diff --git a/fish-rust/src/common.rs b/fish-rust/src/common.rs
index b934660fa..816b212c0 100644
--- a/fish-rust/src/common.rs
+++ b/fish-rust/src/common.rs
@@ -2064,308 +2064,6 @@ pub fn fputws(s: &wstr, fd: RawFd) {
     wwrite_to_fd(s, fd);
-mod tests {
-    use super::*;
-    use crate::wchar::widestrs;
-    use crate::wutil::encoding::{wcrtomb, zero_mbstate, AT_LEAST_MB_LEN_MAX};
-    use rand::random;
-    #[widestrs]
-    pub fn test_escape_string() {
-        let regex = |input| escape_string(input, EscapeStringStyle::Regex);
-        // plain text should not be needlessly escaped
-        assert_eq!(regex("hello world!"L), "hello world!"L);
-        // all the following are intended to be ultimately matched literally - even if they
-        // don't look like that's the intent - so we escape them.
-        assert_eq!(regex(".ext"L), "\\.ext"L);
-        assert_eq!(regex("{word}"L), "\\{word\\}"L);
-        assert_eq!(regex("hola-mundo"L), "hola\\-mundo"L);
-        assert_eq!(
-            regex("$17.42 is your total?"L),
-            "\\$17\\.42 is your total\\?"L
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            regex("not really escaped\\?"L),
-            "not really escaped\\\\\\?"L
-        );
-    }
-    #[widestrs]
-    pub fn test_unescape_sane() {
-        const TEST_CASES: &[(&wstr, &wstr)] = &[
-            ("abcd"L, "abcd"L),
-            ("'abcd'"L, "abcd"L),
-            ("'abcd\\n'"L, "abcd\\n"L),
-            ("\"abcd\\n\""L, "abcd\\n"L),
-            ("\"abcd\\n\""L, "abcd\\n"L),
-            ("\\143"L, "c"L),
-            ("'\\143'"L, "\\143"L),
-            ("\\n"L, "\n"L), // \n normally becomes newline
-        ];
-        for (input, expected) in TEST_CASES {
-            let Some(output) = unescape_string(input, UnescapeStringStyle::default()) else {
-                panic!("Failed to unescape string {input:?}");
-            };
-            assert_eq!(
-                output, *expected,
-                "In unescaping {input:?}, expected {expected:?} but got {output:?}\n"
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    #[widestrs]
-    pub fn test_escape_var() {
-        const TEST_CASES: &[(&wstr, &wstr)] = &[
-            (" a"L, "_20_a"L),
-            ("a B "L, "a_20_42_20_"L),
-            ("a b "L, "a_20_b_20_"L),
-            (" B"L, "_20_42_"L),
-            (" f"L, "_20_f"L),
-            (" 1"L, "_20_31_"L),
-            ("a\nghi_"L, "a_0A_ghi__"L),
-        ];
-        for (input, expected) in TEST_CASES {
-            let output = escape_string(input, EscapeStringStyle::Var);
-            assert_eq!(
-                output, *expected,
-                "In escaping {input:?} with style var, expected {expected:?} but got {output:?}\n"
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    #[widestrs]
-    pub fn test_escape_crazy() {
-        let mut random_string = WString::new();
-        let mut escaped_string;
-        for _ in 0..(ESCAPE_TEST_COUNT as u32) {
-            random_string.clear();
-            while random::<usize>() % ESCAPE_TEST_LENGTH != 0 {
-                random_string
-                    .push(char::from_u32((random::<u32>() % ESCAPE_TEST_CHAR as u32) + 1).unwrap());
-            }
-            for (escape_style, unescape_style) in [
-                (EscapeStringStyle::default(), UnescapeStringStyle::default()),
-                (EscapeStringStyle::Var, UnescapeStringStyle::Var),
-                (EscapeStringStyle::Url, UnescapeStringStyle::Url),
-            ] {
-                escaped_string = escape_string(&random_string, escape_style);
-                let Some(unescaped_string) = unescape_string(&escaped_string, unescape_style) else {
-                    let slice = escaped_string.as_char_slice();
-                    panic!("Failed to unescape string {slice:?} using style {unescape_style:?}");
-                };
-                assert_eq!(random_string, unescaped_string, "Escaped and then unescaped string {random_string:?}, but got back a different string {unescaped_string:?}. The intermediate escape looked like {escaped_string:?}. Using escape style {escape_style:?}");
-            }
-        }
-        // Verify that ESCAPE_NO_PRINTABLES also escapes backslashes so we don't regress on issue #3892.
