/* Copyright (C) 2014 ridiculous_fish This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ // The fish_indent proegram. #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "color.h" #include "highlight.h" #include "parse_constants.h" #include "wutil.h" #include "common.h" #include "output.h" #include "env.h" #include "input.h" #include "parse_tree.h" #include "print_help.h" #include "fish_version.h" #define SPACES_PER_INDENT 4 // An indent_t represents an abstract indent depth. 2 means we are in a doubly-nested block, etc. typedef unsigned int indent_t; static bool dump_parse_tree = false; // Read the entire contents of a file into the specified string. static wcstring read_file(FILE *f) { wcstring result; while (1) { wint_t c = fgetwc(f); if (c == WEOF) { if (ferror(f)) { wperror(L"fgetwc"); exit(1); } break; } result.push_back((wchar_t)c); } return result; } // Append whitespace as necessary. If we have a newline, append the appropriate indent. Otherwise, // append a space. static void append_whitespace(indent_t node_indent, bool do_indent, bool has_new_line, wcstring *out_result) { if (!has_new_line) { out_result->push_back(L' '); } else if (do_indent) { out_result->append(node_indent * SPACES_PER_INDENT, L' '); } } // Dump a parse tree node in a form helpful to someone debugging the behavior of this program. static void dump_node(indent_t node_indent, const parse_node_t &node, const wcstring &source) { int nextc_idx = node.source_start + node.source_length; wchar_t prevc = node.source_start > 0 ? source[node.source_start - 1] : L' '; wchar_t nextc = nextc_idx < source.size() ? source[nextc_idx] : L' '; wchar_t prevc_str[4] = {prevc, 0, 0, 0}; wchar_t nextc_str[4] = {nextc, 0, 0, 0}; if (prevc < L' ') { prevc_str[0] = L'\\'; prevc_str[1] = L'c'; prevc_str[2] = prevc + '@'; } if (nextc < L' ') { nextc_str[0] = L'\\'; nextc_str[1] = L'c'; nextc_str[2] = nextc + '@'; } fwprintf(stderr, L"{off %4d, len %4d, indent %2u, %ls} [%ls|%ls|%ls]\n", node.source_start, node.source_length, node_indent, parser_token_types[node.type], prevc_str, source.substr(node.source_start, node.source_length).c_str(), nextc_str); } static void prettify_node_recursive(const wcstring &source, const parse_node_tree_t &tree, node_offset_t node_idx, indent_t node_indent, parse_token_type_t parent_type, bool *has_new_line, wcstring *out_result, bool do_indent) { const parse_node_t &node = tree.at(node_idx); const parse_token_type_t node_type = node.type; const parse_token_type_t prev_node_type = node_idx > 0 ? tree.at(node_idx - 1).type : token_type_invalid; // Increment the indent if we are either a root job_list, or root case_item_list, or in an if or // while header (#1665). const bool is_root_job_list = node_type == symbol_job_list && parent_type != symbol_job_list; const bool is_root_case_list = node_type == symbol_case_item_list && parent_type != symbol_case_item_list; const bool is_if_while_header = \ (node_type == symbol_job || node_type == symbol_andor_job_list) && (parent_type == symbol_if_clause || parent_type == symbol_while_header); if (is_root_job_list || is_root_case_list || is_if_while_header) { node_indent += 1; } if (dump_parse_tree) dump_node(node_indent, node, source); if (node.has_comments()) // handle comments, which come before the text { const parse_node_tree_t::parse_node_list_t comment_nodes = ( tree.comment_nodes_for_node(node)); for (size_t i = 0; i < comment_nodes.size(); i++) { const parse_node_t &comment_node = *comment_nodes.at(i); append_whitespace(node_indent, do_indent, *has_new_line, out_result); out_result->append(source, comment_node.source_start, comment_node.source_length); } } if (node_type == parse_token_type_end) { out_result->push_back(L'\n'); *has_new_line = true; } else if ((node_type >= FIRST_PARSE_TOKEN_TYPE && node_type <= LAST_PARSE_TOKEN_TYPE) || node_type == parse_special_type_parse_error) { if (node.has_source()) { // Some type representing a particular token. if (prev_node_type != parse_token_type_redirection) { append_whitespace(node_indent, do_indent, *has_new_line, out_result); } out_result->append(source, node.source_start, node.source_length); *has_new_line = false; } } // Recurse to all our children. for (node_offset_t idx = 0; idx < node.child_count; idx++) { // Note we pass our type to our child, which becomes its parent node type. prettify_node_recursive(source, tree, node.child_start + idx, node_indent, node_type, has_new_line, out_result, do_indent); } } /* Entry point for prettification. */ static wcstring prettify(const wcstring &src, bool do_indent) { parse_node_tree_t tree; if (! parse_tree_from_string(src, parse_flag_continue_after_error | parse_flag_include_comments | parse_flag_leave_unterminated | parse_flag_show_blank_lines, &tree, NULL /* errors */)) { /* We return the initial string on failure */ return src; } /* We may have a forest of disconnected trees on a parse failure. We have to handle all nodes that have no parent, and all parse errors. */ bool has_new_line = true; wcstring result; for (node_offset_t i=0; i < tree.size(); i++) { const