string-pad - pad characters before and after string ======================================== Synopsis -------- .. BEGIN SYNOPSIS :: string pad [(-l | --left)] [(-r | --right)] [(-c | --char) CHAR] [(-n | --count) INTEGER] [(-q | --quiet)] [STRING...] .. END SYNOPSIS Description ----------- .. BEGIN DESCRIPTION ``string pad`` pads before and after the string specified character for each STRING. If ``-l`` or ``--left`` is given, only padded before string. Left only is the default padding. If ``-r`` or ``--right`` is given, only padded after string. The ``-c`` or ``--char`` switch causes the characters in CHAR to be padded instead of whitespace. The ``-n`` or ``--count`` integer specifies the amount of characters to be padded. The default padding count is 0. Exit status: 0 if string was padded, or 1 otherwise. .. END DESCRIPTION Examples -------- .. BEGIN EXAMPLES :: >_ string pad -l -n 10 -c ' ' 'abc' abc >_ string pad --right --count 5 --char=z foo bar foozzzzz barzzzzz >_ string pad --left --right -n 5 --char=- foo -----foo----- .. END EXAMPLES