#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pexpect_helper import SpawnedProc sp = SpawnedProc(timeout=10) send, sendline, sleep, expect_prompt, expect_re, expect_str = ( sp.send, sp.sendline, sp.sleep, sp.expect_prompt, sp.expect_re, sp.expect_str, ) from time import sleep import os import platform import signal import subprocess import sys if "CI" in os.environ and platform.system() == "Darwin": sys.exit(127) if platform.system() == "FreeBSD": # Spurious failure. TODO Only disable this in CI. sys.exit(127) expect_prompt() # Verify that SIGINT inside a command sub cancels it. # Negate the pid to send to the pgroup (which should include sleep). sendline("while true; echo (sleep 1000); end") sleep(0.5) os.kill(-sp.spawn.pid, signal.SIGINT) expect_prompt() sendline("sleep 10 &") expect_prompt() send("\x03") sleep(0.010) sendline("jobs") expect_prompt("sleep.10") sendline("kill %1") expect_prompt() # Verify that the fish_postexec handler is called after SIGINT. sendline("function postexec --on-event fish_postexec; echo fish_postexec spotted; end") expect_prompt() sendline("read") expect_re(r"\r\n?read> (\x1b\[\?1004h)?$", timeout=10) sleep(0.1) os.kill(sp.spawn.pid, signal.SIGINT) expect_str("fish_postexec spotted", timeout=10) expect_prompt() # Verify that the fish_kill_signal is set. sendline( "functions -e postexec; function postexec --on-event fish_postexec; echo fish_kill_signal $fish_kill_signal; end" ) expect_prompt() sendline("sleep 5") sleep(0.300) subprocess.call(["pkill", "-INT", "-P", str(sp.spawn.pid), "sleep"]) expect_str("fish_kill_signal 2") expect_prompt() sendline("sleep 5") sleep(0.200) subprocess.call(["pkill", "-TERM", "-P", str(sp.spawn.pid), "sleep"]) expect_str("fish_kill_signal 15") expect_prompt() # See that open() is only interruptible by SIGINT. sendline("mkfifo fifoo") expect_prompt() sendline("cat >fifoo") subprocess.call(["kill", "-WINCH", str(sp.spawn.pid)]) expect_re("open: ", shouldfail=True, timeout=10) subprocess.call(["kill", "-INT", str(sp.spawn.pid)]) expect_prompt() # Verify that sending SIGHUP to the shell, such as will happen when the tty is # closed by the terminal, terminates the shell and the foreground command and # any background commands run from that shell. # # Save the pids for later to check if they are still running. pids = [] send("sleep 130 & echo $last_pid\r") pids += [expect_re("\\d+\r\n").group().strip()] expect_prompt() send("sleep 131 & echo $last_pid\r") pids += [expect_re("\\d+\r\n").group().strip()] expect_prompt() send("sleep 9999999\r") sleep(0.500) # ensure fish kicks off the above sleep before it gets HUP - see #7288 os.kill(sp.spawn.pid, signal.SIGHUP) # Verify the spawned fish shell has exited. sp.spawn.wait() # Verify all child processes have been killed. We don't use `-p $pid` because # if the shell has a bug the child processes might have been reparented to pid # 1 rather than killed. proc = subprocess.run( ["pgrep", "-l", "-f", "sleep 13"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) remaining = [] if proc.returncode == 0: # If any sleeps exist, we check them against our pids, # to avoid false-positives (any other `sleep 13xyz` running on the system) print(proc.stdout) for line in proc.stdout.split(b"\n"): pid = line.split(b" ", maxsplit=1)[0].decode("utf-8") if pid in pids: remaining += [pid] # Kill any remaining sleeps ourselves, otherwise rerunning this is pointless. for pid in remaining: try: os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM) except ProcessLookupError: continue if remaining: # We still have processes left over! print("Commands were still running!") print(remaining) sys.exit(1)