parse_node_t &node = tree.at(i); if (node.parent == NODE_OFFSET_INVALID || node.type == parse_special_type_parse_error) { /* A root node */ prettify_node_recursive(src, tree, i, 0, symbol_job_list, &has_new_line, &result, do_indent); } } return result; } // Helper for output_set_writer static std::string output_receiver; static int write_to_output_receiver(char c) { output_receiver.push_back(c); return 0; } /* Given a string and list of colors of the same size, return the string with ANSI escape sequences representing the colors. */ static std::string ansi_colorize(const wcstring &text, const std::vector &colors) { assert(colors.size() == text.size()); assert(output_receiver.empty()); int (*saved)(char) = output_get_writer(); output_set_writer(write_to_output_receiver); highlight_spec_t last_color = highlight_spec_normal; for (size_t i=0; i < text.size(); i++) { highlight_spec_t color = colors.at(i); if (color != last_color) { set_color(highlight_get_color(color, false), rgb_color_t::normal()); last_color = color; } writech(text.at(i)); } output_set_writer(saved); std::string result; result.swap(output_receiver); return result; } /* Given a string and list of colors of the same size, return the string with HTML span elements for the various colors. */ static const wchar_t *html_class_name_for_color(highlight_spec_t spec) { #define P(x) L"fish_color_" #x switch (spec & HIGHLIGHT_SPEC_PRIMARY_MASK) { case highlight_spec_normal: return P(normal); case highlight_spec_error: return P(error); case highlight_spec_command: return P(command); case highlight_spec_statement_terminator: return P(statement_terminator); case highlight_spec_param: return P(param); case highlight_spec_comment: return P(comment); case highlight_spec_match: return P(match); case highlight_spec_search_match: return P(search_match); case highlight_spec_operator: return P(operator); case highlight_spec_escape: return P(escape); case highlight_spec_quote: return P(quote); case highlight_spec_redirection: return P(redirection); case highlight_spec_autosuggestion: return P(autosuggestion); case highlight_spec_selection: return P(selection); default: return P(other); } } static std::string html_colorize(const wcstring &text, const std::vector &colors) { if (text.empty()) { return ""; } assert(colors.size() == text.size()); wcstring html = L"
    highlight_spec_t last_color = highlight_spec_normal;
    for (size_t i=0; i < text.size(); i++)
        /* Handle colors */
        highlight_spec_t color = colors.at(i);
        if (i > 0 && color != last_color)
        if (i == 0 || color != last_color)
            append_format(html, L"", html_class_name_for_color(color));
        last_color = color;

        /* Handle text */
        wchar_t wc = text.at(i);
        switch (wc)
            case L'&':
            case L'\'':
            case L'"':
            case L'<':
            case L'>':
"); return wcs2string(html); } static std::string no_colorize(const wcstring &text) { return wcs2string(text); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { set_main_thread(); setup_fork_guards(); wsetlocale(LC_ALL, L""); program_name=L"fish_indent"; env_init(); input_init(); /* Types of output we support */ enum { output_type_plain_text, output_type_ansi, output_type_html } output_type = output_type_plain_text; bool do_indent = true; const char *short_opts = "+dhvi"; const struct option long_opts[] = { { "dump", no_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "no-indent", no_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "html", no_argument, NULL, 1 }, { "ansi", no_argument, NULL, 2 }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; int opt; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_opts, long_opts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 0: { fwprintf(stderr, _(L"getopt_long() unexpectedly returned zero\n")); exit_without_destructors(127); } case 'd': { dump_parse_tree = true; break; } case 'h': { print_help("fish_indent", 1); exit_without_destructors(0); } case 'v': { fwprintf(stderr, _(L"%ls, version %s\n"), program_name, get_fish_version()); exit(0); assert(0 && "Unreachable code reached"); break; } case 'i': { do_indent = false; break; } case 1: { output_type = output_type_html; break; } case 2: { output_type = output_type_ansi; break; } default: { // We assume getopt_long() has already emitted a diagnostic msg. exit_without_destructors(1); } } } const wcstring src = read_file(stdin); const wcstring output_wtext = prettify(src, do_indent); /* Maybe colorize */ std::vector colors; if (output_type != output_type_plain_text) { highlight_shell_no_io(output_wtext, colors, output_wtext.size(), NULL, env_vars_snapshot_t::current()); } std::string colored_output; switch (output_type) { case output_type_plain_text: colored_output = no_colorize(output_wtext); break; case output_type_ansi: colored_output = ansi_colorize(output_wtext, colors); break; case output_type_html: colored_output = html_colorize(output_wtext, colors); break; } fputs(colored_output.c_str(), stdout); return 0; }