/** \file history.c History functions, part of the user interface. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fallback.h" #include "util.h" #include "sanity.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include "wutil.h" #include "history.h" #include "common.h" #include "intern.h" #include "path.h" #include "signal.h" #include "autoload.h" #include "iothread.h" #include #include /* Our history format is intended to be valid YAML. Here it is: - cmd: ssh blah blah blah when: 2348237 paths: - /path/to/something - /path/to/something_else Newlines are replaced by \n. Backslashes are replaced by \\. */ /** When we rewrite the history, the number of items we keep */ #define HISTORY_SAVE_MAX (1024 * 256) /** Interval in seconds between automatic history save */ #define SAVE_INTERVAL (5*60) /** Number of new history entries to add before automatic history save */ #define SAVE_COUNT 5 /* Our LRU cache is used for restricting the amount of history we have, and limiting how long we order it. */ class history_lru_node_t : public lru_node_t { public: time_t timestamp; path_list_t required_paths; history_lru_node_t(const history_item_t &item) : lru_node_t(item.str()), timestamp(item.timestamp()), required_paths(item.required_paths) {} bool write_to_file(FILE *f) const; bool write_yaml_to_file(FILE *f) const; }; class history_lru_cache_t : public lru_cache_t { protected: /* Override to delete evicted nodes */ virtual void node_was_evicted(history_lru_node_t *node) { delete node; } public: history_lru_cache_t(size_t max) : lru_cache_t(max) { } /* Function to add a history item */ void add_item(const history_item_t &item) { /* Skip empty items */ if (item.empty()) return; /* See if it's in the cache. If it is, update the timestamp. If not, we create a new node and add it. Note that calling get_node promotes the node to the front. */ history_lru_node_t *node = this->get_node(item.str()); if (node != NULL) { node->timestamp = std::max(node->timestamp, item.timestamp()); /* What to do about paths here? Let's just ignore them */ } else { node = new history_lru_node_t(item); this->add_node(node); } } }; static pthread_mutex_t hist_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static std::map histories; static wcstring history_filename(const wcstring &name, const wcstring &suffix); /** Replaces newlines with a literal backslash followed by an n, and replaces backslashes with two backslashes. */ static void escape_yaml(std::string &str); /** Undoes escape_yaml */ static void unescape_yaml(std::string &str); /* Custom deleter for our shared_ptr */ class history_item_data_deleter_t { private: const bool free_it; public: history_item_data_deleter_t(bool flag) : free_it(flag) { } void operator()(const wchar_t *data) { if (free_it) free((void *)data); } }; history_item_t::history_item_t(const wcstring &str) : contents(str), creation_timestamp(time(NULL)) { } history_item_t::history_item_t(const wcstring &str, time_t when, const path_list_t &paths) : contents(str), creation_timestamp(when), required_paths(paths) { } bool history_item_t::matches_search(const wcstring &term, enum history_search_type_t type) const { switch (type) { case HISTORY_SEARCH_TYPE_CONTAINS: /* We consider equal strings to NOT match a contains search (so that you don't have to see history equal to what you typed). The length check ensures that. */ return contents.size() > term.size() && contents.find(term) != wcstring::npos; case HISTORY_SEARCH_TYPE_PREFIX: /* We consider equal strings to match a prefix search, so that autosuggest will allow suggesting what you've typed */ return string_prefixes_string(term, contents); default: sanity_lose(); return false; } } /* Output our YAML to a file */ bool history_lru_node_t::write_yaml_to_file(FILE *f) const { std::string cmd = wcs2string(key); escape_yaml(cmd); if (fprintf(f, "- cmd: %s\n", cmd.c_str()) < 0) return false; if (fprintf(f, " when: %ld\n", (long)timestamp) < 0) return false; if (! required_paths.empty()) { if (fputs(" paths:\n", f) < 0) return false; for (path_list_t::const_iterator iter = required_paths.begin(); iter != required_paths.end(); iter++) { std::string path = wcs2string(*iter); escape_yaml(path); if (fprintf(f, " - %s\n", path.c_str()) < 0) return false; } } return true; } history_t & history_t::history_with_name(const wcstring &name) { /* Note that histories are currently never deleted, so we can return a reference to them without using something like shared_ptr */ scoped_lock locker(hist_lock); history_t *& current = histories[name]; if (current == NULL) current = new history_t(name); return *current; } history_t::history_t(const wcstring &pname) : name(pname), mmap_start(NULL), mmap_length(0), save_timestamp(0), loaded_old(false) { pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL); } history_t::~history_t() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&lock); } void