Improve make install and make uninstall experience

Show the gist of what is going on during uninstall.

I had overlooked the uninstall target, with it mislabled as having
to do translations. Give make uninstall the full treatment here.

In addition to showing what is going on, give the user a 5^H7 second
warning before we blast away /usr/local/share/fish/ - it's not
unthinkable they might have a script or two in there.
This commit is contained in:
Aaron Gyes 2016-09-08 22:26:40 -07:00
parent c0c8fffd50
commit f0125734d0
2 changed files with 56 additions and 20 deletions

View file

@ -633,20 +633,20 @@ xcode-install:
# from failing for (e.g.) missing man pages or extra_dirs outside the
# writeable prefix.
install-force: all install-translations
install-force: all install-translations | show-datadir show-sysconfdir show-extra_completionsdir show-extra_functionsdir show-extra_confdir show-mandir
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
$(v)for i in $(PROGRAMS); do\
$(INSTALL) -m 755 $$i $(DESTDIR)$(bindir);\
echo " Installing $(T_BOLD)$$i$(T_RESET)";\
true ;\
@echo "Creating sysconfdir tree"
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/fish
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/fish/conf.d
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 644 etc/ $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/fish/
@echo "Creating datadir tree"
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/completions
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(extra_completionsdir) ||:
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(extra_functionsdir) ||:
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(extra_confdir) ||:
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/functions
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/man/man1
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/tools
@ -654,27 +654,31 @@ install-force: all install-translations
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/tools/web_config/js
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/tools/web_config/partials
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/tools/web_config/sample_prompts
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 644 etc/ $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/fish/
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 644 share/ $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 644 share/ $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/pkgconfig
@echo "Creating empty vendor/'extra_' directories"
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(extra_completionsdir) ||:
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(extra_functionsdir) ||:
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(extra_confdir) ||:
@echo "Installing pkgconfig file"
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 644 fish.pc $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/pkgconfig
@echo " Installing completions...";
@echo "Installing the $(T_BOLD)fish completion libraryn$(T_RESET)...";
$(v)for i in $(COMPLETIONS_DIR_FILES:%='%'); do \
$(INSTALL) -m 644 $$i $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/completions/; \
true; \
@echo " Installing functions...";
@echo "Installing $(T_BOLD)fish functions$(T_RESET)";
$(v)for i in $(FUNCTIONS_DIR_FILES:%='%'); do \
$(INSTALL) -m 644 $$i $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/functions/; \
true; \
@echo " Installing man pages...";
@echo "Installing $(T_BOLD)man pages$(T_RESET)";
$(v)for i in share/man/man1/*.1; do \
$(INSTALL) -m 644 $$i $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/man/man1/; \
true; \
@echo " Installing tools...";
@echo "Installing $(T_BOLD)fish tools$(T_RESET)";
$(v)for i in share/tools/*.py; do\
$(INSTALL) -m 755 $$i $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/tools/; \
true; \
@ -699,14 +703,14 @@ install-force: all install-translations
$(INSTALL) -m 755 $$i $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/tools/web_config/; \
true; \
@echo " Installing user documentation...";
@echo "Installing HTML documentation";
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
$(v) for i in user_doc/html/*; do \
if test -f $$i; then \
$(INSTALL) -m 644 $$i $(DESTDIR)$(docdir); \
fi; \
@echo " Installing main man pages...";
@echo "Installing more man pages";
$(v)$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1;
$(v) for i in $(MANUALS); do \
$(INSTALL) -m 644 $$i $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/; \
@ -717,24 +721,58 @@ install-force: all install-translations
# Uninstall this fish version
uninstall: uninstall-translations
@echo "Uninstalling translations..."
uninstall: uninstall-translations | show-prefix show-bindir show-sysconfdir show-datadir show-docdir show-mandir
@echo "$(T_BOLD)$(T_YELLOWB)Uninstalling fish$(T_RESET) from configured \$$prefix: $(T_BOLD)$(prefix)$(T_RESET)"
@echo "Deleting programs: [ $(T_BOLD)$(PROGRAMS)$(T_RESET) ] in $(T_ITALIC)$(bindir)$(T_RESET)"
-$(v)for i in $(PROGRAMS); do \
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$$i; \
@echo "Deleting configuration: $(T_BOLD)$(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/fish/*$(T_RESET)"
-$(v)rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/fish
@echo "In 5 seconds, $(T_RED)all data$(T_RESET) (includes functions, completions, tools) in"
@echo $$"\t$(T_BOLD)$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish$(T_RESET) will be deleted!"
@echo $$"If you put things there, $(T_RED)stop now!$(T_RESET) $(T_BOLD)\\c"
@echo $$"$(T_BOLD)5$(T_RESET) \\c"
@sleep 1
@echo $$"$(T_BOLD)4$(T_RESET) \\c"
@sleep 1
@echo $$"$(T_BOLD)3$(T_RESET) \\c"
@sleep 1
@echo $$"$(T_BOLD)2$(T_RESET) \\c"
@sleep 1
@echo $$"$(T_BOLD)1$(T_RESET) \\c"
@sleep 1
@echo ...
@sleep 2
@echo "... deleting $(T_BOLD)$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/*$(T_RESET)"
-$(v) if test -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish; then \
rm -r $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish; \
rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish; \
@echo "Deleting documentation: $(T_BOLD)$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/*$(T_RESET)"
-$(v) if test -d $(DESTDIR)$(docdir); then \
rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(docdir);\
@echo "Deleting pkgconfig file: $(T_BOLD)$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/pkgconfig/fish.pc$(T_RESET)"
-$(v) if test -f $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/pkgconfig/fish.pc; then \
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/pkgconfig/fish.pc;\
@echo $$"Deleting \\c"
@echo "[ $(T_BOLD)"`basename $(MANUALS)`$(T_RESET) $$"] in \\c"
@echo "$(T_ITALIC)$(mandir)/man1$(T_RESET)"
-$(v) for i in $(MANUALS); do \
rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/`basename $$i`*; \
@echo "$(T_GREEN)Fish (likely) unintalled$(T_RESET)"
@echo "$(T_BOLD)./configure --prefix=$(T_RESET) to uninstall fish from a different prefix"
.PHONY: uninstall
install-translations: $(TRANSLATIONS)

View file

@ -11,9 +11,7 @@
m4_syscmd([build_tools/ 2>/dev/null])
m4_esyscmd([cut -f 3 -d ' ' FISH-BUILD-VERSION-FILE | tr -d '\n']),
AC_INIT([fish], m4_esyscmd([cut -f 3 -d ' ' FISH-BUILD-VERSION-FILE | tr -d '\n']),[])
# fish does not use exceptions
# Disabling exceptions saves about 20% (!) of the compiled code size