# Test basic add and list of __abbr1
abbr -a -U -- __abbr1 'alpha beta gamma'

# Erasing one that doesn't exist should do nothing
abbr -a -U -- __abbr1 'alpha beta gamma'

# Adding existing __abbr1 should be idempotent
abbr -a -U -- __abbr1 'alpha beta gamma'

# Replacing __abbr1 definition
abbr -a -U -- __abbr1 delta

# __abbr1 -s and --show tests
abbr -a -U -- __abbr1 delta
abbr -a -U -- __abbr1 delta

# Test erasing __abbr1

# Ensure we escape special characters on output
abbr -a -U -- '~__abbr2' '$xyz'

# Ensure we handle leading dashes in abbreviation names properly
abbr -a -U -- --__abbr3 xyz

# Test that an abbr word containing spaces is rejected

# Test renaming
abbr -a -U -- __abbr5 omega

# Test renaming a nonexistent abbreviation

# Test renaming to a abbreviation with spaces

# Test renaming without arguments

# Test renaming with too many arguments
abbr -a -U -- __abbr8 omega

# Test renaming to existing abbreviation