set command termux-microphone-record complete -c $command -f complete -c $command \ -s h \ -d 'Show [h]elp' complete -c $command \ -s d \ -d Record complete -c $command \ -s f \ -d 'Specify a [f]ile to save recording to' \ -F -r complete -c $command \ -a '0\tdefault' \ -s l \ -d 'Specify a recording length [l]imit' \ -x complete -c $command \ -a 'aac amr_wb amr_nb' \ -s e \ -d 'Specify a recording [e]ncoder' \ -x complete -c $command \ -s b \ -d 'Specify a recording [b]itrate' \ -x complete -c $command \ -s r \ -d 'Specify a recording sampling [r]ate' \ -x complete -c $command \ -s c \ -d 'Specify a recording [c]hannel count' \ -x complete -c $command \ -s i \ -d 'Show [i]nformation about the current recording' complete -c $command \ -s q \ -d '[q]uit the current recording'