history_t::add(const history_item_t &item) { scoped_lock locker(lock); /* Add the history items */ new_items.push_back(item); /* Prevent the first write from always triggering a save */ time_t now = time(NULL); if (! save_timestamp) save_timestamp = now; /* This might be a good candidate for moving to a background thread */ if((now > save_timestamp + SAVE_INTERVAL) || (new_items.size() >= SAVE_COUNT)) this->save_internal(); } void history_t::add(const wcstring &str, const path_list_t &valid_paths) { this->add(history_item_t(str, time(NULL), valid_paths)); } history_item_t history_t::item_at_index(size_t idx) { scoped_lock locker(lock); /* 0 is considered an invalid index */ assert(idx > 0); idx--; /* idx=0 corresponds to last item in new_items */ size_t new_item_count = new_items.size(); if (idx < new_item_count) { return new_items.at(new_item_count - idx - 1); } /* Now look in our old items */ idx -= new_item_count; load_old_if_needed(); size_t old_item_count = old_item_offsets.size(); if (idx < old_item_count) { /* idx=0 corresponds to last item in old_item_offsets */ size_t offset = old_item_offsets.at(old_item_count - idx - 1); return history_t::decode_item(mmap_start + offset, mmap_length - offset); } /* Index past the valid range, so return an empty history item */ return history_item_t(wcstring(), 0); } /* Read one line, stripping off any newline, and updating cursor. Note that our string is NOT null terminated; it's just a memory mapped file. */ static size_t read_line(const char *base, size_t cursor, size_t len, std::string &result) { /* Locate the newline */ assert(cursor <= len); const char *start = base + cursor; const char *newline = (char *)memchr(start, '\n', len - cursor); if (newline != NULL) { /* We found a newline. */ result.assign(start, newline - start); /* Return the amount to advance the cursor; skip over the newline */ return newline - start + 1; } else { /* We ran off the end */ result.clear(); return len - cursor; } } /* Trims leading spaces in the given string, returning how many there were */ static size_t trim_leading_spaces(std::string &str) { size_t i = 0, max = str.size(); while (i < max && str[i] == ' ') i++; str.erase(0, i); return i; } static bool extract_prefix(std::string &key, std::string &value, const std::string &line) { size_t where = line.find(":"); if (where != std::string::npos) { key = line.substr(0, where); // skip a space after the : if necessary size_t val_start = where + 1; if (val_start < line.size() && line.at(val_start) == ' ') val_start++; value = line.substr(val_start); } return where != std::string::npos; } history_item_t history_t::decode_item(const char *base, size_t len) { wcstring cmd; time_t when = 0; path_list_t paths; size_t indent = 0, cursor = 0; std::string key, value, line; /* Read the "- cmd:" line */ size_t advance = read_line(base, cursor, len, line); trim_leading_spaces(line); if (! extract_prefix(key, value, line) || key != "- cmd") goto done; cursor += advance; cmd = str2wcstring(value); /* Read the remaining lines */ for (;;) { /* Read a line */ size_t advance = read_line(base, cursor, len, line); /* Count and trim leading spaces */ size_t this_indent = trim_leading_spaces(line); if (indent == 0) indent = this_indent; if (this_indent == 0 || indent != this_indent) break; if (! extract_prefix(key, value, line)) break; /* We are definitely going to consume this line */ unescape_yaml(value); cursor += advance; if (key == "when") { /* Parse an int from the timestamp */ long tmp = 0; if (sscanf(value.c_str(), "%ld", &tmp) > 0) { when = tmp; } } else if (key == "paths") { /* Read lines starting with " - " until we can't read any more */ for (;;) { size_t advance = read_line(base, cursor, len, line); if (trim_leading_spaces(line) <= indent) break; if (strncmp(line.c_str(), "- ", 2)) break; /* We're going to consume this line */ cursor += advance; /* Skip the leading dash-space and then store this path it */ line.erase(0, 2); unescape_yaml(line); paths.push_front(str2wcstring(line)); } } } /* Reverse the paths, since we pushed them to the front each time */ done: paths.reverse(); return history_item_t(cmd, when, paths); } void history_t::populate_from_mmap(void) { const char *begin = mmap_start; size_t cursor = 0; while (cursor < mmap_length) { const char *line_start = begin + cursor; /* Look for a newline */ const char *newline = (const char *)memchr(line_start, '\n', mmap_length - cursor); if (newline == NULL) break; /* Advance the cursor past this line. +1 is for the newline */ size_t line_len = newline - line_start; cursor += line_len + 1; /* Skip lines with a leading, since these are in the interior of one of our items */ if (line_start[0] == ' ') continue; /* Skip very short lines to make one of the checks below easier */ if (line_len < 3) continue; /* Try to be a little YAML compatible. Skip lines with leading %, ---, or ... */ if (! memcmp(line_start, "%", 1) || ! memcmp(line_start, "---", 3) || ! memcmp(line_start, "...", 3)) continue; /* We made it through the gauntlet. */ old_item_offsets.push_back(line_start - begin); } } void history_t::load_old_if_needed(void) { if (loaded_old) return; loaded_old = true; int fd; int ok=0; signal_block(); wcstring filename = history_filename(name, L""); if( ! filename.empty() ) { if( ( fd = wopen( filename, O_RDONLY ) ) > 0 ) { off_t len = lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_END ); if( len != (off_t)-1) { mmap_length = (size_t)len; if( lseek( fd, 0, SEEK_SET ) == 0 ) { if( (mmap_start = (char *)mmap( 0, mmap_length, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0 )) != MAP_FAILED ) { ok = 1; this->populate_from_mmap(); } } } close( fd ); } } signal_unblock(); } void history_search_t::skip_matches(const wcstring_list_t &skips) { external_skips = skips; std::sort(external_skips.begin(), external_skips.end()); } bool history_search_t::should_skip_match(const wcstring &str) const { return std::binary_search(external_skips.begin(), external_skips.end(), str); } bool history_search_t::go_forwards() { /* Pop the top index (if more than one) and return if we have any left */ if (prev_matches.size() > 1) { prev_matches.pop_back(); return true; } return false; } bool history_search_t::go_backwards() { /* Backwards means increasing our index */ const size_t max_idx = (size_t)(-1); size_t idx = 0; if (! prev_matches.empty()) idx = prev_matches.back().first; if (idx == max_idx) return false; while (++idx < max_idx) { const history_item_t item = history->item_at_index(idx); /* We're done if it's empty */ if (item.empty()) { return false; } /* Look for a term that matches and that we haven't seen before */ const wcstring &str = item.str(); if (item.matches_search(term, search_type) && ! match_already_made(str) && ! should_skip_match(str)) { prev_matches.push_back(prev_match_t(idx, item)); return true; } } return false; } /** Goes to the end (forwards) */ void history_search_t::go_to_end(void) { prev_matches.clear(); } /** Returns if we are at the end, which is where we start. */ bool history_search_t::is_at_end(void) const { return prev_matches.empty(); } /** Goes to the beginning (backwards) */ void history_search_t::go_to_beginning(void) { /* Just go backwards as far as we can */ while (go_backwards()) ; } history_item_t history_search_t::current_item() const { assert(! prev_matches.empty()); return prev_matches.back().second; } wcstring history_search_t::current_string() const { history_item_t item = this->current_item(); return item.str(); } bool history_search_t::match_already_made(const wcstring &match) const { for (std::deque::const_iterator iter = prev_matches.begin(); iter != prev_matches.end(); iter++) { if (iter->second.str() == match) return true; } return false; } static void replace_all(std::string &str, const char *needle, const char *replacement) { size_t needle_len = strlen(needle), replacement_len = strlen(replacement); size_t offset = 0; while((offset = str.find(needle, offset)) != std::string::npos) { str.replace(offset, needle_len, replacement); offset += replacement_len; } } static void escape_yaml(std::string &str) { replace_all(str, "\\", "\\\\"); //replace one backslash with two replace_all(str, "\n", "\\n"); //replace newline with backslash + literal n } static void unescape_yaml(std::string &str) { bool prev_escape = false; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < str.size(); idx++) { char c = str.at(idx); if (prev_escape) { if (c == '\\') { /* Two backslashes in a row. Delete this one */ str.erase(idx, 1); idx--; } else if (c == 'n') { /* Replace backslash + n with an actual newline */ str.replace(idx - 1, 2, "\n"); idx--; } prev_escape = false; } else { prev_escape = (c == '\\'); } } } static wcstring history_filename(const wcstring &name, const wcstring &suffix) { wcstring path; if (! path_get_config(path)) return L""; wcstring result = path; result.append(L"/"); result.append(name); result.append(L"_history"); result.append(suffix); return result; } void history_t::clear_file_state() { /* Erase everything we know about our file */ if (mmap_start != NULL && mmap_start != MAP_FAILED) { munmap((void *)mmap_start, mmap_length); } mmap_start = 0; mmap_length = 0; loaded_old = false; new_items.clear(); old_item_offsets.clear(); save_timestamp=time(0); } /** Save the specified mode to file */ void history_t::save_internal() { /* This must be called while locked */ /* Nothing to do if there's no new items */ if (new_items.empty()) return; bool ok = true; signal_block(); wcstring tmp_name = history_filename(name, L".tmp"); if( ! tmp_name.empty() ) { FILE *out; if( (out=wfopen( tmp_name, "w" ) ) ) { /* Load old */ load_old_if_needed(); /* Make an LRU cache to save only the last N elements */ history_lru_cache_t lru(HISTORY_SAVE_MAX); /* Insert old