/** \file tokenizer.c A specialized tokenizer for tokenizing the fish language. In the future, the tokenizer should be extended to support marks, tokenizing multiple strings and disposing of unused string segments. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fallback.h" #include "util.h" #include "wutil.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include "common.h" /* Wow what a hack */ #define TOK_CALL_ERROR(t, e, x) do { tok_call_error((t), (e), (t)->squash_errors ? L"" : (x)); } while (0) /** Error string for unexpected end of string */ #define QUOTE_ERROR _( L"Unexpected end of string, quotes are not balanced" ) /** Error string for mismatched parenthesis */ #define PARAN_ERROR _( L"Unexpected end of string, parenthesis do not match" ) /** Error string for mismatched square brackets */ #define SQUARE_BRACKET_ERROR _( L"Unexpected end of string, square brackets do not match" ) /** Error string for invalid redirections */ #define REDIRECT_ERROR _( L"Invalid input/output redirection" ) /** Error string for when trying to pipe from fd 0 */ #define PIPE_ERROR _( L"Can not use fd 0 as pipe output" ) /** Characters that separate tokens. They are ordered by frequency of occurrence to increase parsing speed. */ #define SEP L" \n|\t;#\r<>^&" /** Descriptions of all tokenizer errors */ static const wchar_t *tok_desc[] = { N_(L"Tokenizer not yet initialized"), N_(L"Tokenizer error"), N_(L"Invalid token"), N_(L"String"), N_(L"Pipe"), N_(L"End of command"), N_(L"Redirect output to file"), N_(L"Append output to file"), N_(L"Redirect input to file"), N_(L"Redirect to file descriptor"), N_(L"Redirect output to file if file does not exist"), N_(L"Run job in background"), N_(L"Comment") }; /** Set the latest tokens string to be the specified error message */ static void tok_call_error(tokenizer_t *tok, int error_type, const wchar_t *error_message) { tok->last_type = TOK_ERROR; tok->error = error_type; tok->last_token = error_message; } int tok_get_error(tokenizer_t *tok) { return tok->error; } tokenizer_t::tokenizer_t(const wchar_t *b, tok_flags_t flags) : buff(NULL), orig_buff(NULL), last_type(TOK_NONE), last_pos(0), has_next(false), accept_unfinished(false), show_comments(false), last_quote(0), error(0), squash_errors(false), cached_lineno_offset(0), cached_lineno_count(0) { /* We can only generate error messages on the main thread due to wgettext() thread safety issues. */ if (!(flags & TOK_SQUASH_ERRORS)) { ASSERT_IS_MAIN_THREAD(); } CHECK(b,); this->accept_unfinished = !!(flags & TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED); this->show_comments = !!(flags & TOK_SHOW_COMMENTS); this->squash_errors = !!(flags & TOK_SQUASH_ERRORS); this->has_next = (*b != L'\0'); this->orig_buff = this->buff = b; this->cached_lineno_offset = 0; this->cached_lineno_count = 0; tok_next(this); } enum token_type tok_last_type(tokenizer_t *tok) { CHECK(tok, TOK_ERROR); CHECK(tok->buff, TOK_ERROR); return tok->last_type; } const wchar_t *tok_last(tokenizer_t *tok) { CHECK(tok, 0); return tok->last_token.c_str(); } int tok_has_next(tokenizer_t *tok) { /* Return 1 on broken tokenizer */ CHECK(tok, 1); CHECK(tok->buff, 1); /* fwprintf( stderr, L"has_next is %ls \n", tok->has_next?L"true":L"false" );*/ return tok->has_next; } int tokenizer_t::line_number_of_character_at_offset(size_t offset) { // we want to return (one plus) the number of newlines at offsets less than the given offset // cached_lineno_count