-        random_string = "line 1\\n\nline 2"L.to_owned();
-        escaped_string = escape_string(
-            &random_string,
-            EscapeStringStyle::Script(EscapeFlags::NO_PRINTABLES | EscapeFlags::NO_QUOTED),
-        );
-        let Some(unescaped_string) = unescape_string(&escaped_string, UnescapeStringStyle::default()) else {
-            panic!("Failed to unescape string <{escaped_string}>");
-        };
-        assert_eq!(random_string, unescaped_string, "Escaped and then unescaped string '{random_string}', but got back a different string '{unescaped_string}'");
-    }
-    /// The number of tests to run.
-    const ESCAPE_TEST_COUNT: usize = 100_000;
-    /// The average length of strings to unescape.
-    const ESCAPE_TEST_LENGTH: usize = 100;
-    /// The highest character number of character to try and escape.
-    const ESCAPE_TEST_CHAR: usize = 4000;
-    /// Helper to convert a narrow string to a sequence of hex digits.
-    fn str2hex(input: &[u8]) -> String {
-        let mut output = "".to_string();
-        for byte in input {
-            output += &format!("0x{:2X} ", *byte);
-        }
-        output
-    }
-    /// Test wide/narrow conversion by creating random strings and verifying that the original
-    /// string comes back through double conversion.
-    pub fn test_convert() {
-        for _ in 0..ESCAPE_TEST_COUNT {
-            let mut origin: Vec<u8> = vec![];
-            while (random::<usize>() % ESCAPE_TEST_LENGTH) != 0 {
-                let byte = random();
-                origin.push(byte);
-            }
-            let w = str2wcstring(&origin[..]);
-            let n = wcs2string(&w);
-            assert_eq!(
-                origin,
-                n,
-                "Conversion cycle of string:\n{:4} chars: {}\n\
-                 produced different string:\n\
-                 {:4} chars: {}",
-                origin.len(),
-                &str2hex(&origin),
-                n.len(),
-                &str2hex(&n)
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    /// Verify that ASCII narrow->wide conversions are correct.
-    pub fn test_convert_ascii() {
-        let mut s = vec![b'\0'; 4096];
-        for (i, c) in s.iter_mut().enumerate() {
-            *c = u8::try_from(i % 10).unwrap() + b'0';
-        }
-        // Test a variety of alignments.
-        for left in 0..16 {
-            for right in 0..16 {
-                let len = s.len() - left - right;
-                let input = &s[left..left + len];
-                let wide = str2wcstring(input);
-                let narrow = wcs2string(&wide);
-                assert_eq!(narrow, input);
-            }
-        }
-        // Put some non-ASCII bytes in and ensure it all still works.
-        for i in 0..s.len() {
-            let saved = s[i];
-            s[i] = 0xF7;
-            assert_eq!(wcs2string(&str2wcstring(&s)), s);
-            s[i] = saved;
-        }
-    }
-    /// fish uses the private-use range to encode bytes that could not be decoded using the
-    /// user's locale. If the input could be decoded, but decoded to private-use codepoints,
-    /// then fish should also use the direct encoding for those bytes. Verify that characters
-    /// in the private use area are correctly round-tripped. See #7723.
-    pub fn test_convert_private_use() {
-            // Encode the char via the locale. Do not use fish functions which interpret these
-            // specially.
-            let mut converted = [0_u8; AT_LEAST_MB_LEN_MAX];
-            let mut state = zero_mbstate();
-            let len = unsafe {
-                wcrtomb(
-                    std::ptr::addr_of_mut!(converted[0]).cast(),
-                    c as libc::wchar_t,
-                    &mut state,
-                )
-            };
-            if len == 0_usize.wrapping_sub(1) {
-                // Could not be encoded in this locale.
