#fd 7.4.0 #flags complete -c fd -l absolute-path -s a -d "Show absolute instead of relative paths" complete -c fd -l case-sensitive -s s -d "Case-sensitive search (default: smart case)" complete -c fd -l fixed-strings -s F -d "Treat the pattern as a literal string" complete -c fd -l follow -s L -d "Follow symbolic links" complete -c fd -l full-path -s p -d "Search full path (default: file-/dirname only)" complete -c fd -l glob -s g -d "Glob-based search (default: regular expression)" complete -c fd -l help -s h -d "Prints help information" complete -c fd -l hidden -s H -d "Search hidden files and directories" complete -c fd -l ignore-case -s i -d "Case-insensitive search (default: smart case)" complete -c fd -l no-ignore -s I -d "Do not respect .(git|fd)ignore files" complete -c fd -l no-ignore-vcs -d "Do not respect .gitignore files" complete -c fd -l print0 -s 0 -d "Separate results by the null character" complete -c fd -l regex -d "Perform a regular-expression based seach (default)" complete -c fd -l show-errors -d "Enable the display of filesystem errors" complete -c fd -l version -s V -d "Prints version information" #options complete -c fd -l changed-before -d "Filter by file modification time (older than)" complete -c fd -l changed-within -d "Filter by file modification time (newer than)" complete -c fd -l color -s c -d "When to use colors: never, *auto*, always" complete -c fd -l exclude -s E -d "Exclude entries that match the given glob pattern" complete -c fd -l exec -s x -d "Execute a command for each search result" complete -c fd -l exec-batch -s X -d "Execute a command with all search results at once" complete -c fd -l extension -s e -d "Filter by file extension" complete -c fd -l ignore-file -d "Add a custom ignore-file in '.gitignore' format" complete -c fd -l max-depth -s d -d "Set maximum search depth (default: none)" complete -c fd -l path-separator -d "Set the path separator to use when printing file paths" complete -c fd -l search-path -d "Provide paths to search as an alternative to the positional argument" complete -c fd -l size -s S -d "Limit results based on the size of files" complete -c fd -l threads -s j -d "Set number of threads to use for searching & executing" complete -c fd -l type -s t -d "Filter by type: (f)ile, (d)irectory, sym(l)ink, e(x)ecutable, (e)mpty"