function __fail2ban_jails # No need to deduplicate because fish will take care of that for us path basename {,/usr/local}/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/*.{conf,local} | path change-extension "" end function __fail2ban_actions # No need to deduplicate because fish will take care of that for us path basename {,/usr/local}/etc/fail2ban/action.d/*.{conf,local} | path change-extension "" end # basic options complete -c fail2ban-client -s c -l conf -d "Configuration dir" complete -c fail2ban-client -s s -l socket -d "Socket path" complete -c fail2ban-client -s p -l pidfile -d "Pidfile path" complete -c fail2ban-client -l pname -d "Name of the process" complete -c fail2ban-client -l loglevel -d "loglevel of client" -xa "CRITICAL ERROR WARNING NOTICE INFO DEBUG TRACEDEBUG HEAVYDEBUG" complete -c fail2ban-client -l logtarget -d "Logging target" -a "stdout stderr syslog sysout" # or path complete -c fail2ban-client -l logtarget -d "Syslogsocket" -a "auto" # or path complete -c fail2ban-client -s d -d "Dump configuration" complete -c fail2ban-client -l dp -l dump-pretty -d "Dump configuration (pretty)" complete -c fail2ban-client -s t -l test -d "Test configuration" complete -c fail2ban-client -s i -d "Run in interactive mode" complete -c fail2ban-client -s v -d "Increase verbosity" complete -c fail2ban-client -s q -d "Decrease verbosity" complete -c fail2ban-client -s x -d "Force execution of server" complete -c fail2ban-client -s b -d "Start server in background (default)" complete -c fail2ban-client -s f -d "Start server in foreground" complete -c fail2ban-client -l str2sec -d "Convert time abbr format to secs" complete -c fail2ban-client -s h -l help -d "Display help message" complete -c fail2ban-client -s V -l version -d "Display client version" # subcommands complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "start" -d "Start fail2ban server or jail" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "restart" -d "Restart server or jail" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "reload" -d "Reload server configuration" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "stop" -d "Stop fail2ban server or jail" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "unban" -d "Unban ip address(es)" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "banned" -d "List jails w/ their banned IPs" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "status" -d "Get server or jail status" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "ping" -d "Check if server is alive" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "help" -d "Prints usage synopsis" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "version" -d "Prints server version" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "set" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "get" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "flushlogs" -d "Flushes log files and reopens" complete -c fail2ban-client -n __fish_is_first_token -xa "add" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from start" -xa "(__fail2ban_jails)" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from stop" -xa "(__fail2ban_jails)" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from status" -xa "(__fail2ban_jails)" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from restart" -xa "(__fail2ban_jails)" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from reload" -xa "(__fail2ban_jails)" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from add" -xa "(__fail2ban_jails)" # restart options complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from restart" -l unban complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from reload" -l if-exists # reload options complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from restart" -l restart complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from reload" -l unban complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from reload" -l all complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from reload" -l if-exists # unban options complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from unban" -l all # get/set loglevel complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from get" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in get" -xa loglevel -d "Get server log level" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in set" -xa loglevel -d "Change server log level" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in loglevel" -xa "CRITICAL ERROR WARNING NOTICE INFO DEBUG TRACEDEBUG HEAVYDEBUG" # get/set logtarget complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from get" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in get" -xa logtarget -d "Get server log output" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in set" -xa logtarget -d "Change server log output" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in logtarget" -a "STDOUT STDERR SYSLOG SYSTEMD-JOURNAL" # or path # get/set syslogsocket complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from get" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in get" -xa syslogsocket -d "Get server syslog socket" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in set" -xa syslogsocket -d "Change server syslog socket" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in syslogsocket" -a "auto" # or path # get/set dbfile complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from get" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in get" -xa dbfile -d "Get server db path" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in set" -xa dbfile -d "Change server db path" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in dbfile" -a "None" # or path # get/set dbmaxmatches complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from get" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in get" -xa dbmaxmatches -d "Get max matches stored per ticket" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in set" -xa dbmaxmatches -d "Set max matches stored per ticket" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in dbmaxmatches" -xa "(seq 0 100)" # get/set dbpurgeage complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from get" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in get" -xa dbpurgeage -d "Get secs ban history will be kept" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in set" -xa dbpurgeage -d "Set secs ban history will be kept" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in dbpurgeage" -xa "(seq 0 30 3600)" # get/set <jail> options complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set get" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in set get" -xa "(__fail2ban_jails)" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_is_nth_token 3" -xa "idle ignoreself addignoreip delignoreip ignorecommand ignorecache addlogpath dellogpath logencoding addjournalmatch deljournalmatch addfailregex delfailregex bantime datepattern usedns attempt banip unbanip maxretry maxmatches maxlines addaction delaction action" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from get" -n "__fish_is_nth_token 3" -xa "banned logpath logencoding journalmatch ignoreself ignoreip ignorecommand failregex ignoreregex findtime bantime datepattern usedns banip maxretry maxmatches maxlines actions action actionproperties actionmethods action" # complete actions for `get/set jail action/actionproperties/actionmethods` and `set jail addaction/delaction` complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from get set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in action{,properties,methods}" -n "__fish_is_nth_token 4" -xa "(__fail2ban_actions)" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in {add,del}action" -n "__fish_is_nth_token 4" -xa "(__fail2ban_actions)" # complete action commands for `get/set jail action <action>` complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from get set" -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from action" -n "__fish_is_nth_token 5" -xa "actionstart actionstop actioncheck actionban actionunban timeout" # specific enumerable jail properties complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from get set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in idle" -xa "on off" complete -c fail2ban-client -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from get set" -n "__fish_prev_arg_in ignoreself" -xa "true false"