-                continue;
-            }
-            let s = &converted[..len];
-            // Ask fish to decode this via str2wcstring.
-            // str2wcstring should notice that the decoded form collides with its private use
-            // and encode it directly.
-            let ws = str2wcstring(s);
-            // Each byte should be encoded directly, and round tripping should work.
-            assert_eq!(ws.len(), s.len());
-            assert_eq!(wcs2string(&ws), s);
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_scoped_push() {
-        use super::scoped_push;
-        struct Context {
-            value: i32,
-        }
-        let mut value = 0;
-        let mut ctx = Context { value };
-        {
-            let mut ctx = scoped_push(&mut ctx, |ctx| &mut ctx.value, value + 1);
-            value = ctx.value;
-            assert_eq!(value, 1);
-            {
-                let mut ctx = scoped_push(&mut ctx, |ctx| &mut ctx.value, value + 1);
-                assert_eq!(ctx.value, 2);
-                ctx.value = 5;
-                assert_eq!(ctx.value, 5);
-            }
-            assert_eq!(ctx.value, 1);
-        }
-        assert_eq!(ctx.value, 0);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_scope_guard() {
-        use super::ScopeGuard;
-        let relaxed = std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;
-        let counter = std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize::new(0);
-        {
-            let guard = ScopeGuard::new(123, |arg| {
-                assert_eq!(*arg, 123);
-                counter.fetch_add(1, relaxed);
-            });
-            assert_eq!(counter.load(relaxed), 0);
-            std::mem::drop(guard);
-            assert_eq!(counter.load(relaxed), 1);
-        }
-        // commit also invokes the callback.
-        {
-            let guard = ScopeGuard::new(123, |arg| {
-                assert_eq!(*arg, 123);
-                counter.fetch_add(1, relaxed);
-            });
-            assert_eq!(counter.load(relaxed), 1);
-            let val = ScopeGuard::commit(guard);
-            assert_eq!(counter.load(relaxed), 2);
-            assert_eq!(val, 123);
-        }
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_scope_guard_consume() {
-        // The following pattern works.
-        use super::{scoped_push, ScopeGuarding};
-        struct Storage {
-            value: &'static str,
-        }
-        let obj = Storage { value: "nu" };
-        assert_eq!(obj.value, "nu");
-        let obj = scoped_push(obj, |obj| &mut obj.value, "mu");
-        assert_eq!(obj.value, "mu");
-        let obj = scoped_push(obj, |obj| &mut obj.value, "mu2");
-        assert_eq!(obj.value, "mu2");
-        let obj = ScopeGuarding::commit(obj);
-        assert_eq!(obj.value, "mu");
-        let obj = ScopeGuarding::commit(obj);
-        assert_eq!(obj.value, "nu");
-    }
-    pub fn test_assert_is_locked() {
-        let lock = std::sync::Mutex::new(());
-        let _guard = lock.lock().unwrap();
-        assert_is_locked!(&lock);
-    }
-crate::ffi_tests::add_test!("escape_string", tests::test_escape_string);
-crate::ffi_tests::add_test!("escape_string", tests::test_escape_crazy);
-crate::ffi_tests::add_test!("escape_string", tests::test_unescape_sane);
-crate::ffi_tests::add_test!("escape_string", tests::test_escape_var);
-crate::ffi_tests::add_test!("escape_string", tests::test_convert);
-crate::ffi_tests::add_test!("escape_string", tests::test_convert_ascii);
-crate::ffi_tests::add_test!("escape_string", tests::test_convert_private_use);
-crate::ffi_tests::add_test!("assert_is_locked", tests::test_assert_is_locked);
 mod common_ffi {
     extern "C++" {
diff --git a/fish-rust/src/env_dispatch.rs b/fish-rust/src/env_dispatch.rs
index 3e116c771..17c3ccba7 100644
--- a/fish-rust/src/env_dispatch.rs
+++ b/fish-rust/src/env_dispatch.rs
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ fn init_locale(vars: &EnvStack) {
         "C.UTF-8", "en_US.UTF-8", "en_GB.UTF-8", "de_DE.UTF-8", "C.utf8", "UTF-8",
-    let old_msg_locale = unsafe {
+    let old_msg_locale: CString = unsafe {
         let old = libc::setlocale(libc::LC_MESSAGES, std::ptr::null());
         // We have to make a copy because the subsequent setlocale() call to change the locale will
         // invalidate the pointer from this setlocale() call.
