controllers = angular.module("controllers", []); controllers.controller("main", function($scope, $location) { // substr(1) strips a leading slash $scope.currentTab = $location.path().substr(1) || "colors"; $scope.changeView = function(view) { $location.path(view); $scope.currentTab = view; } }) controllers.controller("colorsController", function($scope, $http) { $scope.changeSelectedColorScheme= function(newScheme) { $scope.selectedColorScheme = angular.copy(newScheme); if ($scope.selectedColorScheme.preferred_background) { $scope.terminalBackgroundColor = $scope.selectedColorScheme.preferred_background; } $scope.selectedColorSetting = false; $scope.customizationActive = false; $scope.csEditingType = false; $scope.colorArraysArray = $scope.getColorArraysArray(); //TODO: Save button should be shown only when colors are changed $scope.showSaveButton = true; $scope.noteThemeChanged(); } $scope.changeTerminalBackgroundColor = function(color) { $scope.terminalBackgroundColor = color; } $scope.text_color_for_color = text_color_for_color; $scope.border_color_for_color = border_color_for_color; $scope.interpret_color = interpret_color; $scope.getColorArraysArray = function() { var result = null; if ( $scope.selectedColorScheme.colors && $scope.selectedColorScheme.colors.length > 0) result = get_colors_as_nested_array($scope.selectedColorScheme.colors, 32); else result = get_colors_as_nested_array(term_256_colors, 32); return result; } $scope.beginCustomizationWithSetting = function(setting) { if (! $scope.customizationActive) { $scope.customizationActive = true; $scope.selectedColorSetting = setting; $scope.csEditingType = setting; $scope.csUserVisibleTitle = user_visible_title_for_setting_name(setting); } } $scope.selectColorSetting = function(name) { $scope.selectedColorSetting = name; $scope.csEditingType = $scope.customizationActive ? name : ''; $scope.csUserVisibleTitle = user_visible_title_for_setting_name(name); $scope.beginCustomizationWithSetting(name); } $scope.toggleCustomizationActive = function() { if (! $scope.customizationActive) { $scope.beginCustomizationWithSetting($scope.selectedColorSetting || 'command'); } else { $scope.customizationActive = false; $scope.selectedColorSetting = ''; $scope.csEditingType = ''; } } $scope.changeSelectedTextColor = function(color) { $scope.selectedColorScheme[$scope.selectedColorSetting] = color; $scope.selectedColorScheme["colordata-" + $scope.selectedColorSetting].color = color; $scope.noteThemeChanged(); } $scope.sampleTerminalBackgroundColors = ['white', '#' + solarized.base3, '#300', '#003', '#' + solarized.base03, '#232323', '#'+nord.nord0, 'black']; /* Array of FishColorSchemes */ $scope.colorSchemes = []; isValidColor = function(col) { if (col == "normal") return true; var s = new Option().style; s.color = col; return !!s.color; } $scope.getThemes = function() { $http.get("colors/").then(function(arg) { for (var scheme of { var currentScheme = { "name": "Current", "colors":[], "preferred_background": "black" }; currentScheme["name"] = scheme["theme"]; if (scheme["name"]) currentScheme["name"] = scheme["name"]; var data = scheme["colors"]; if (scheme["preferred_background"]) { if (isValidColor(scheme["preferred_background"])) { currentScheme["preferred_background"] = scheme["preferred_background"]; } } if (scheme["url"]) currentScheme["url"] = scheme["url"]; var cols = []; for (var i in data) { currentScheme[data[i].name] = interpret_color(data[i].color).replace(/#/, ''); // HACK: For some reason the colors array is cleared later // So we cheesily encode the actual objects as colordata-, so we can send them. // TODO: We should switch to keeping the objects, and also displaying them // with underlines and such. currentScheme["colordata-" + data[i].name] = data[i]; } $scope.colorSchemes.push(currentScheme); } $scope.changeSelectedColorScheme($scope.colorSchemes[0]); })}; $scope.saveThemeButtonTitle = "Set Theme"; $scope.noteThemeChanged = function() { $scope.saveThemeButtonTitle = "Set Theme"; } $scope.setTheme = function() { var settingNames = ["normal", "command", "quote", "redirection", "end", "error", "param", "comment", "match", "selection", "search_match", "history_current", "operator", "escape", "cwd", "cwd_root", "valid_path", "autosuggestion", "user", "host", "cancel", // Cheesy hardcoded variable names ahoy! // These are all the pager vars, // we should really just save all these in a dictionary. "fish_pager_color_background", "fish_pager_color_prefix", "fish_pager_color_progress", "fish_pager_color_completion", "fish_pager_color_description", "fish_pager_color_selected_background", "fish_pager_color_selected_prefix", "fish_pager_color_selected_completion", "fish_pager_color_selected_description", // TODO: Setting these to empty currently makes them weird. Figure out why! /* "fish_pager_color_secondary_background", "fish_pager_color_secondary_prefix", "fish_pager_color_secondary_completion", "fish_pager_color_secondary_description", */ ]; var remaining = settingNames.length; var postdata = { "theme" : $scope.selectedColorScheme["name"], "colors": [], } for (var name of settingNames) { var selected; var realname = "colordata-" + name; // Skip colors undefined in the current theme // js is dumb - the empty string is false, // but we want that to mean unsetting a var. if (!$scope.selectedColorScheme[realname] && $scope.selectedColorScheme[realname] !== '') { selected = ''; } else { selected = $scope.selectedColorScheme[realname]; } postdata.colors.push({ "what" : name, "color" : selected, }); } $"set_color/", postdata, { headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} }).then(function(arg) { if (arg.status == 200) { $scope.saveThemeButtonTitle = "Theme Set!"; } }) }; $scope.getThemes(); }); controllers.controller("promptController", function($scope, $http) { $scope.selectedPrompt = null; $scope.showSaveButton = true; $scope.savePromptButtonTitle = "Set Prompt"; $scope.fetchSamplePrompts= function() { $http.get("sample_prompts/").then(function(arg) { $scope.samplePrompts =; if ($scope.selectedPrompt == null) { $scope.selectPrompt($scope.samplePrompts[0]); } })}; $scope.selectPrompt = function(prompt) { $scope.selectedPrompt = prompt; $scope.savePromptButtonTitle = "Set Prompt"; } $scope.setNewPrompt = function(selectedPrompt) { $"set_prompt/", {'fish_prompt': selectedPrompt.function,}).then(function(arg){ // Update attributes of current prompt and select it $scope.samplePrompts[0].demo = selectedPrompt.demo; $scope.samplePrompts[0].right = selectedPrompt.right; $scope.samplePrompts[0].function = selectedPrompt.function; $scope.samplePrompts[0].font_size = selectedPrompt.font_size; $scope.selectedPrompt = $scope.samplePrompts[0]; // Note that we set it $scope.savePromptButtonTitle = "Prompt Set!"; })}; $scope.fetchSamplePrompts(); $scope.setPrompt = function() { if ($scope.selectedPrompt) { $scope.setNewPrompt($scope.selectedPrompt); } } }); controllers.controller("functionsController", function($scope, $http) { $scope.selectedFunction = null; $scope.functionDefinition = ""; $scope.selectFunction = function(fun) { $scope.selectedFunction = fun; $scope.fetchFunctionDefinition($scope.selectedFunction); } $scope.fetchFunctions= function() { $http.get("functions/").then(function(arg) { $scope.functions =; $scope.selectFunction($scope.functions[0]); })}; $scope.cleanupFishFunction = function (contents) { /* Replace leading tabs and groups of four spaces at the beginning of a line with two spaces. */ var lines = contents ? contents.split('\n') : []; var rx = /^[\t ]+/ for (var i=0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i] /* Get leading tabs and spaces */ var whitespace_arr = rx.exec(line) if (whitespace_arr) { /* Replace four spaces with two spaces, and tabs with two spaces */ var whitespace = whitespace_arr[0] var new_whitespace = whitespace.replace(/( )|(\t)/g, ' ') lines[i] = new_whitespace + line.slice(whitespace.length) } } return lines.join('\n') } $scope.fetchFunctionDefinition = function(name) { $"get_function/","what=" + name, { headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} }).then(function(arg) { $scope.functionDefinition = $scope.cleanupFishFunction([0]); })}; $scope.fetchFunctions(); }); controllers.controller("variablesController", function($scope, $http) { $scope.query = null; $scope.fetchVariables= function() { $http.get("variables/").then(function(arg) { $scope.variables =; })}; $scope.fetchVariables(); }); controllers.controller("historyController", function($scope, $http, $timeout) { // All history items, as strings. $scope.allItems = []; // How many items per page. $scope.itemsPerPage = 50; // Filtered items grouped into pages. A list of lists. Never empty. $scope.filteredItemPages = [[]]; // The current page index (0 based). $scope.currentPage = 0; // The filter query. $scope.query = ""; // The items which are selected. $scope.selectedItems = []; // Filter all of our items, and group them into pages. $scope.filterAndGroup = function () { // Filter items. var filteredItems; if ($scope.query && $scope.query.length > 0) { filteredItems = $scope.allItems.filter(function(item) { return item.indexOf($scope.query) >= 0; }); } else { filteredItems = $scope.allItems; } // Group them by pages. Ensure our pages are never empty. var pages = []; for (var start = 0; start < filteredItems.length; start += $scope.itemsPerPage) { var end = Math.min(start + $scope.itemsPerPage, filteredItems.length); pages.push(filteredItems.slice(start, end)); } if (pages.length == 0) { pages.push([]); } $scope.filteredItemPages = pages; }; $scope.currentPageDescription = function() { if ($scope.filteredItemPages[0].length === 0) { return "None"; } return ($scope.currentPage + 1) + " / " + $scope.filteredItemPages.length; }; $scope.prevPage = function () { $scope.currentPage = Math.max($scope.currentPage - 1, 0); }; $scope.nextPage = function () { $scope.currentPage = Math.min($scope.currentPage + 1, $scope.filteredItemPages.length - 1); }; $scope.selectItem = function(item) { var index = $scope.selectedItems.indexOf(item); if (index >= 0) { // Deselect. $scope.selectedItems.splice(index,1); } else { $scope.selectedItems.push(item); } } // Get history from server $scope.fetchHistory = function() { $http.get("history/").then(function(arg) { $scope.allItems =; $scope.filterAndGroup(); }); }; $scope.deleteHistoryItem = function(item) { index = $scope.allItems.indexOf(item); $"delete_history_item/","what=" + encodeURIComponent(item), { headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} }).then(function(arg) { $scope.allItems.splice(index, 1); $scope.filterAndGroup(); })}; var queryInputTimeout = null; $scope.$watch("queryInput", function() { if (queryInputTimeout){ $timeout.cancel(queryInputTimeout); } queryInputTimeout = $timeout(function() { $scope.query = $scope.queryInput; $scope.filterAndGroup(); $scope.currentPage = 0; }, 1000); }); $scope.fetchHistory(); }); controllers.controller("bindingsController", function($scope, $http) { $scope.bindings = []; $scope.fetchBindings = function() { $http.get("bindings/").then(function(arg) { $scope.bindings =; })}; $scope.fetchBindings(); }); controllers.controller("abbreviationsController", function($scope, $http) { $scope.abbreviations = []; $scope.addBlank = function() { // Add blank entry if it is missing var hasBlank = {hasBlank: false} angular.forEach($scope.abbreviations, function(value, key) { if (value.phrase === "" && value.word === "") { this.hasBlank = true; } }, hasBlank); if (!$scope.abbreviations) $scope.abbreviations = []; if (! hasBlank.hasBlank) { $scope.abbreviations.push({phrase: "", word: "", editable: true}) } } $scope.fetchAbbreviations = function() { $http.get("abbreviations/").then(function(arg) { $scope.abbreviations =; $scope.addBlank(); })}; $scope.editAbbreviation = function(abbreviation) { abbreviation.editable = true; } $scope.saveAbbreviation = function(abbreviation) { if (abbreviation.word && abbreviation.phrase) { $"save_abbreviation/", abbreviation).then(function(arg) { abbreviation.editable = false; $scope.addBlank(); }); } }; $scope.removeAbbreviation = function(abbreviation) { if (abbreviation.word) { $"remove_abbreviation/", abbreviation).then(function(arg) { $scope.abbreviations.splice($scope.abbreviations.indexOf(abbreviation), 1); $scope.addBlank(); }); } }; $scope.fetchAbbreviations(); });