use crate::{ common::{escape_string, EscapeStringStyle}, ffi::{self, parser_t, wcharz_t, wcstring_list_ffi_t}, global_safety::RelaxedAtomicBool, wchar::{self, wstr, L}, wchar_ffi::{WCharFromFFI, WCharToFFI}, }; #[cxx::bridge] mod trace_ffi { extern "C++" { include!("wutil.h"); include!("parser.h"); type wcstring_list_ffi_t = super::wcstring_list_ffi_t; type wcharz_t = super::wcharz_t; type parser_t = super::parser_t; } extern "Rust" { fn trace_set_enabled(do_enable: bool); fn trace_enabled(parser: &parser_t) -> bool; #[cxx_name = "trace_argv"] fn trace_argv_ffi(parser: &parser_t, command: wcharz_t, args: &wcstring_list_ffi_t); } } static DO_TRACE: RelaxedAtomicBool = RelaxedAtomicBool::new(false); pub fn trace_set_enabled(do_enable: bool) {; } /// return whether tracing is enabled. pub fn trace_enabled(parser: &parser_t) -> bool { let ld = parser.ffi_libdata_pod_const(); if ld.suppress_fish_trace { return false; } DO_TRACE.load() } /// Trace an "argv": a list of arguments where the first is the command. // Allow the `&Vec` parameter as this function only exists temporarily for the FFI #[allow(clippy::ptr_arg)] fn trace_argv_ffi(parser: &parser_t, command: wcharz_t, args: &wcstring_list_ffi_t) { let command: wchar::WString = command.into(); let args: Vec = args.from_ffi(); let args_ref: Vec<&wstr> = args.iter().map(wchar::WString::as_utfstr).collect(); trace_argv(parser, command.as_utfstr(), &args_ref); } pub fn trace_argv(parser: &parser_t, command: &wstr, args: &[&wstr]) { // Format into a string to prevent interleaving with flog in other threads. // Add the + prefix. let mut trace_text = L!("-").repeat(parser.blocks_size() - 1); trace_text.push('>'); if !command.is_empty() { trace_text.push(' '); trace_text.push_utfstr(command); } for arg in args { trace_text.push(' '); trace_text.push_utfstr(&escape_string(arg, EscapeStringStyle::default())); } trace_text.push('\n'); ffi::log_extra_to_flog_file(&trace_text.to_ffi()); } /// Convenience helper to trace a single string if tracing is enabled. pub fn trace_if_enabled(parser: &parser_t, command: &wstr, args: &[&wstr]) { if trace_enabled(parser) { trace_argv(parser, command, args); } }