``string repeat`` repeats the *STRING***-n** or **--count** times. The **-m** or **--max** option will limit the number of outputted characters (excluding the newline). This option can be used by itself or in conjunction with **--count**. If both **--count** and **--max** are present, max char will be outputted unless the final repeated string size is less than max, in that case, the string will repeat until count has been reached. Both **--count** and **--max** will accept a number greater than or equal to zero, in the case of zero, nothing will be outputted. The first argument is interpreted as *COUNT* if **--count** or **--max** are not explicitly specified. If **-N** or **--no-newline** is given, the output won't contain a newline character at the end. Exit status: 0 if yielded string is not empty, 1 otherwise.