function __fish_man_page # Get all commandline tokens not starting with "-" set -l args (commandline -po | string match -rv '^-') # If commandline is empty, exit. if not set -q args[1] printf \a return end #Skip `sudo` and display then manpage of following command while set -q args[2] and test $args[1] = "sudo" set args $args[2..-1] end # If there are at least two tokens not starting with "-", the second one might be a subcommand. # Try "man first-second" and fall back to "man first" if that doesn't work out. set -l maincmd (basename $args[1]) if set -q args[2] man "$maincmd-$args[2]" 2>/dev/null or man "$maincmd" 2>/dev/null or printf \a else man "$maincmd" 2>/dev/null or printf \a end commandline -f repaint end