diff --git a/fish-rust/src/tests/common.rs b/fish-rust/src/tests/common.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..004fda668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fish-rust/src/tests/common.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+use crate::common::{scoped_push, ScopeGuard, ScopeGuarding};
+fn test_scoped_push() {
+    struct Context {
+        value: i32,
+    }
+    let mut value = 0;
+    let mut ctx = Context { value };
+    {
+        let mut ctx = scoped_push(&mut ctx, |ctx| &mut ctx.value, value + 1);
+        value = ctx.value;
+        assert_eq!(value, 1);
+        {
+            let mut ctx = scoped_push(&mut ctx, |ctx| &mut ctx.value, value + 1);
+            assert_eq!(ctx.value, 2);
+            ctx.value = 5;
+            assert_eq!(ctx.value, 5);
+        }
+        assert_eq!(ctx.value, 1);
+    }
+    assert_eq!(ctx.value, 0);
+fn test_scope_guard() {
+    let relaxed = std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed;
+    let counter = std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize::new(0);
+    {
+        let guard = ScopeGuard::new(123, |arg| {
+            assert_eq!(*arg, 123);
+            counter.fetch_add(1, relaxed);
+        });
+        assert_eq!(counter.load(relaxed), 0);
+        std::mem::drop(guard);
+        assert_eq!(counter.load(relaxed), 1);
+    }
+    // commit also invokes the callback.
+    {
+        let guard = ScopeGuard::new(123, |arg| {
+            assert_eq!(*arg, 123);
+            counter.fetch_add(1, relaxed);
+        });
+        assert_eq!(counter.load(relaxed), 1);
+        let val = ScopeGuard::commit(guard);
+        assert_eq!(counter.load(relaxed), 2);
+        assert_eq!(val, 123);
+    }
+fn test_scope_guard_consume() {
+    // The following pattern works.
+    struct Storage {
+        value: &'static str,
+    }
+    let obj = Storage { value: "nu" };
+    assert_eq!(obj.value, "nu");
+    let obj = scoped_push(obj, |obj| &mut obj.value, "mu");
+    assert_eq!(obj.value, "mu");
+    let obj = scoped_push(obj, |obj| &mut obj.value, "mu2");
+    assert_eq!(obj.value, "mu2");
+    let obj = ScopeGuarding::commit(obj);
+    assert_eq!(obj.value, "mu");
+    let obj = ScopeGuarding::commit(obj);
+    assert_eq!(obj.value, "nu");
+fn test_assert_is_locked() {
+    let lock = std::sync::Mutex::new(());
+    let _guard = lock.lock().unwrap();
+    assert_is_locked!(&lock);
diff --git a/fish-rust/src/tests/mod.rs b/fish-rust/src/tests/mod.rs
index 46bb9838d..3310e7ead 100644
--- a/fish-rust/src/tests/mod.rs
+++ b/fish-rust/src/tests/mod.rs
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
+mod common;
 mod fd_monitor;
+mod string_escape;
diff --git a/fish-rust/src/tests/string_escape.rs b/fish-rust/src/tests/string_escape.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d44038212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fish-rust/src/tests/string_escape.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+use crate::common::{
+    escape_string, str2wcstring, unescape_string, wcs2string, EscapeFlags, EscapeStringStyle,
+use crate::wchar::{widestrs, wstr, WString};
+use crate::wutil::encoding::{wcrtomb, zero_mbstate, AT_LEAST_MB_LEN_MAX};
+use rand::random;
+/// wcs2string is locale-dependent, so ensure we have a multibyte locale
+/// before using it in a test.
+/// This is only needed for the variable escape function.
