Test1 begin echo hi end | cat | cat | begin echo hi end | begin begin echo hi end end arg Test2 switch aloha case alpha echo sup case beta gamma echo hi end Test3 function hello_world begin echo hi end | cat echo sup echo sup echo hello echo hello end Test4 echo alpha #comment1 #comment2 #comment3 for i in abc #comment1 #comment2 echo hi end switch foo #abc # bar case bar echo baz\ qqq case "*" echo sup end Test5 if true else if false echo alpha switch beta case gamma echo delta end end Test6 begin echo hi else echo bye end echo alpha " Test7 if begin false end echo hi end while begin false end echo hi end Test redir formatting echo <stdin >>appended yes 2>&1 no >stdout maybe 2>&4 | cat 2>| cat Test normalization of keywords if true echo yes end while true builtin yes end alpha | \ beta gamma | \ # comment3 delta if true echo abc end if false # comment4 and true && false echo abc end echo hi | echo bye a echo echo a; and b a and b a and b a b