FIND_PACKAGE(Doxygen 1.8.7) INCLUDE(FeatureSummary) IF(DOXYGEN_FOUND) OPTION(BUILD_DOCS "build documentation (requires Doxygen)" ON) ELSE(DOXYGEN_FOUND) SET(BUILD_DOCS OFF) ENDIF(DOXYGEN_FOUND) ADD_FEATURE_INFO(Documentation BUILD_DOCS "user manual and documentation") IF(BUILD_DOCS) # Files in ./share/completions/ FILE(GLOB COMPLETIONS_DIR_FILES share/completions/*.fish) # Files in ./share/functions/ FILE(GLOB FUNCTIONS_DIR_FILES share/functions/*.fish) # Files in doc_src FILE(GLOB DOC_SRC_FILES doc_src/*) # .txt files in doc_src FILE(GLOB HELP_SRC doc_src/*.txt) # These files are the source files, they contain a few @FOO@-style substitutions. # Note that this order defines the order that they appear in the documentation. SET(HDR_FILES_SRC doc_src/ doc_src/tutorial.hdr doc_src/design.hdr doc_src/license.hdr doc_src/ doc_src/faq.hdr) # These are the generated result files. STRING(REPLACE ".in" "" HDR_FILES "${HDR_FILES_SRC}") # Header files except for index.hdr SET(HDR_FILES_NO_INDEX ${HDR_FILES}) LIST(REMOVE_ITEM HDR_FILES_NO_INDEX doc_src/index.hdr) # Copy doc_src files FILE(COPY ${DOC_SRC_FILES} DESTINATION doc_src) # Build lexicon_filter. ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT lexicon_filter COMMAND build_tools/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/share/functions/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/share/completions/ ${SED} < ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lexicon_filter && chmod a+x ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lexicon_filter WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} DEPENDS ${FUNCTIONS_DIR_FILES} ${COMPLETIONS_DIR_FILES} doc_src/commands.hdr ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ share/functions/ build_tools/ ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(build_lexicon_filter DEPENDS lexicon_filter) # # commands.hdr collects documentation on all commands, functions and # builtins # FILE(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/doc_src) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT doc_src/commands.hdr WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} COMMAND build_tools/ ${HELP_SRC} < doc_src/ > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/doc_src/commands.hdr DEPENDS ${HELP_SRC} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/doc_src/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/build_tools/ # doc.h is a compilation of the various snippets of text used both for # the user documentation and for internal help functions into a single # file that can be parsed by Doxygen to generate the user # documentation. ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT doc.h COMMAND cat ${HDR_FILES} > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/doc.h DEPENDS ${HDR_FILES}) # toc.txt: $( build_tools/ | show-SED # FISH_BUILD_VERSION=${FISH_BUILD_VERSION} build_tools/ \ # $( > toc.txt # Note we would like to add doc_src/ as a dependency but CMake replaces this with # doc_src/index.hdr; CMake bug? ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT toc.txt COMMAND env `cat ${FBVF} | tr -d '\"'` ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/build_tools/ doc_src/ ${HDR_FILES_NO_INDEX} > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/toc.txt DEPENDS ${FBVF} ${HDR_FILES_NO_INDEX}) # doc_src/index.hdr: toc.txt doc_src/ | show-AWK # @echo " AWK CAT $(em)$@$(sgr0)" # $v cat $ | $(AWK) '{if ($$0 ~ /@toc@/){ system("cat toc.txt");} else{ print $$0;}}' >$@ ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT doc_src/index.hdr COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/build_tools/ toc.txt < doc_src/ > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/doc_src/index.hdr DEPENDS toc.txt) # doc: $(HDR_FILES_SRC) Doxyfile.user $(HTML_SRC) $(HELP_SRC) doc.h $(HDR_FILES) lexicon_filter # @echo " doxygen $(em)user_doc$(sgr0)" # $v (cat Doxyfile.user; echo INPUT_FILTER=./lexicon_filter; echo PROJECT_NUMBER=$(FISH_BUILD_VERSION) | $(SED) "s/-.*//") | doxygen - && touch user_doc # $v rm -f $(wildcard $(addprefix ./user_doc/html/,arrow*.png bc_s.png bdwn.png closed.png doc.png folder*.png ftv2*.png nav*.png open.png splitbar.png sync_*.png tab*.* doxygen.* dynsections.js jquery.js pages.html)) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(doc COMMAND env `cat ${FBVF}` ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/build_tools/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Doxyfile.user ./lexicon_filter DEPENDS ${FBVF} Doxyfile.user ${DOC_SRC_FILES} doc.h ${HDR_FILES} lexicon_filter) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT share/man/ COMMAND env `cat ${FBVF} | tr -d '\"' ` INPUT_FILTER=lexicon_filter ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/build_tools/ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ doc_src ./share DEPENDS ${FBVF} ${HELP_SRC} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lexicon_filter) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(BUILD_MANUALS ALL DEPENDS share/man/) # Group docs targets into a DocsTargets folder SET_PROPERTY(TARGET doc BUILD_MANUALS build_lexicon_filter PROPERTY FOLDER cmake/DocTargets) ENDIF(BUILD_DOCS)