+fn setlocale() {
+    #[rustfmt::skip]
+    const UTF8_LOCALES: &[&str] = &[
+        "C.UTF-8", "en_US.UTF-8", "en_GB.UTF-8", "de_DE.UTF-8", "C.utf8", "UTF-8",
+    ];
+    for locale in UTF8_LOCALES {
+        let locale = std::ffi::CString::new(locale.to_owned()).unwrap();
+        unsafe { libc::setlocale(libc::LC_CTYPE, locale.as_ptr()) };
+        if crate::compat::MB_CUR_MAX() > 1 {
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    panic!("No UTF-8 locale found");
+fn test_escape_string() {
+    let regex = |input| escape_string(input, EscapeStringStyle::Regex);
+    // plain text should not be needlessly escaped
+    assert_eq!(regex("hello world!"L), "hello world!"L);
+    // all the following are intended to be ultimately matched literally - even if they
+    // don't look like that's the intent - so we escape them.
+    assert_eq!(regex(".ext"L), "\\.ext"L);
+    assert_eq!(regex("{word}"L), "\\{word\\}"L);
+    assert_eq!(regex("hola-mundo"L), "hola\\-mundo"L);
+    assert_eq!(
+        regex("$17.42 is your total?"L),
+        "\\$17\\.42 is your total\\?"L
+    );
+    assert_eq!(
+        regex("not really escaped\\?"L),
+        "not really escaped\\\\\\?"L
+    );
+pub fn test_unescape_sane() {
+    const TEST_CASES: &[(&wstr, &wstr)] = &[
+        ("abcd"L, "abcd"L),
+        ("'abcd'"L, "abcd"L),
+        ("'abcd\\n'"L, "abcd\\n"L),
+        ("\"abcd\\n\""L, "abcd\\n"L),
+        ("\"abcd\\n\""L, "abcd\\n"L),
+        ("\\143"L, "c"L),
+        ("'\\143'"L, "\\143"L),
+        ("\\n"L, "\n"L), // \n normally becomes newline
+    ];
+    for (input, expected) in TEST_CASES {
+        let Some(output) = unescape_string(input, UnescapeStringStyle::default()) else {
+            panic!("Failed to unescape string {input:?}");
+        };
+        assert_eq!(
+            output, *expected,
+            "In unescaping {input:?}, expected {expected:?} but got {output:?}\n"
+        );
+    }
+fn test_escape_var() {
+    const TEST_CASES: &[(&wstr, &wstr)] = &[
+        (" a"L, "_20_a"L),
+        ("a B "L, "a_20_42_20_"L),
+        ("a b "L, "a_20_b_20_"L),
+        (" B"L, "_20_42_"L),
+        (" f"L, "_20_f"L),
+        (" 1"L, "_20_31_"L),
+        ("a\nghi_"L, "a_0A_ghi__"L),
+    ];
+    for (input, expected) in TEST_CASES {
+        let output = escape_string(input, EscapeStringStyle::Var);
+        assert_eq!(
+            output, *expected,
+            "In escaping {input:?} with style var, expected {expected:?} but got {output:?}\n"
+        );
+    }
+fn test_escape_crazy() {
+    setlocale();
+    let mut random_string = WString::new();
+    let mut escaped_string;
+    for _ in 0..(ESCAPE_TEST_COUNT as u32) {
+        random_string.clear();
+        while random::<usize>() % ESCAPE_TEST_LENGTH != 0 {
+            random_string
+                .push(char::from_u32((random::<u32>() % ESCAPE_TEST_CHAR as u32) + 1).unwrap());
+        }
+        for (escape_style, unescape_style) in [
+            (EscapeStringStyle::default(), UnescapeStringStyle::default()),
+            (EscapeStringStyle::Var, UnescapeStringStyle::Var),
+            (EscapeStringStyle::Url, UnescapeStringStyle::Url),
+        ] {
+            escaped_string = escape_string(&random_string, escape_style);
+            let Some(unescaped_string) = unescape_string(&escaped_string, unescape_style) else {
+                let slice = escaped_string.as_char_slice();
+                panic!("Failed to unescape string {slice:?} using style {unescape_style:?}");
+            };
+            assert_eq!(random_string, unescaped_string, "Escaped and then unescaped string {random_string:?}, but got back a different string {unescaped_string:?}. The intermediate escape looked like {escaped_string:?}. Using escape style {escape_style:?}");
+        }
+    }
+    // Verify that ESCAPE_NO_PRINTABLES also escapes backslashes so we don't regress on issue #3892.
