complete-c vbc -o deterministic -d"Causes the compiler to output an assembly whose binary content is identical across compilations if inputs are identical"
complete-c vbc -o netcf -d"Sets the compiler to target the .NET Compact Framework"
complete-c vbc -o"out:"-d"Specifies an output file"
complete-c vbc -o refonly -d"Outputs only a reference assembly"
complete-c vbc -o"refout:"-d"Specifies the output path of a reference assembly"
complete-c vbc -o"t:exe"-o"target:exe"-d"Causes the compiler to create an executable console application (default)"
complete-c vbc -o"t:library"-o"target:library"-d"Causes the compiler to create a dynamic-link library (DLL)"
complete-c vbc -o"t:module"-o"target:module"-d"Causes the compiler to generate a module that can be added to an assembly"
complete-c vbc -o"t:winexe"-o"target:winexe"-d"Causes the compiler to create an executable Windows-based application"
complete-c vbc -o"t:appcontainerexe"-o"target:appcontainerexe"-d"Causes the compiler to create an executable Windows-based application that must be run in an app container"
complete-c vbc -o"t:winmdobj"-o"target:winmdobj"-d"Causes the compiler to create an intermediate file that you can convert to a Windows Runtime binary (.winmd) file"
# .NET assemblies
complete-c vbc -o"addmodule:"-d"Causes the compiler to make all type information from the specified file(s) available to the project you are currently compiling"
complete-c vbc -o delaysign -o"delaysign+"-d"Specifies whether the assembly will be fully or partially signed"
complete-c vbc -o"imports:"-d"Imports a namespace from a specified assembly"
complete-c vbc -o"keycontainer:"-d"Specifies a key container name for a key pair to give an assembly a strong name"
complete-c vbc -o"keyfile:"-d"Specifies a file containing a key or key pair to give an assembly a strong name"
complete-c vbc -o"libpath:"-d"Specifies the location of assemblies referenced by the -reference option"
complete-c vbc -o"r:"-o"reference:"-d"Imports metadata from an assembly"
complete-c vbc -o"moduleassemblyname:"-d"Specifies the name of the assembly that a module will be a part of"
complete-c vbc -o"a:"-o"analyzer:"-d"Run the analyzers from this assembly"
complete-c vbc -o"additionalfile:"-d"Names additional files that don't directly affect code generation but may be used by analyzers for producing errors or warnings"
# Debugging/error checking
complete-c vbc -o"bugreport:"-d"Creates a file that contains information that makes it easy to report a bug"
complete-c vbc -o"d:"-o"define:"-d"Defines symbols for conditional compilation"
# Resources
complete-c vbc -o"linkres:"-o"linkresource:"-d"Creates a link to a managed resource"
complete-c vbc -o"res:"-o"resource:"-d"Embeds a managed resource in an assembly"
complete-c vbc -o"win32icon:"-d"Inserts an .ico file into the output file"
complete-c vbc -o"win32resource:"-d"Inserts a Win32 resource into the output file"
# Miscellaneous
complete-c vbc -o"baseaddress:"-d"Specifies the base address of a DLL"
complete-c vbc -o"codepage:"-d"Specifies the code page to use for all source code files in the compilation"
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complete-c vbc -o"errorreport:$arguments"-d"Specifies how the Visual Basic compiler should report internal compiler errors"
complete-c vbc -o highentropyva -o"highentropyva+"-d"Tells the Windows kernel whether a particular executable supports high entropy Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)"
complete-c vbc -o"m:"-o"main:"-d"Specifies the class that contains the Sub Main procedure to use at startup"
complete-c vbc -o noconfig -d"Do not compile with Vbc.rsp"
complete-c vbc -o nostdlib -d"Causes the compiler not to reference the standard libraries"
complete-c vbc -o nowin32manifest -d"Instructs the compiler not to embed any application manifest into the executable file"
complete-c vbc -o"platform:x86"-d"Specify x86 as the processor platform the compiler targets for the output file"
complete-c vbc -o"platform:x64"-d"Specify AMD64 or EM64T as the processor platform the compiler targets for the output file"
complete-c vbc -o"platform:Itanium"-d"Specify Itanium as the processor platform the compiler targets for the output file"
complete-c vbc -o"platform:arm"-d"Specify ARM as the processor platform the compiler targets for the output file"
complete-c vbc -o"platform:anycpu"-d"Specify any platform as the processor platform the compiler targets for the output file (default)"
complete-c vbc -o"platform:anycpu32bitpreferred"-d"Specify any platform as the processor platform the compiler targets for the output file"
complete-c vbc -o"recurse:"-d"Searches subdirectories for source files to compile"
complete-c vbc -o"rootnamespace:"-d"Specifies a namespace for all type declarations"
complete-c vbc -o"sdkpath:"-d"Specifies the location of Mscorlib.dll and Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll"
complete-c vbc -o"vbruntime:"-d"Specifies that the compiler should compile without a reference to the Visual Basic Runtime Library, or with a reference to a specific runtime library"
forargumentsin- + "*"
complete-c vbc -o"vbruntime:$arguments"-d"Specifies that the compiler should compile without a reference to the Visual Basic Runtime Library, or with a reference to a specific runtime library"
complete-c vbc -o"win32manifest:"-d"Identifies a user-defined Win32 application manifest file to be embedded into a project's portable executable (PE) file"
complete-c vbc -o parallel -o"parallel+"-d"Specifies whether to use concurrent build"