Documentation WIP:

Start doing the envvar:: directives and cut some copy. These should
be linking up now.
This commit is contained in:
Aaron Gyes 2021-11-05 05:14:02 -07:00
parent f910133c82
commit d54c8a42a9
3 changed files with 67 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ The :ref:`tutorial <tutorial>` is available as HTML via ``help tutorial`` or in
The following options are available:
- ``-c`` or ``--command=COMMANDS`` evaluate the specified commands instead of reading from the commandline, passing any additional positional arguments via :envvar:`$argv`.
Note that, unlike other shells, the first argument is *not* the name of the program (:envvar:`$0`), but simply the first normal argument.
- ``-c`` or ``--command=COMMANDS`` evaluate the specified commands instead of reading from the commandline, passing any additional positional arguments via ``$argv``.
Note that, unlike other shells, the first argument is *not* the name of the program ``$0``, but simply the first normal argument.
- ``-C`` or ``--init-command=COMMANDS`` evaluate the specified commands after reading the configuration, before running the command specified by ``-c`` or reading interactive input.
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ Debug messages output to stderr by default. Note that if ``fish_trace`` is set,
> fish --debug='complete,*history*' --debug-output=/tmp/fish.log --init-command='set fish_trace on'
These options can also be changed via the :envvar:`$FISH_DEBUG` and :envvar:`$FISH_DEBUG_OUTPUT` variables.
These options can also be changed via the :envvar:`FISH_DEBUG` and :envvar:`FISH_DEBUG_OUTPUT` variables.
The categories enabled via ``--debug`` are *added* to the ones enabled by $FISH_DEBUG, so they can be disabled by prefixing them with ``-`` (``reader-*,-ast*`` enables reader debugging and disables ast debugging).
The file given in ``--debug-output`` takes precedence over the file in :envvar:`$FISH_DEBUG_OUTPUT`.
The file given in ``--debug-output`` takes precedence over the file in :envvar:`FISH_DEBUG_OUTPUT`.