+    random_string = "line 1\\n\nline 2"L.to_owned();
+    escaped_string = escape_string(
+        &random_string,
+        EscapeStringStyle::Script(EscapeFlags::NO_PRINTABLES | EscapeFlags::NO_QUOTED),
+    );
+    let Some(unescaped_string) = unescape_string(&escaped_string, UnescapeStringStyle::default()) else {
+        panic!("Failed to unescape string <{escaped_string}>");
+    };
+    assert_eq!(random_string, unescaped_string, "Escaped and then unescaped string '{random_string}', but got back a different string '{unescaped_string}'");
+/// The number of tests to run.
+const ESCAPE_TEST_COUNT: usize = 100_000;
+/// The average length of strings to unescape.
+const ESCAPE_TEST_LENGTH: usize = 100;
+/// The highest character number of character to try and escape.
+const ESCAPE_TEST_CHAR: usize = 4000;
+/// Helper to convert a narrow string to a sequence of hex digits.
+fn str2hex(input: &[u8]) -> String {
+    let mut output = "".to_string();
+    for byte in input {
+        output += &format!("0x{:2X} ", *byte);
+    }
+    output
+/// Test wide/narrow conversion by creating random strings and verifying that the original
+/// string comes back through double conversion.
+fn test_convert() {
+    for _ in 0..ESCAPE_TEST_COUNT {
+        let mut origin: Vec<u8> = vec![];
+        while (random::<usize>() % ESCAPE_TEST_LENGTH) != 0 {
+            let byte = random();
+            origin.push(byte);
+        }
+        let w = str2wcstring(&origin[..]);
+        let n = wcs2string(&w);
+        assert_eq!(
+            origin,
+            n,
+            "Conversion cycle of string:\n{:4} chars: {}\n\
+                produced different string:\n\
+                {:4} chars: {}",
+            origin.len(),
+            &str2hex(&origin),
+            n.len(),
+            &str2hex(&n)
+        );
+    }
+/// Verify that ASCII narrow->wide conversions are correct.
+pub fn test_convert_ascii() {
+    let mut s = vec![b'\0'; 4096];
+    for (i, c) in s.iter_mut().enumerate() {
+        *c = u8::try_from(i % 10).unwrap() + b'0';
+    }
+    // Test a variety of alignments.
+    for left in 0..16 {
+        for right in 0..16 {
+            let len = s.len() - left - right;
+            let input = &s[left..left + len];
+            let wide = str2wcstring(input);
+            let narrow = wcs2string(&wide);
+            assert_eq!(narrow, input);
+        }
+    }
+    // Put some non-ASCII bytes in and ensure it all still works.
+    for i in 0..s.len() {
+        let saved = s[i];
+        s[i] = 0xF7;
+        assert_eq!(wcs2string(&str2wcstring(&s)), s);
+        s[i] = saved;
+    }
+/// fish uses the private-use range to encode bytes that could not be decoded using the
+/// user's locale. If the input could be decoded, but decoded to private-use codepoints,
+/// then fish should also use the direct encoding for those bytes. Verify that characters
+/// in the private use area are correctly round-tripped. See #7723.
+fn test_convert_private_use() {
+        // Encode the char via the locale. Do not use fish functions which interpret these
+        // specially.
+        let mut converted = [0_u8; AT_LEAST_MB_LEN_MAX];
+        let mut state = zero_mbstate();
+        let len = unsafe {
+            wcrtomb(
+                std::ptr::addr_of_mut!(converted[0]).cast(),
+                c as libc::wchar_t,
+                &mut state,
+            )
+        };
+        if len == 0_usize.wrapping_sub(1) {
+            // Could not be encoded in this locale.
+            continue;
+        }
+        let s = &converted[..len];
+        // Ask fish to decode this via str2wcstring.
+        // str2wcstring should notice that the decoded form collides with its private use
+        // and encode it directly.
+        let ws = str2wcstring(s);
+        // Each byte should be encoded directly, and round tripping should work.
+        assert_eq!(ws.len(), s.len());
+        assert_eq!(wcs2string(&ws), s);
+    }