items in, from old to new */ for (std::deque::iterator iter = old_item_offsets.begin(); iter != old_item_offsets.end(); iter++) { size_t offset = *iter; history_item_t item = history_t::decode_item(mmap_start + offset, mmap_length - offset); lru.add_item(item); } /* Insert new items */ for (std::vector::iterator iter = new_items.begin(); iter != new_items.end(); iter++) { lru.add_item(*iter); } /* Write them out */ for (history_lru_cache_t::iterator iter = lru.begin(); iter != lru.end(); iter++) { const history_lru_node_t *node = *iter; if (! node->write_yaml_to_file(out)) { ok = false; break; } } /* Make sure we clear all nodes, since this doesn't happen automatically */ lru.evict_all_nodes(); if( fclose( out ) || !ok ) { /* This message does not have high enough priority to be shown by default. */ debug( 2, L"Error when writing history file" ); } else { wcstring new_name = history_filename(name, wcstring()); wrename(tmp_name, new_name); } } } if( ok ) { /* Our history has been written to the file, so clear our state so we can re-reference the file. */ this->clear_file_state(); } signal_unblock(); } void history_t::save(void) { scoped_lock locker(lock); this->save_internal(); } void history_t::clear(void) { scoped_lock locker(lock); new_items.clear(); old_item_offsets.clear(); wcstring filename = history_filename(name, L""); if (! filename.empty()) wunlink(filename); this->clear_file_state(); } void history_init() { } void history_destroy() { /* Save all histories */ for (std::map::iterator iter = histories.begin(); iter != histories.end(); iter++) { iter->second->save(); } } void history_sanity_check() { /* No sanity checking implemented yet... */ } int file_detection_context_t::perform_file_detection(bool test_all) { ASSERT_IS_BACKGROUND_THREAD(); valid_paths.clear(); int result = 1; for (path_list_t::const_iterator iter = potential_paths.begin(); iter != potential_paths.end(); iter++) { wcstring path = *iter; bool path_is_valid; /* Some special paths are always valid */ if (path.empty()) { path_is_valid = false; } else if (path == L"." || path == L"./") { path_is_valid = true; } else if (path == L".." || path == L"../") { path_is_valid = (! working_directory.empty() && working_directory != L"/"); } else { /* Maybe append the working directory. Note that we know path is not empty here. */ if (path.at(0) != '/') { path.insert(0, working_directory); } path_is_valid = (0 == waccess(path, F_OK)); } if (path_is_valid) { /* Push the original (possibly relative) path */ valid_paths.push_front(*iter); } else { /* Not a valid path */ result = 0; if (! test_all) break; } } valid_paths.reverse(); return result; } bool file_detection_context_t::paths_are_valid(const path_list_t &paths) { this->potential_paths = paths; return perform_file_detection(false) > 0; } file_detection_context_t::file_detection_context_t(history_t *hist, const wcstring &cmd) : history(hist), command(cmd), when(time(NULL)) { /* Stash the working directory. TODO: We should be respecting CDPATH here*/ wchar_t dir_path[4096]; const wchar_t *cwd = wgetcwd( dir_path, 4096 ); if (cwd) { wcstring wd = cwd; /* Make sure the working directory ends with a slash */ if (! wd.empty() && wd.at(wd.size() - 1) != L'/') wd.push_back(L'/'); working_directory.swap(wd); } } static int threaded_perform_file_detection(file_detection_context_t *ctx) { ASSERT_IS_BACKGROUND_THREAD(); assert(ctx != NULL); return ctx->perform_file_detection(true /* test all */); } static void perform_file_detection_done(file_detection_context_t *ctx, int success) { /* Now that file detection is done, create the history item */ ctx->history->add(ctx->command, ctx->valid_paths); /* Done with the context. */ delete ctx; } static bool string_could_be_path(const wcstring &potential_path) { // Assume that things with leading dashes aren't paths if (potential_path.empty() || potential_path.at(0) == L'-') return false; return true; } void history_t::add_with_file_detection(const wcstring &str) { ASSERT_IS_MAIN_THREAD(); path_list_t potential_paths; tokenizer tokenizer; for( tok_init( &tokenizer, str.c_str(), TOK_SQUASH_ERRORS ); tok_has_next( &tokenizer ); tok_next( &tokenizer ) ) { int type = tok_last_type( &tokenizer ); if (type == TOK_STRING) { const wchar_t *token_cstr = tok_last(&tokenizer); if (token_cstr) { wcstring potential_path = token_cstr; if (unescape_string(potential_path, false) && string_could_be_path(potential_path)) { potential_paths.push_front(potential_path); } } } } if (! potential_paths.empty()) { /* We have some paths. Make a context. */ file_detection_context_t *context = new file_detection_context_t(this, str); /* Store the potential paths. Reverse them to put them in the same order as in the command. */ potential_paths.reverse(); context->potential_paths.swap(potential_paths); iothread_perform(threaded_perform_file_detection, perform_file_detection_done, context); } }