function __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args set -l spec w/watch= c/clear='?' o/on-busy-update= r/restart s/signal= stop-signal= stop-timeout= d/debounce= stdin-quit no-vcs-ignore no-project-ignore no-global-ignore no-default-ignore no-discover-ignore p/postpone delay-run= poll= shell= n no-environment emit-events-to= E/env= no-process-group N/notify project-origin= workdir= e/exts= f/filter= filter-file= i/ignore= ignore-file= fs-events= no-meta print-events v/verbose log-file= manual h/help V/version set argv (commandline -opc | string escape) (commandline -ct) set -e argv[1] argparse -s $spec -- $argv 2>/dev/null # The remaining argv is the subcommand with all its options, which is what # we want. if set -q argv[1] and not string match -qr '^-.*' -- $argv[1] string join0 -- $argv return 0 else return 1 end end function __fish_watchexec_complete_subcommand set -l args (__fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args | string split0) complete -C "$args" end function __fish_watchexec_at_argfile set -l current (commandline -ct) if test (count (commandline -opc)) -eq 1 and string match -q '@*' -- $current set current (string sub -s 2 -- $current) __fish_complete_path | string replace -r "^" @ return 0 end return 1 end complete -c watchexec -n __fish_watchexec_at_argfile -x -a "(__fish_watchexec_at_argfile)" complete -c watchexec -x -a "(__fish_watchexec_complete_subcommand)" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -sw -lwatch -r -d "Watch a specific file or directory" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -sc -lclear -fa reset -d "Clear screen before running command" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -so -lon-busy-update -r -xa "queue do-nothinig restart signal" -d "What to do when receiving events while the command is running" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -sr -lrestart -d "Restart the process if it's still running" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -ss -lsignal -r -f -d "Send a signal to the process when it's still running" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lstop-signal -r -f -d "Signal to send to sstop the command" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lstop-timeout -r -f -d "Time to wait for the command to exit gracefully" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -sd -ldebounce -r -f -d "Time to wait for new events before taking action" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lstdin-quit -d "Exit when stding closes" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lno-vcs-ignore -d "Don't load gitignores" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lno-project-ignore -d "Don't load project-local ignores" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lno-global-ignore -d "Don't load global ignores" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lno-default-ignore -d "Don't use internal default ignores" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lno-discover-ignore -d "Don't discover ignore files at all" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -sp -lpostpone -d "Wait until first change before running command" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -ldelay-run -r -f -d "Sleep before running the command" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lpoll -r -f -d "Poll for filesystem changes" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lshell -r -fa "(printf 'none\tDon\'t use a shell\n';string match -r '^[^#].*' < /etc/shells)" -d "Use a different shell" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -ln -d "Don#t use a shell" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lno-environment -d "--emit-events=none" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lemit-events-to -r -fa "environment stdin file json-stdin json-file none" -d "Configure event emission" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -sE -lenv -r -f -d "Add env vars to the command" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lno-process-group -d "Don't use a process group" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -sN -lnotify -d "Alert when commands start and end" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lproject-origin -r -fa "(__fish_complete_directories)" -d "Set the project origin" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lworkdir -r -fa "(__fish_complete_directories)" -d "Set the working directory" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -se -lexts -r -f -d "Filename extensions to filter to" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -sf -lfilter -r -f -d "Filename patterns to filter to" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lfilter-file -r -d "Files to load filters from" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -si -lignore -r -f -d "Filename patterns to filter out" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lignore-file -r -d "Files to load ignores from" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lfs-events -r -fa "access create remove rename modify metadata" -d "Filesystem events to filter to" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lno-meta -d "Filesystem events to filter to" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lprint-events -d "Print events that trigger actions" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -sv -lverbose -d "Set diagnostic log level" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -llog-file -r -d "Write diagnostic logs to a file" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -lmanual -d "Show the manual page" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -sh -lhelp -d "Print help (see a summary with '-h')" complete -c watchexec -n "not __fish_watchexec_print_remaining_args" -sV -lversion -d "Print version"