# tshark - Dump and analyze network traffic __fish_complete_wireshark tshark function __fish_tshark_protocols set -l tok (commandline -ct | string collect) set -l tok_param (string replace -r -- '^-O' '' $tok) command tshark -G protocols | while read -d \t name shortname identifier printf "%s%s\t%s\n" (string replace -r -- '(.+),[^,]*$' '$1,' $tok_param) $tok_no_comma $identifier $name end end complete -c tshark -s 2 -d 'Perform a two-pass analysis' # This is fairly expensive, but only done upon the user pressing tab. complete -c tshark -s e -d 'Add a field to the list of fields to display' -xa '(command tshark -G fields | awk -F\t \'{print $3"\t"$2}\')' complete -c tshark -s E -d 'Set an option controlling the printing of fields' -xa ' bom=y\t"Prepend output with the UTF-8 byte order mark" header=y\t"Print a list of the selected field names" separator=\t"Set the separator character to use for fields" occurrence=\t"Select which occurrence to use for fields that have multiple: f=first, l=last, a=all" aggregator=\t"Set the aggregator character to use for fields that have multiple occurrences" quote=\t"Set the quote character to use to surround fields d=\", s=\', n=no quotes"' complete -c tshark -s F -d 'Set the output capture file format' -xa '(command tshark -F 2>| string replace -rf "\s+(\S+) - (.*)" \'$1\t$2\')' complete -c tshark -s G -d 'Print a glossary' -xa '( printf "help\tList available report types\n" command tshark -G help | string replace -rf "\s+-G (\S+)\s+(.*)" \'$1\t$2\' )' complete -c tshark -s H -d 'Read a list of entries from a "hosts" file' -r complete -c tshark -s j -d 'Protocol match filter used for ek|json|jsonraw|pdml output file types' -x complete -c tshark -s J -d 'Protocol match filter used, includes all child protocols' -x complete -c tshark -s l -d 'Flush the standard output after the information for each packet is printed' complete -c tshark -s O -d 'Show a detailed view of the comma-separated list of protocols' -xa '(__fish_tshark_protocols)' complete -c tshark -s P -l print -d 'Decode and display packet summary or details' complete -c tshark -s Q -d "When capturing packets, don't display, on the standard error, the initial message" complete -c tshark -s S -d 'Set the line separator to be printed between packets' -x complete -c tshark -s T -d 'Set the format of the output when viewing decoded packet data' -xa ' ek\t"Newline delimited JSON for bulk import into Elasticsearch" fields\t"The values of fields specified with the -e option, in a form specified by the -E option" json\t"JSON file format" jsonraw\t"JSON file format including only raw hex-encoded packet data" pdml\t"Packet Details Markup Language, an XML-based format for the details of a decoded packet" ps\t"PostScript for a human-readable summary of each of the packets" psml\t"Packet Summary Markup Language" tabs\t"Tab-separated human-readable one-line packet summaries" text\t"Default"' complete -c tshark -s U -d "PDUs export according to given tap name" -xa '( printf "%s\tTap name\n" (command tshark -U "" 2>| string replace -rf "^tshark:\s*" "")[2..-1])' complete -c tshark -s V -d 'Causes TShark to print a view of packet details' complete -c tshark -s W -d 'Save extra information in the capture file if the format supports it' -xa "n" complete -c tshark -s x -d 'Print hex and ASCII dumps of packet data' complete -c tshark -s M -d 'Automatically reset internal session when reaching N packets' -x complete -c tshark -l color -d 'Enable coloring of packets according to standard Wireshark color filters' complete -c tshark -l no-duplicate-keys -d 'Merge duplicate keys in json output' complete -c tshark -l elastic-mapping-filter -d 'Only put specified protocols in an ElasticSearch mapping file' -x # TODO complete -c tshark -l export-objects -d 'Export all objects within a protocol into directory given destination directory' -x # TODO