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@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ So you set a variable with ``set``, and use it with a ``$`` and the name.
.. _variables-scope:
Variable scope
Variable Scope
There are four kinds of variables in fish: universal, global, function and local variables.
@ -1256,11 +1256,27 @@ You can change the settings of fish by changing the values of certain variables.
.. _PATH:
- ``PATH``, a list of directories in which to search for commands
.. envvar:: PATH
- ``CDPATH``, a list of directories in which the :ref:`cd <cmd-cd>` builtin looks for a new directory.
A list of directories in which to search for commands
- The locale variables ``LANG``, ``LC_ALL``, ``LC_COLLATE``, ``LC_CTYPE``, ``LC_MESSAGES``, ``LC_MONETARY``, ``LC_NUMERIC`` and ``LC_TIME`` set the language option for the shell and subprograms. See the section :ref:`Locale variables <variables-locale>` for more information.
.. envvar:: CDPATH
A list of directories in which the :ref:`cd <cmd-cd>` builtin looks for a new directory.
.. envvar:: FISH_DEBUG
Controls which debug categories :command:`fish` enables for output, analogous to the ``--debug`` option.
Specifies a file to direct debug output to.
.. describe:: Locale Variables
The locale variables :envvar:`CDPATH`, :envvar:`LANG`, :envvar:`LC_ALL`, :envvar:`LC_COLLATE`, :envvar:`LC_CTYPE`, :envvar:`LC_MESSAGES`, :envvar:`LC_MONETARY`, :envvar:`LC_NUMERIC`, and :envvar:`LANG` set the language option for the shell and subprograms. See the section :ref:`Locale variables <variables-locale>` for more information.
.. seealso:: Others include:
- A number of variable starting with the prefixes ``fish_color`` and ``fish_pager_color``. See :ref:`Variables for changing highlighting colors <variables-color>` for more information.
@ -1286,8 +1302,6 @@ You can change the settings of fish by changing the values of certain variables.
- ``fish_trace``, if set and not empty, will cause fish to print commands before they execute, similar to ``set -x`` in bash. The trace is printed to the path given by the :ref:`--debug-output <cmd-fish>` option to fish or the ``FISH_DEBUG_OUTPUT`` variable. It goes to stderr by default.
- ``FISH_DEBUG`` and ``FISH_DEBUG_OUTPUT`` control what debug output fish generates and where it puts it, analogous to the ``--debug`` and ``--debug-output`` options. These have to be set on startup, via e.g. ``FISH_DEBUG='reader*' FISH_DEBUG_OUTPUT=/tmp/fishlog fish``.
- ``fish_user_paths``, a list of directories that are prepended to ``PATH``. This can be a universal variable.
- ``umask``, the current file creation mask. The preferred way to change the umask variable is through the :ref:`umask <cmd-umask>` function. An attempt to set umask to an invalid value will always fail.
@ -1382,16 +1396,42 @@ So if both ``cat`` and ``grep`` succeeded, ``$status`` would be 1 because of the
.. _variables-locale:
Locale variables
Locale Variables
The "locale" of a program is its set of language and regional settings. In UNIX, there are a few separate variables to control separate things - ``LC_CTYPE`` defines the text encoding while ``LC_TIME`` defines the time format.
The "locale" of a program is its set of language and regional settings that depend on language and cultural convention. In UNIX, these are made up of several categories. For example, :envvar:`LC_CTYPE` defines character classification and case conversion, while :envvar:`LC_TIME` defines the time formats.
The locale variables are: ``LANG``, ``LC_ALL``, ``LC_COLLATE``, ``LC_CTYPE``, ``LC_MESSAGES``, ``LC_MONETARY``, ``LC_NUMERIC`` and ``LC_TIME``. These variables work as follows: ``LC_ALL`` forces all the aspects of the locale to the specified value. If ``LC_ALL`` is set, all other locale variables will be ignored (this is typically not recommended!). The other ``LC_`` variables set the specified aspect of the locale information. ``LANG`` is a fallback value, it will be used if none of the ``LC_`` variables are specified.
.. envvar:: LANG
The most common way to set the locale to use a command like ``set -gx LANG en_GB.utf8``, which sets the current locale to be the English language, as used in Great Britain, using the UTF-8 character set. That way any program that requires one setting differently can easily override just that and doesn't have to resort to LC_ALL. For a list of available locales on your system, try ``locale -a``.
This is the typpical environment variable for specifying a locale. A user may set this variable to express the language they speak, their region, and a character encoding. The actual values are specific to their platform, except for special values like ``C`` or ``POSIX``.
Because it needs to handle output that might include multibyte characters (like e.g. emojis), fish will try to set its own internal LC_CTYPE to one that is UTF8-capable even if given an effective LC_CTYPE of "C" (the default). This prevents issues with e.g. filenames given in autosuggestions even if the user started fish with LC_ALL=C. To turn this handling off, set ``fish_allow_singlebyte_locale`` to "1".
.. envvar:: LC_ALL
Overrides the :envvar:`LANG` environment variable and the values of the other ``LC_*`` variables.
.. envvar:: LC_COLLATE
Specifies the locale to use for the ``LC_COLATE`` category. This determines the rules about equivilance of cases and alphabetical ordering: collation.
.. envvar:: LC_CTYPE
Specifies the locale to use for the ``LC_CTYPE`` category, which determines classification rules, like if the type of character is an alpha, digit, and so on.
.. envvar:: LC_MESSAGES
``LC_MESSAGES`` determines the language in which messages are diisplayed.
.. envvar:: LC_MONETARY
Determines currency, how it is formated, and the symbols used.
.. envvar:: LC_NUMERIC
Sets the locale for formatting numbers.
.. envvar:: LC_TIME
Sets the locale for formatting dates and times.
.. _builtin-overview:

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@ -208,12 +208,14 @@ div.body a:hover {
color: #00B0E4;
tt, code, pre {
font-family: monospace, sans-serif;
/* Older sphinx versions set a color here, we need to inherit it from the outer div.highlight */
tr, code, pre {
background-color: inherit;
tt, code, pre, dl > dt span ~ em, #synopsis p, dl.envvar .pre, dl.describe .pre {
font-family: "Source Code Pro", "DejaVu Sans Mono", Menlo, "Ubuntu Mono", Consolas, Monaco, "Lucida Console", monospace, fixed;
pre, div[class*="highlight-"] {
/* For some reason sphinx since 3.1.2 sets "clear: both" here, which breaks in interesting ways */
clear: unset;
@ -285,13 +287,14 @@ div.footer {
background: #FFF;
dl > dt span ~ em {
font-family: monospace, sans-serif;
#synopsis p {
font-size: 12pt;
#synopsis p {
font-family: monospace, sans-serif;
font-size: 12pt;
dl.envvar, dl.describe {
font-size: 11pt;
font-weight: normal !important;
/* On screens that are less than 700px wide remove anything non-essential