function __fish_exercism_no_subcommand -d 'Test if exercism has yet to be given the subcommand' for i in (commandline -opc) if contains -- $i demo debug configure fetch restore submit unsubmit tracks download help return 1 end end return 0 end complete -c exercism -s c -l config -d 'path to config file [$EXERCISM_CONFIG_FILE, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME]' complete -c exercism -s v -l verbose -d "turn on verbose logging" complete -c exercism -s h -l help -d "show help" complete -c exercism -s v -l version -d "print the version" complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'configure' -d "Writes config values to a JSON file." complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'debug' -d "Outputs useful debug information." complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'download' -d "Downloads a solution given the ID of the latest iteration." complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'fetch' -d "Fetches the next unsubmitted problem in each track." complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'list' -d "Lists the available problems for a language track, given its ID." complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'open' -d "Opens to your most recent iteration of a problem given the track ID and problem slug." complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'restore' -d "Downloads the most recent iteration for each of your solutions on" complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'skip' -d "Skips a problem given a track ID and problem slug." complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'status' -d "Fetches information about your progress with a given language track." complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'submit' -d "Submits a new iteration to a problem on" complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'tracks' -d "Lists the available language tracks." complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'unsubmit' -d "REMOVED" complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'upgrade' -d "Upgrades the CLI to the latest released version." complete -f -n '__fish_exercism_no_subcommand' -c exercism -a 'help' -d "show help"