#completion for opkg function __fish_opkg_no_subcommand -d 'Test if opkg has yet to be given the subcommand' for i in (commandline -opc) if contains -- $i update upgrade install configure remove flag list list-installed list-upgradable list-changed-conffiles files search find info status download compare-versions print-architecture depends whatdepends whatdependsrec whatrecommends whatsuggests whatprovides whatconflicts whatreplaces return 1 end end return 0 end function __fish_opkg_use_package -d 'Test if opkg command should have packages as potential completion' for i in (commandline -opc) if contains -- $i contains install search find info status download compare-versions print-architecture depends whatdepends whatdependsrec whatrecommends whatsuggests whatprovides whatconflicts whatreplaces return 0 end end return 1 end function __fish_opkg_use_package_installed -d 'Test if opkg command should have installed packages as potential completion' for i in (commandline -opc) if contains -- $i contains upgrade configure remove flag files return 0 end end return 1 end complete -c opkg -n '__fish_opkg_use_package' -a '(__fish_print_packages)' -d 'Package' complete -c opkg -n '__fish_opkg_use_package_installed' -a '(__fish_print_packages --installed)' -d 'Package' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'update' -d 'Update list of available packages' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'upgrade' -d 'Upgrade packages' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'install' -d 'Install package(s)' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'configure' -d 'Configure unpacked package(s)' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'remove' -d 'Remove package(s)' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'flag' -d 'Flag package(s)' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'list' -d 'List available packages' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'list-installed' -d 'List installed packages' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'list-upgradable' -d 'List installed and upgradable packages' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'list-changed-conffiles' -d 'List user modified configuration files' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'files' -d 'List files belonging to <pkg>' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'search' -d 'List package providing <file>' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'find' -d 'List packages whose name or description matches <regexp>' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'info' -d 'Display all info for <pkg>' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'status' -d 'Display all status for <pkg>' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'download' -d 'Download <pkg> to current directory' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'compare-versions' -d 'compare versions using <= < > >= = << >>' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'print-architecture' -d 'List installable package architectures' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'depends' -d 'list depends' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'whatdepends' -d 'list whatdepends' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'whatdependsrec' -d 'list whatdepends recursively' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'whatrecommends' -d 'list whatrecommends' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'whatsuggests' -d 'list whatsuggests' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'whatprovides' -d 'list whatprovides' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'whatconflicts' -d 'list whatconflicts' complete -f -n '__fish_opkg_no_subcommand' -c opkg -a 'whatreplaces' -d 'list whatreplaces' complete -c opkg -s A -d 'Query all packages not just those installed' complete -c opkg -s V -l verbosity -d 'Set verbosity level to <level>' complete -c opkg -s f -l conf -d 'Use <conf_file> as the opkg configuration file' complete -c opkg -l cache -d 'Use a package cache' complete -c opkg -s d -l dest -d 'Use <dest_name> as the the root directory' complete -c opkg -s o -l offline-root -d 'Use <dir> as the root directory for offline' complete -c opkg -l add-arch -d 'Register architecture with given priority' complete -c opkg -l add-dest -d 'Register destination with given path' complete -c opkg -l force-depends -d 'Install/remove despite failed dependencies' complete -c opkg -l force-maintainer -d 'Overwrite preexisting config files' complete -c opkg -l force-reinstall -d 'Reinstall package(s)' complete -c opkg -l force-overwrite -d 'Overwrite files from other package(s)' complete -c opkg -l force-downgrade -d 'Allow opkg to downgrade packages' complete -c opkg -l force-space -d 'Disable free space checks' complete -c opkg -l force-postinstall -d 'Run postinstall scripts even in offline mode' complete -c opkg -l force-remove -d 'Remove package even if prerm script fails' complete -c opkg -l force-checksum -d 'Don\'t fail on checksum mismatches' complete -c opkg -l noaction -d 'No action -- test only' complete -c opkg -l download-only -d 'No action -- download only' complete -c opkg -l nodeps -d 'Do not follow dependencies' complete -c opkg -l nocase -d 'Perform case insensitive pattern matching' complete -c opkg -l size -d 'Print package size when listing available packages' complete -c opkg -l force-removal-of-dependent-packages -d 'Remove package and all dependencies' complete -c opkg -l autoremove -d 'Remove automatically installed packages' complete -c opkg -s t -l tmp-dir -d 'Specify tmp-dir.' complete -c opkg -s l -l lists-dir -d 'Specify lists-dir.'