#!/usr/bin/env fish # # Compares the output of two fish profile runs and emits the time difference between # the first and second set of results. # # Usage: ./diff_profiles.fish profile1.log profile2.log > profile_diff.log set -l profile1 (cat $argv[1]) set -l profile2 (cat $argv[2]) set -l line_no 0 while set -l next_line_no (math $line_no + 1) && set -q profile1[$next_line_no] && set -q profile2[$next_line_no] set line_no $next_line_no set -l line1 $profile1[$line_no] set -l line2 $profile2[$line_no] if not string match -qr '^\d+\t\d+' $line1 echo $line1 continue end set -l results1 (string match -r '^(\d+)\t(\d+)\s+(.*)' $line1) set -l results2 (string match -r '^(\d+)\t(\d+)\s+(.*)' $line2) # times from both files set -l time1 $results1[2..3] set -l time2 $results2[2..3] # leftover from both files set -l remainder1 $results1[4] set -l remainder2 $results2[4] if not string match -q -- $remainder1 $remainder2 echo Mismatch on line $line_no: echo - $remainder1 echo + $remainder2 exit 1 end set -l diff set diff[1] (math $time1[1] - $time2[1]) set diff[2] (math $time1[2] - $time2[2]) echo $diff[1] $diff[2] $remainder1 end