is the number of newlines at indexes less than cached_lineno_offset const wchar_t *str = orig_buff; if (! str) return 0; // easy hack to handle 0 if (offset == 0) return 1; size_t i; if (offset > cached_lineno_offset) { for (i = cached_lineno_offset; str[i] && i': case L'&': return false; /* Conditional separator */ case L'^': return ! is_first; default: return true; } } /** Quick test to catch the most common 'non-magical' characters, makes read_string slightly faster by adding a fast path for the most common characters. This is obviously not a suitable replacement for iswalpha. */ static int myal(wchar_t c) { return (c>=L'a' && c<=L'z') || (c>=L'A'&&c<=L'Z'); } /** Read the next token as a string */ static void read_string(tokenizer_t *tok) { const wchar_t *start; long len; int do_loop=1; int paran_count=0; start = tok->buff; bool is_first = true; enum tok_mode_t { mode_regular_text = 0, // regular text mode_subshell = 1, // inside of subshell mode_array_brackets = 2, // inside of array brackets mode_array_brackets_and_subshell = 3 // inside of array brackets and subshell, like in '$foo[(ech' } mode = mode_regular_text; while (1) { if (!myal(*tok->buff)) { if (*tok->buff == L'\\') { tok->buff++; if (*tok->buff == L'\0') { if ((!tok->accept_unfinished)) { TOK_CALL_ERROR(tok, TOK_UNTERMINATED_ESCAPE, QUOTE_ERROR); return; } else { /* Since we are about to increment tok->buff, decrement it first so the increment doesn't go past the end of the buffer. https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/389 */ tok->buff--; do_loop = 0; } } tok->buff++; continue; } switch (mode) { case mode_regular_text: { switch (*tok->buff) { case L'(': { paran_count=1; mode = mode_subshell; break; } case L'[': { if (tok->buff != start) mode = mode_array_brackets; break; } case L'\'': case L'"': { const wchar_t *end = quote_end(tok->buff); tok->last_quote = *tok->buff; if (end) { tok->buff=(wchar_t *)end; } else { tok->buff += wcslen(tok->buff); if (! tok->accept_unfinished) { TOK_CALL_ERROR(tok, TOK_UNTERMINATED_QUOTE, QUOTE_ERROR); return; } do_loop = 0; } break; } default: { if (! tok_is_string_character(*(tok->buff), is_first)) { do_loop=0; } } } break; } case mode_array_brackets_and_subshell: case mode_subshell: switch (*tok->buff) { case L'\'': case L'\"': { const wchar_t *end = quote_end(tok->buff); if (end) { tok->buff=(wchar_t *)end; } else { tok->buff += wcslen(tok->buff); if ((!tok->accept_unfinished)) { TOK_CALL_ERROR(tok, TOK_UNTERMINATED_QUOTE, QUOTE_ERROR); return; } do_loop = 0; } break; } case L'(': paran_count++; break; case L')': paran_count--; if (paran_count == 0) { mode = (mode == mode_array_brackets_and_subshell ? mode_array_brackets : mode_regular_text); } break; case L'\0': do_loop = 0; break; } break; case mode_array_brackets: switch (*tok->buff) { case L'(': paran_count=1; mode = mode_array_brackets_and_subshell; break; case L']': mode = mode_regular_text; break; case L'\0': do_loop = 0; break; } break; } } if (!do_loop) break; tok->buff++; is_first = false; } if ((!tok->accept_unfinished) && (mode != mode_regular_text)) { switch (mode) { case mode_subshell: TOK_CALL_ERROR(tok, TOK_UNTERMINATED_SUBSHELL, PARAN_ERROR); break; case mode_array_brackets: case mode_array_brackets_and_subshell: TOK_CALL_ERROR(tok, TOK_UNTERMINATED_SUBSHELL, SQUARE_BRACKET_ERROR); // TOK_UNTERMINATED_SUBSHELL is a lie but nobody actually looks at it break; default: assert(0 && "Unexpected mode in read_string"); break; } return; } len = tok->buff - start; tok->last_token.assign(start, len); tok->last_type = TOK_STRING; } /** Read the next token as a comment. */ static void read_comment(tokenizer_t *tok) { const wchar_t *start; start = tok->buff; while (*(tok->buff)!