# Caddy is a general-purpose HTTP/2 web server that serves HTTPS by default.
# https://caddyserver.com

complete -c caddy    -o agree                     -d "Agree to the CA's Subscriber Agreement"
complete -c caddy -x -o ca                        -d "URL to certificate authority's ACME server directory"
complete -c caddy -x -o catimeout                 -d "Default ACME CA HTTP timeout"
complete -c caddy -r -o conf -a stdin             -d "Caddyfile to load"
complete -c caddy -x -o cpu                       -d "CPU cap"
complete -c caddy    -o disable-http-challenge    -d "Disable the ACME HTTP challenge"
complete -c caddy    -o disable-tls-sni-challenge -d "Disable the ACME TLS-SNI challenge"
complete -c caddy -x -o email                     -d "Default ACME CA account email address"
complete -c caddy -x -o grace                     -d "Maximum duration of graceful shutdown"
complete -c caddy -x -o host                      -d "Default host"
complete -c caddy -x -o http-port                 -d "Default port to use for HTTP"
complete -c caddy    -o http2                     -d "Use HTTP/2"
complete -c caddy -x -o https-port                -d "Default port to use for HTTPS"
complete -c caddy -r -o log                       -d "Process log file"
complete -c caddy -r -o pidfile                   -d "Path to write pid file"
complete -c caddy    -o plugins                   -d "List installed plugins"
complete -c caddy -x -o port                      -d "Default port"
complete -c caddy    -o quic                      -d "Use experimental QUIC"
complete -c caddy    -o quiet                     -d "Quiet mode (no initialization output)"
complete -c caddy -x -o revoke                    -d "Hostname for which to revoke the certificate"
complete -c caddy -r -o root                      -d "Root path of default site"
complete -c caddy -x -o type                      -d "Type of server to run"
complete -c caddy    -o validate                  -d "Parse the Caddyfile but do not start the server"
complete -c caddy    -o version                   -d "Show version"