use crate::wchar; use autocxx::prelude::*; use core::pin::Pin; use core::slice; use cxx::SharedPtr; // autocxx has been hacked up to know about this. pub type wchar_t = u32; include_cpp! { #include "builtin.h" #include "common.h" #include "event.h" #include "fallback.h" #include "fds.h" #include "flog.h" #include "io.h" #include "parser.h" #include "parse_util.h" #include "proc.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include "wildcard.h" #include "wutil.h" safety!(unsafe_ffi) generate_pod!("wcharz_t") generate!("make_fd_nonblocking") generate!("wperror") generate_pod!("pipes_ffi_t") generate!("make_pipes_ffi") generate!("valid_var_name_char") generate!("get_flog_file_fd") generate!("parse_util_unescape_wildcards") generate!("fish_wcwidth") generate!("fish_wcswidth") generate!("wildcard_match") generate!("wgettext_ptr") generate!("parser_t") generate!("job_t") generate!("process_t") generate!("library_data_t") generate_pod!("library_data_pod_t") generate!("proc_wait_any") generate!("output_stream_t") generate!("io_streams_t") generate_pod!("RustFFIJobList") generate_pod!("RustFFIProcList") generate_pod!("RustBuiltin") generate!("builtin_missing_argument") generate!("builtin_unknown_option") generate!("builtin_print_help") generate!("builtin_print_error_trailer") generate!("wait_handle_t") generate!("wait_handle_store_t") generate!("event_fire_generic") generate!("escape_string") generate!("sig2wcs") generate!("wcs2sig") generate!("signal_get_desc") generate!("fd_event_signaller_t") } impl parser_t { pub fn get_jobs(&self) -> &[SharedPtr<job_t>] { let ffi_jobs = self.ffi_jobs(); unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(, ffi_jobs.count) } } pub fn libdata_pod(&mut self) -> &mut library_data_pod_t { let libdata =; unsafe { &mut *libdata } } } impl job_t { #[allow(clippy::mut_from_ref)] pub fn get_procs(&self) -> &mut [UniquePtr<process_t>] { let ffi_procs = self.ffi_processes(); unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ffi_procs.procs, ffi_procs.count) } } } /// Allow wcharz_t to be "into" wstr. impl From<wcharz_t> for &wchar::wstr { fn from(w: wcharz_t) -> Self { let len = w.length(); let v = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(w.str_ as *const u32, len) }; wchar::wstr::from_slice(v).expect("Invalid UTF-32") } } /// Allow wcharz_t to be "into" WString. impl From<wcharz_t> for wchar::WString { fn from(w: wcharz_t) -> Self { let len = w.length(); let v = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(w.str_ as *const u32, len).to_vec() }; Self::from_vec(v).expect("Invalid UTF-32") } } /// A bogus trait for turning &mut Foo into Pin<&mut Foo>. /// autocxx enforces that non-const methods must be called through Pin, /// but this means we can't pass around mutable references to types like parser_t. /// We also don't want to assert that parser_t is Unpin. /// So we just allow constructing a pin from a mutable reference; none of the C++ code. /// It's worth considering disabling this in cxx; for now we use this trait. /// Eventually parser_t and io_streams_t will not require Pin so we just unsafe-it away. pub trait Repin { fn pin(&mut self) -> Pin<&mut Self> { unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(self) } } fn unpin(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> &mut Self { unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() } } } // Implement Repin for our types. impl Repin for io_streams_t {} impl Repin for job_t {} impl Repin for output_stream_t {} impl Repin for parser_t {} impl Repin for process_t {} pub use autocxx::c_int; pub use ffi::*; pub use libc::c_char; /// A version of [`* const core::ffi::c_void`] (or [`* const libc::c_void`], if you prefer) that /// implements `Copy` and `Clone`, because those two don't. Used to represent a `void *` ptr for ffi /// purposes. #[repr(transparent)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct void_ptr(pub *const core::ffi::c_void); impl core::fmt::Debug for void_ptr { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:p}", &self.0) } } unsafe impl Send for void_ptr {} unsafe impl Sync for void_ptr {} impl core::convert::From<*const core::ffi::c_void> for void_ptr { fn from(value: *const core::ffi::c_void) -> Self { Self(value as *const _) } } impl core::convert::From<*const u8> for void_ptr { fn from(value: *const u8) -> Self { Self(value as *const _) } } impl core::convert::From<*const autocxx::c_void> for void_ptr { fn from(value: *const autocxx::c_void) -> Self { Self(value as *const _) } }