* Editor mode is no the default
* Use -i or --interactive or -e fish to edit function in interactive
* tmpname is now created with random number added and check that file
do not already exist
* check $TMPDIR existence and put /tmp if it does not exist
* There is an undocumented feature to use functions, started with dash.
Introduce necessary changes to funced, functions, def_function()
in order to make it work properly.
* Delete editor guessing. Use $EDITOR variable or -e key
* sudo:
- now can be completed bu group and user (-u and -g keys).
- subcommand completion is fixed
* __fish_complete_proc.fish is added to complete killall command with
list of running processes
* __fish_complete_tex.fish is updated with common options
* __fish_make_completion_signals.fish is added to make a list of kill
signals for kill and killall
* completions:
- minor filetype completions are added for djview, xpdf, mupdf, gv,
- adduser is copmleted by user and group
- dlocate and dpkg are completed by packages
- find: -executable options is added
- htop: options
- funced and funcsave are completed by function names
- ifdown and ifup are copmleted by interfaces
- kill and killall: options, signals and processes
- latexmk, ln, nm: options
- lualatex and xelatex copmletions
- sudo: -u and -g options
- wvdial: presets