# completion for defaults (macOS) function __fish_defaults_domains defaults domains | string split ", " end complete -f -c defaults -o currentHost -d 'Restricts preferences operations to the current logged-in host' complete -f -c defaults -o host -d 'Restricts preferences operations to hostname' # read complete -f -c defaults -n __fish_use_subcommand -a read -d 'Shows defaults entire given domain' complete -f -c defaults -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from read read-type write rename delete' -a '(__fish_defaults_domains)' complete -f -c defaults -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from read read-type write rename delete' -o app # write complete -f -c defaults -n __fish_use_subcommand -a write -d 'Writes domain or or a key in the domain' complete -f -c defaults -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from write' -o string -d 'String as the value for the given key' complete -f -c defaults -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from write' -o data -d 'Raw data bytes for given key' complete -f -c defaults -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from write' -o int -d 'Integer as the value for the given key' complete -f -c defaults -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from write' -o float -d 'Floating point number as the value for the given key' complete -f -c defaults -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from write' -o bool -d 'Boolean as the value for the given key' complete -f -c defaults -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from write' -o date -d 'Date as the value for the given key' complete -f -c defaults -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from write' -o array -d 'Array as the value for the given key' complete -f -c defaults -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from write' -o array-add -d 'Add new elements to the end of an array' complete -f -c defaults -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from write' -o dict -d 'Add a dictionary to domain' complete -f -c defaults -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from write' -o dict-add -d 'Add new key/value pairs to a dictionary' complete -f -c defaults -n __fish_use_subcommand -a read-type -d 'Shows the type for the given domain, key' complete -f -c defaults -n __fish_use_subcommand -a rename -d 'Renames old_key to new_key' complete -f -c defaults -n __fish_use_subcommand -a delete -d 'Deletes domain or a key in the domain' complete -f -c defaults -n __fish_use_subcommand -a domains -d 'Prints the names of all domains in the users defaults system' complete -f -c defaults -n __fish_use_subcommand -a find -d 'Searches for word in domain names, keys, and values' complete -f -c defaults -n __fish_use_subcommand -a help -d 'Prints a list of possible command formats'