echo "Logs at $LOGFILE" NOTARIZE_UUID=$(xcrun altool --notarize-app \ --primary-bundle-id "com.ridiculousfish.fish-shell" \ --username "$AC_USER" \ --password "$AC_PASS" \ --file "$INPUT" 2>&1 | tee -a "$LOGFILE" | get_req_uuid) test -z "$NOTARIZE_UUID" && cat "$LOGFILE" && die "Could not get RequestUUID" echo "RequestUUID: $NOTARIZE_UUID" # notarization-info doesn't always know about our request immediately. echo "Giving notarization-info a chance to catch up..." sleep 15 success=0 for i in $(seq 20); do echo "Checking progress..." PROGRESS=$(xcrun altool --notarization-info "${NOTARIZE_UUID}" \ -u "$AC_USER" \ -p "$AC_PASS" 2>&1 | tee -a "$LOGFILE") echo "${PROGRESS}" | tail -n 1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [[ "${PROGRESS}" =~ "Invalid" ]] ; then echo "Error with notarization. Exiting" break fi if ! [[ "${PROGRESS}" =~ "in progress" ]]; then success=1 break else echo "Not completed yet. Sleeping for 30 seconds." fi sleep 30 done if [ $success -eq 1 ] ; then if test "$ext" = "zip"; then TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) echo "Extracting to $TMPDIR" unzip -q "$INPUT" -d "$TMPDIR" # Force glob expansion. STAPLE_TARGET="$TMPDIR"/* STAPLE_TARGET=$(echo $STAPLE_TARGET) else STAPLE_TARGET="$INPUT" fi echo "Stapling $STAPLE_TARGET" xcrun stapler staple "$STAPLE_TARGET" if test "$ext" = "zip"; then # Zip it back up. INPUT_FULL=$(realpath "$INPUT") rm -f "$INPUT" cd "$(dirname "$STAPLE_TARGET")" zip -r -q "$INPUT_FULL" $(basename "$STAPLE_TARGET") fi fi echo "Processed $INPUT" if test "$ext" = "zip"; then spctl -a -v "$STAPLE_TARGET" fi