\section status status - query fish runtime information \subsection status-synopsis Synopsis \fish{synopsis} status status is-login status is-interactive status is-block status is-breakpoint status is-command-substitution status is-no-job-control status is-full-job-control status is-interactive-job-control status current-filename status current-function status current-line-number status print-stack-trace status job-control CONTROL-TYPE \endfish \subsection status-description Description With no arguments, `status` displays a summary of the current login and job control status of the shell. The following operations (sub-commands) are available: - `is-command-sub` returns 0 if fish is currently executing a command substitution. Also `-c` or `--is-command-substitution`. - `is-block` returns 0 if fish is currently executing a block of code. Also `-b` or `--is-block`. - `is-breakpoint` returns 0 if fish is currently showing a prompt in the context of a `breakpoint` command. See also the `fish_breakpoint_prompt` function. - `is-interactive` returns 0 if fish is interactive - that is, connected to a keyboard. Also `-i` or `--is-interactive`. - `is-login` returns 0 if fish is a login shell - that is, if fish should perform login tasks such as setting up the PATH. Also `-l` or `--is-login`. - `is-full-job-control` returns 0 if full job control is enabled. Also `--is-full-job-control` (no short flag). - `is-interactive-job-control` returns 0 if interactive job control is enabled. Also, `--is-interactive-job-control` (no short flag). - `is-no-job-control` returns 0 if no job control is enabled. Also `--is-no-job-control` (no short flag). - `current-filename` prints the filename of the currently running script. Also `-f` or `--current-filename`. - `current-function` prints the name of the currently called function if able, when missing displays "Not a function". Also `-u` or `--current-function`. - `current-line-number` prints the line number of the currently running script. Also `-n` or `--current-line-number`. - `job-control CONTROL-TYPE` sets the job control type, which can be `none`, `full`, or `interactive`. Also `-j CONTROL-TYPE` or `--job-control=CONTROL-TYPE`. - `print-stack-trace` prints a stack trace of all function calls on the call stack. Also `-t` or `--print-stack-trace`. \subsection status-notes Notes For backwards compatibility each subcommand can also be specified as a long or short option. For example, rather than `status is-login` you can type `status --is-login`. The flag forms are deprecated and may be removed in a future release (but not before fish 3.0). You can only specify one subcommand per invocation even if you use the flag form of the subcommand.