function __fish_complete_list --argument-names div cmd prefix iprefix if not set -q cmd[1] echo "Usage: __fish_complete_list where: separator - a symbol, separating individual entries function - a function which prints a completion list to complete each entry prefix - a prefix, which is printed before the list itemprefix - a prefix, which is printed before each item" >/dev/stderr return 1 end set -q iprefix[1] or set -l iprefix "" set -q prefix[1] or set -l prefix "" set -l pat "$(commandline -t)" #set -l pat $argv[5] switch $pat case "*$div*" for i in (echo $pat | sed "s/^\(.\+$div\)$iprefix.*\$/\1/")$iprefix(eval $cmd) string unescape -- $i end case '*' for i in $prefix$iprefix(eval $cmd) string unescape -- $i end end end