diff --git a/share/completions/mix.fish b/share/completions/mix.fish index a8eb5baf1..16728f879 100644 --- a/share/completions/mix.fish +++ b/share/completions/mix.fish @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.gen.schema' -l migration -d complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l umbrella -d "Generate an umbrella project, with one application for your domain, and a second application for the web interface." complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l app -d "The name of the OTP application" complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l module -d "The name of the base module in the generated skeleton" -complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l database -d "Specify the database adapter for Ecto" +complete -x -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l database -a "postgres mysql mssql sqlite3" -d "Specify the database adapter for Ecto" complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l no-assets -d "Do not generate the assets folder" complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l no-ecto -d "Do not generate Ecto files" complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l no-html -d "Do not generate HTML views" @@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l no-gettext -d "Do no complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l no-dashboard -d "Do not include Phoenix.LiveDashboard" complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l no-live -d "Comment out LiveView socket setup in assets/js/app.js" complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l no-mailer -d "Do not generate Swoosh mailer files" +complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l no-esbuild -d "Do not include esbuild dependencies and assets" +complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l no-tailwind -d "Do not include tailwind dependencies and assets" complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l binary-id -d "Use binary_id as primary key type in Ecto schemas" complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -l verbose -d "Use verbose output" complete -f -c mix -n '__fish_mix_using_command phx.new' -s v -l version -d "Prints the Phoenix installer version"