# htop is an interactive process viewer. # See: http://hisham.hm/htop complete -c htop -l delay -s d -d 'Update interval' -x complete -c htop -l no-color -s C -d 'Start htop in monochrome mode' complete -c htop -l no-colour -d 'Start htop in monochrome mode' complete -c htop -l help -s h -d 'Show help and exit' complete -c htop -l pid -s p -d 'Show only given PIDs' -x -a '(__fish_append , (__fish_complete_pids))' complete -c htop -l user -s u -d 'Monitor given user' -x -a '(__fish_complete_users)' complete -c htop -l sort-key -d 'Sort column' -xa '(htop --sort-key help)' complete -c htop -l version -s v -d 'Show version and exit'