#RUN: %fish %s echo $(echo 1\n2) # CHECK: 1 2 # Command substitution inside double quotes strips trailing newline. echo "a$(echo b)c" # CHECK: abc # Nesting echo "$(echo "$(echo a)")" # CHECK: a echo "$(echo $(echo b))" # CHECK: b echo "$(echo multiple).$(echo command).$(echo substitutions)" # CHECK: multiple.command.substitutions test -n "$()" || echo "empty list is interpolated to empty string" # CHECK: empty list is interpolated to empty string # Variables in command substitution output are not expanded. echo "$(echo \~ \$HOME)" # CHECK: ~ $HOME echo "$(printf %s 'quoted command substitution multiline output line 2 line 3 ')" # CHECK: quoted command substitution multiline output # CHECK: line 2 # CHECK: line 3 echo trim any newlines "$(echo \n\n\n)" after cmdsub #CHECK: trim any newlines after cmdsub echo i{1, (echo 2), "$(echo 3)"} # CHECK: i1 i2 i3 echo "$(echo index\nrange\nexpansion)[2]" #CHECK: range echo "$(echo '"')" #CHECK: " echo "$(echo $(echo 1) ())" #CHECK: 1 echo "$(echo 1))" # CHECK: 1) echo "($(echo 1))" # CHECK: (1) echo "$(echo 1) ( $(echo 2)" # CHECK: 1 ( 2 echo "$(echo A)B$(echo C)D"(echo E) # CHECK: ABCDE