# name: Acidhub # author: Acidhub - https://acidhub.click/ function fish_prompt -d "Write out the prompt" set -l laststatus $status set -l git_info if set -l git_branch (command git branch --format=%\(refname:lstrip=2\) 2> /dev/null) set -l git_status if test -n "$git_branch"; and not command git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- if set -l count (command git rev-list --count --left-right $upstream...HEAD 2>/dev/null) echo $count | read -l ahead behind if test "$ahead" -gt 0 set git_status "$git_status"(set_color red)⬆ end if test "$behind" -gt 0 set git_status "$git_status"(set_color red)⬇ end end for i in (git status --porcelain | string sub -l 2 | sort | uniq) switch $i case "." set git_status "$git_status"(set_color green)✚ case " D" set git_status "$git_status"(set_color red)✖ case "*M*" set git_status "$git_status"(set_color green)✱ case "*R*" set git_status "$git_status"(set_color purple)➜ case "*U*" set git_status "$git_status"(set_color brown)═ case "??" set git_status "$git_status"(set_color red)≠ end end else set git_status (set_color green): if test -z "$git_branch" set git_branch "-" end end set git_info "(git$git_status"(set_color -o blue)"$git_branch"(set_color white)")" end # Disable PWD shortening by default. set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length or set -lx fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 0 set_color -b black printf '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' (set_color -o white) '❰' (set_color green) $USER (set_color white) '❙' (set_color yellow) (prompt_pwd) (set_color white) $git_info (set_color white) '❱' (set_color white) if test $laststatus -eq 0 printf "%s✔%s≻%s " (set_color -o green) (set_color white) (set_color normal) else printf "%s✘%s≻%s " (set_color -o red) (set_color white) (set_color normal) end end