# Bittorrent commands for i in btdownloadcurses.py btdownloadheadless.py; complete -c $i -l max_uploads -x -d "Maximum uploads at once" complete -c $i -l keepalive_interval -x -d "Number of seconds between keepalives" complete -c $i -l download_slice_size -x -d "Bytes per request" complete -c $i -l request_backlog -x -d "Requests per pipe" complete -c $i -l max_message_length -x -d "Maximum length prefix encoding" complete -c $i -l ip -d "IP to report to the tracker" -x -a "(__fish_print_addresses)" complete -c $i -l minport -d "Minimum port to listen to" complete -c $i -l maxport -d "Maximum port to listen to" complete -c $i -l responsefile -r -d "File for server response" complete -c $i -l url -x -d "URL to get file from" complete -c $i -l saveas -r -d "Local file target" complete -c $i -l timeout -x -d "Time to close inactive socket" complete -c $i -l timeout_check_interval -x -d "Time between checking timeouts" complete -c $i -l max_slice_length -x -d "Maximum outgoing slice length" complete -c $i -l max_rate_period -x -d "Maximum time to guess rate" complete -c $i -l bind -x -d "IP to bind to locally" -a "(__fish_print_addresses)" complete -c $i -l upload_rate_fudge -x -d "time equivalent of writing to kernel-level TCP buffer" complete -c $i -l display_interval -x -d "Time between screen updates" complete -c $i -l rerequest_interval -x -d "Time to wait between requesting more peers" complete -c $i -l min_peers -x -d "Minimum number of peers to not do requesting" complete -c $i -l http_timeout -x -d "Number of seconds before assuming http timeout" complete -c $i -l max_initiate -x -d "Number of peers at which to stop initiating new connections" complete -c $i -l max_allow_in -x -d "Maximum number of connections to allow" complete -c $i -l check_hashes -x -d "Whether to check hashes on disk" complete -c $i -l max_upload_rate -x -d "Maximum kB/s to upload at" complete -c $i -l snub_time -x -d "Seconds to wait for data to come in before assuming choking" complete -c $i -l spew -x -d "Whether to display diagnostic info" complete -c $i -l rarest_first_cutoff -x -d "Number of downloads at which to switch from random to rarest first" complete -c $i -l min_uploads -x -d "Number of uploads to fill out to with optimistic unchokes" complete -c $i -l report_hash_failiures -x -d "Whether to inform the user that hash failures occur" end;