Add eselect, rc-update and rc-service completions. (These are utilities used by Gentoo Linux)

Disable php completion for the 4th part of the command, since php-eselect is differently designed and causes errors

Closes #1131.
This commit is contained in:
Jelte Fennema 2013-11-19 19:45:21 +01:00 committed by David Adam
parent 9862eb930d
commit 44d13869ad
9 changed files with 155 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
function __fish_eselect_cmd
eselect --brief --colour=no $argv
function __fish_complete_eselect_modules
set -l sedregexp 's/^ ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)[ ]*/\1\t/g'
__fish_eselect_cmd modules list | sgrep '^ ' | sed -r $sedregexp
function __fish_complete_eselect_actions
set -l sedregexp 's/^ ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)[ ]*/\1\t/g'
set -l cmdl (commandline -poc)
__fish_eselect_cmd $cmdl[2..-1] usage | sgrep '^ [^ -]' | sed -r $sedregexp
function __fish_complete_eselect_action_options
set -l parseregexp 's/^ ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)[ ]*/\1\t/g'
set -l cmdl (commandline -poc)
# Disable further php completion
if [ (__fish_print_cmd_args_without_options)[2] = 'php' ]
switch $cmdl[-1]
case -'*'
set -l findregexp '/^ '$cmdl[-1]'/,/^ [^ ]/p'
set cmdl[-1] usage
__fish_eselect_cmd $cmdl[2..-1] | sed -n -re $findregexp | sgrep '^ --' | sed -re $parseregexp
function __fish_complete_eselect_targets
set -l sedregexp 's/^ \[([0-9]+)\][ ]*/\1\t/g'
set -l cmdl (commandline -poc)
# Disable further php completion
if [ (__fish_print_cmd_args_without_options)[2] = 'php' ]
switch $cmdl[-1]
case -'*'
set cmdl[-2] list
case '*'
set cmdl[-1] list
eselect --colour=no $cmdl[2..-1] | sgrep '^ [^ -]' | sed -r $sedregexp
complete -c eselect -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) = 1" \
-xa '(__fish_complete_eselect_modules)'
complete -c eselect -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) = 1" \
-l brief -d 'Make output shorter'
complete -c eselect -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) = 1" \
-l colour \
-d "=<yes|no|auto> Enable or disable colour output (default 'auto')"
complete -c eselect -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) = 2" \
-xa '(__fish_complete_eselect_actions)'
complete -c eselect -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) = 3" \
-xa '(__fish_complete_eselect_targets)'
complete -c eselect -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) = 3" \
-xa '(__fish_complete_eselect_action_options)'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# First argument is the names of the service, i.e. a file in /etc/init.d
complete -c rc-service -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) = 1" \
-xa "(__fish_print_service_names)" --description "Service name"
# The second argument is what action to take with the service
complete -c rc-service -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) -gt 1" \
-xa "(__fish_complete_service_actions)"
# Complete rc-service the options
complete -c rc-service -s e -l exists -d 'Tests if the service exists or not'
complete -c rc-service -s i -l ifexists \
-d 'If the service exists, then run the command'
complete -c rc-service -s l -l list -d 'List all available services'
complete -c rc-service -s r -l resolve \
-d 'Resolve the service name to an init script'
complete -c rc-service -s h -l help -d 'Display the help output'
complete -c rc-service -s C -l nocolor -d 'Disable color output'
complete -c rc-service -s V -l version -d 'Display software version'
complete -c rc-service -s v -l verbose -d 'Run verbosely'
complete -c rc-service -s q -l quiet -d 'Run quietly (Does not affect errors)'

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
function __fish_complete_rc-update_actions
set -l actions add \
'Add the service to the runlevel or the current one if non given'
set -l actions $actions del \
'Delete the service from the runlevel or the current one if non given'
set -l actions $actions show \
'Show all enabled services and the runlevels they belong to'
printf "%s\t%s\n" $actions
function __fish_complete_rc-update_runlevels
set -l levels sysinit \
'First startup runlevel' \
boot \
'Second startup runlevel' \
default \
'Last startup runlevel' \
shutdown \
'Runlevel for stutting down'
printf "%s\t%s\n" $levels
# The first argument is what action to take with the service
complete -c rc-update -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) = 1" \
-xa "(__fish_complete_rc-update_actions)"
# The second argument is the names of the service, i.e. a file in /etc/init.d
complete -c rc-update -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) = 2" \
-xa "(__fish_print_service_names)" --description "Service name"
# The third argument is the names of the service, i.e. a file in /etc/init.d
complete -c rc-update -n "test (__fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts) = 3" \
-xa "(__fish_complete_rc-update_runlevels)"

View file

@ -1,13 +1,5 @@
function __fish_service_print_names
if type -f systemctl >/dev/null
command systemctl list-units -t service | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | grep '\.service$' | sed -e 's/\.service$//'
command ls /etc/init.d
# Fist argument is the names of the service, i.e. a file in /etc/init.d
complete -c service -n "test (count (commandline -poc)) = 1" -xa "(__fish_service_print_names)" --description "Service name"
complete -c service -n "test (count (commandline -poc)) = 1" -xa "(__fish_print_service_names)" --description "Service name"
#The second argument is what action to take with the service
complete -c service -n "test (count (commandline -poc)) -gt 1" -xa '$__fish_service_commands'

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
function __fish_complete_service_actions -d "Print a list of all basic service \
set -l actions start 'Start the service'
set -l actions $actions stop 'Stop the service'
set -l actions $actions restart 'Restart the service'
printf "%s\t%s\n" $actions

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
function __fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts
count (__fish_print_cmd_args_without_options)

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
function __fish_print_cmd_args
commandline -poc

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
function __fish_print_cmd_args_without_options
__fish_print_cmd_args | grep '^[^-]'

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
function __fish_print_service_names -d 'All services known to the system'
if type -f systemctl >/dev/null
command systemctl list-units -t service | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | grep '\.service$' | sed -e 's/\.service$//'
else if type -f rc-service
command rc-service -l
command ls /etc/init.d