# This theme is based on the python docs theme, version 2020.1. # Changes: # # - References to python changed to fish references (including the logo) # - Styling was adjusted to fit fishshell.com - a gradient border around the main div, plus a shadow, some other backgrond colors and fonts, a border around the sidebar. # - The genindex, next/previous and copyright links were removed [theme] inherit = default stylesheet = pydoctheme.css [options] bodyfont = 'Lucida Grande', Arial, sans-serif headfont = 'Lucida Grande', Arial, sans-serif footerbgcolor = #eeeefa footertextcolor = #555555 relbarbgcolor = #eeeefa relbartextcolor = #666666 relbarlinkcolor = #444444 sidebarbgcolor = #eeeefa sidebartextcolor = #444444 sidebarlinkcolor = #444444 bgcolor = #eeeefa textcolor = #222222 linkcolor = #08c visitedlinkcolor = #00608f headtextcolor = #1a1a1a headbgcolor = #eeeefa headlinkcolor = #aaaaaa issues_url = https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues root_name = fish-shell root_url = https://fishshell.com/ root_icon = fish.png root_include_title = True