use crate::wchar::{wstr, WString}; use widestring::utfstr::CharsUtf32; /// Helpers to convert things to widestring. /// This is like std::string::ToString. pub trait ToWString { fn to_wstring(&self) -> WString; } #[inline] fn to_wstring_impl(mut val: u64, neg: bool) -> WString { // 20 digits max in u64: 18446744073709551616. let mut digits = [0; 24]; let mut ndigits = 0; while val > 0 { digits[ndigits] = (val % 10) as u8; val /= 10; ndigits += 1; } if ndigits == 0 { digits[0] = 0; ndigits = 1; } let mut result = WString::with_capacity(ndigits + neg as usize); if neg { result.push('-'); } for i in (0..ndigits).rev() { result.push((digits[i] + b'0') as char); } result } /// Implement to_wstring() for signed types. macro_rules! impl_to_wstring_signed { ($t:ty) => { impl ToWString for $t { fn to_wstring(&self) -> WString { let val = *self as i64; to_wstring_impl(val.unsigned_abs(), val < 0) } } }; } impl_to_wstring_signed!(i8); impl_to_wstring_signed!(i16); impl_to_wstring_signed!(i32); impl_to_wstring_signed!(i64); impl_to_wstring_signed!(isize); /// Implement to_wstring() for unsigned types. macro_rules! impl_to_wstring_unsigned { ($t:ty) => { impl ToWString for $t { fn to_wstring(&self) -> WString { to_wstring_impl(*self as u64, false) } } }; } impl_to_wstring_unsigned!(u8); impl_to_wstring_unsigned!(u16); impl_to_wstring_unsigned!(u32); impl_to_wstring_unsigned!(u64); impl_to_wstring_unsigned!(usize); #[test] fn test_to_wstring() { assert_eq!(0_u64.to_wstring(), "0"); assert_eq!(1_u64.to_wstring(), "1"); assert_eq!(0_i64.to_wstring(), "0"); assert_eq!(1_i64.to_wstring(), "1"); assert_eq!((-1_i64).to_wstring(), "-1"); assert_eq!((-5_i64).to_wstring(), "-5"); let mut val: i64 = 1; loop { assert_eq!(val.to_wstring(), val.to_string()); let Some(next) = val.checked_mul(-3) else { break; }; val = next; } assert_eq!(u64::MAX.to_wstring(), "18446744073709551615"); assert_eq!(i64::MIN.to_wstring(), "-9223372036854775808"); assert_eq!(i64::MAX.to_wstring(), "9223372036854775807"); } /// A thing that a wide string can start with or end with. /// It must have a chars() method which returns a double-ended char iterator. pub trait CharPrefixSuffix { type Iter: DoubleEndedIterator; fn chars(self) -> Self::Iter; } impl CharPrefixSuffix for char { type Iter = std::iter::Once; fn chars(self) -> Self::Iter { std::iter::once(self) } } impl<'a> CharPrefixSuffix for &'a str { type Iter = std::str::Chars<'a>; fn chars(self) -> Self::Iter { str::chars(self) } } impl<'a> CharPrefixSuffix for &'a wstr { type Iter = CharsUtf32<'a>; fn chars(self) -> Self::Iter { wstr::chars(self) } } impl<'a> CharPrefixSuffix for &'a WString { type Iter = CharsUtf32<'a>; fn chars(self) -> Self::Iter { wstr::chars(self) } } /// \return true if \p prefix is a prefix of \p contents. fn iter_prefixes_iter(prefix: Prefix, mut contents: Contents) -> bool where Prefix: Iterator, Contents: Iterator, Prefix::Item: PartialEq, { for c1 in prefix { match { Some(c2) if c1 == c2 => {} _ => return false, } } true } /// Convenience functions for WString. pub trait WExt { /// Access the chars of a WString or wstr. fn as_char_slice(&self) -> &[char]; /// \return the char at an index. /// If the index is equal to the length, return '\0'. /// If the index exceeds the length, then panic. fn char_at(&self, index: usize) -> char { let chars = self.as_char_slice(); if index == chars.len() { '\0' } else { chars[index] } } /// \return the index of the first occurrence of the given char, or None. fn find_char(&self, c: char) -> Option { self.as_char_slice().iter().position(|&x| x == c) } /// \return whether we start with a given Prefix. /// The Prefix can be a char, a &str, a &wstr, or a &WString. fn starts_with(&self, prefix: Prefix) -> bool { iter_prefixes_iter(prefix.chars(), self.as_char_slice().iter().copied()) } /// \return whether we end with a given Suffix. /// The Suffix can be a char, a &str, a &wstr, or a &WString. fn ends_with(&self, suffix: Suffix) -> bool { iter_prefixes_iter( suffix.chars().rev(), self.as_char_slice().iter().copied().rev(), ) } } impl WExt for WString { fn as_char_slice(&self) -> &[char] { self.as_utfstr().as_char_slice() } } impl WExt for wstr { fn as_char_slice(&self) -> &[char] { wstr::as_char_slice(self) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::WExt; use crate::wchar::{WString, L}; /// Write some tests. #[cfg(test)] fn test_find_char() { assert_eq!(Some(0), L!("abc").find_char('a')); assert_eq!(Some(1), L!("abc").find_char('b')); assert_eq!(None, L!("abc").find_char('X')); assert_eq!(None, L!("").find_char('X')); } #[cfg(test)] fn test_prefix() { assert!(L!("").starts_with(L!(""))); assert!(L!("abc").starts_with(L!(""))); assert!(L!("abc").starts_with('a')); assert!(L!("abc").starts_with("ab")); assert!(L!("abc").starts_with(L!("ab"))); assert!(L!("abc").starts_with(&WString::from_str("abc"))); } #[cfg(test)] fn test_suffix() { assert!(L!("").ends_with(L!(""))); assert!(L!("abc").ends_with(L!(""))); assert!(L!("abc").ends_with('c')); assert!(L!("abc").ends_with("bc")); assert!(L!("abc").ends_with(L!("bc"))); assert!(L!("abc").ends_with(&WString::from_str("abc"))); } }