= L'\n' && *(tok->buff)!= L'\0') tok->buff++; size_t len = tok->buff - start; tok->last_token.assign(start, len); tok->last_type = TOK_COMMENT; } /** Read a FD redirection. */ static void read_redirect(tokenizer_t *tok, int fd) { enum token_type redirection_mode = TOK_NONE; if ((*tok->buff == L'>') || (*tok->buff == L'^')) { tok->buff++; if (*tok->buff == *(tok->buff-1)) { tok->buff++; redirection_mode = TOK_REDIRECT_APPEND; } else { redirection_mode = TOK_REDIRECT_OUT; } if (*tok->buff == L'|') { if (fd == 0) { TOK_CALL_ERROR(tok, TOK_OTHER, PIPE_ERROR); return; } tok->buff++; tok->last_token = to_string(fd); tok->last_type = TOK_PIPE; return; } } else if (*tok->buff == L'<') { tok->buff++; redirection_mode = TOK_REDIRECT_IN; } else { TOK_CALL_ERROR(tok, TOK_OTHER, REDIRECT_ERROR); } tok->last_token = to_string(fd); if (*tok->buff == L'&') { tok->buff++; tok->last_type = TOK_REDIRECT_FD; } else if (*tok->buff == L'?') { tok->buff++; tok->last_type = TOK_REDIRECT_NOCLOB; } else { tok->last_type = redirection_mode; } } wchar_t tok_last_quote(tokenizer_t *tok) { CHECK(tok, 0); return tok->last_quote; } /** Test if a character is whitespace. Differs from iswspace in that it does not consider a newline to be whitespace. */ static bool my_iswspace(wchar_t c) { return c != L'\n' && iswspace(c); } const wchar_t *tok_get_desc(int type) { if (type < 0 || (size_t)type >= sizeof(tok_desc)) { return _(L"Invalid token type"); } return _(tok_desc[type]); } void tok_next(tokenizer_t *tok) { CHECK(tok,); CHECK(tok->buff,); if (tok_last_type(tok) == TOK_ERROR) { tok->has_next=false; return; } if (!tok->has_next) { /* wprintf( L"EOL\n" );*/ tok->last_type = TOK_END; return; } while (1) { if (tok->buff[0] == L'\\' && tok->buff[1] == L'\n') { tok->buff += 2; } else if (my_iswspace(tok->buff[0])) { tok->buff++; } else { break; } } if (*tok->buff == L'#') { if (tok->show_comments) { tok->last_pos = tok->buff - tok->orig_buff; read_comment(tok); return; } else { while (*(tok->buff)!= L'\n' && *(tok->buff)!= L'\0') tok->buff++; } while (my_iswspace(*(tok->buff))) tok->buff++; } tok->last_pos = tok->buff - tok->orig_buff; switch (*tok->buff) { case L'\0': tok->last_type = TOK_END; /*fwprintf( stderr, L"End of string\n" );*/ tok->has_next = false; break; case 13: case L'\n': case L';': tok->last_type = TOK_END; tok->buff++; break; case L'&': tok->last_type = TOK_BACKGROUND; tok->buff++; break; case L'|': tok->last_token = L"1"; tok->last_type = TOK_PIPE; tok->buff++; break; case L'>': read_redirect(tok, 1); return; case L'<': read_redirect(tok, 0); return; case L'^': read_redirect(tok, 2); return; default: { if (iswdigit(*tok->buff)) { const wchar_t *orig = tok->buff; int fd = 0; while (iswdigit(*tok->buff)) fd = (fd*10) + (*(tok->buff++) - L'0'); switch (*(tok->buff)) { case L'^': case L'>': case L'<': read_redirect(tok, fd); return; } tok->buff = orig; } read_string(tok); } } } enum token_type tok_peek_next(tokenizer_t *tok, wcstring *out_next_string) { if (out_next_string != NULL) { out_next_string->clear(); } enum token_type result = TOK_END; if (tok_has_next(tok)) { int saved = tok_get_pos(tok); tok_next(tok); result = tok_last_type(tok); if (out_next_string != NULL) { const wchar_t *last = tok_last(tok); out_next_string->assign(last ? last : L""); } tok_set_pos(tok, saved); } return result; } const wchar_t *tok_string(tokenizer_t *tok) { return tok?tok->orig_buff:0; } wcstring tok_first(const wchar_t *str) { wcstring result; if (str) { tokenizer_t t(str, TOK_SQUASH_ERRORS); switch (tok_last_type(&t)) { case TOK_STRING: { const wchar_t *tmp = tok_last(&t); if (tmp != NULL) result = tmp; break; } default: break; } } return result; } int tok_get_pos(const tokenizer_t *tok) { CHECK(tok, 0); return (int)tok->last_pos; } size_t tok_get_extent(const tokenizer_t *tok) { CHECK(tok, 0); size_t current_pos = tok->buff - tok->orig_buff; return current_pos > tok->last_pos ? current_pos - tok->last_pos : 0; } void tok_set_pos(tokenizer_t *tok, int pos) { CHECK(tok,); tok->buff = tok->orig_buff + pos; tok->has_next = true; tok_next(tok); } bool move_word_state_machine_t::consume_char_punctuation(wchar_t c) { enum { s_always_one = 0, s_whitespace, s_alphanumeric, s_end }; bool consumed = false; while (state != s_end && ! consumed) { switch (state) { case s_always_one: /* Always consume the first character */ consumed = true; state = s_whitespace; break; case s_whitespace: if (iswspace(c)) { /* Consumed whitespace */ consumed = true; } else { state = s_alphanumeric; } break; case s_alphanumeric: if (iswalnum(c)) { /* Consumed alphanumeric */ consumed = true; } else { state = s_end; } break; case s_end: default: break; } } return consumed; } bool move_word_state_machine_t::is_path_component_character(wchar_t c) { /* Always treat separators as first. All this does is ensure that we treat ^ as a string character instead of as stderr redirection, which I hypothesize is usually what is desired. */ return tok_is_string_character(c, true) && ! wcschr(L"/={,}'\"", c); } bool move_word_state_machine_t::consume_char_path_components(wchar_t c) { enum { s_initial_punctuation, s_whitespace, s_separator, s_slash, s_path_component_characters, s_end }; //printf("state %d, consume '%lc'\n", state, c); bool consumed = false; while (state != s_end && ! consumed) { switch (state) { case s_initial_punctuation: if (! is_path_component_character(c)) { consumed = true; } state = s_whitespace; break; case s_whitespace: if (iswspace(c)) { /* Consumed whitespace */ consumed = true; } else if (c == L'/' || is_path_component_character(c)) { /* Path component */ state = s_slash; } else { /* Path separator */ state = s_separator; } break; case s_separator: if (! iswspace(c) && ! is_path_component_character(c)) { /* Consumed separator */ consumed = true; } else { state = s_end; } break; case s_slash: if (c == L'/') { /* Consumed slash */ consumed = true; } else { state = s_path_component_characters; } break; case s_path_component_characters: if (is_path_component_character(c)) { /* Consumed string character except slash */ consumed = true; } else { state = s_end; } break; /* We won't get here, but keep the compiler happy */ case s_end: default: break; } } return consumed; } bool move_word_state_machine_t::consume_char(wchar_t c) { switch (style) { case move_word_style_punctuation: return consume_char_punctuation(c); case move_word_style_path_components: return consume_char_path_components(c); default: return false; } } move_word_state_machine_t::move_word_state_machine_t(move_word_style_t syl) : state(0), style(syl) { } void move_word_state_machine_t::reset() { state = 0; }