complete-c$cmd-r-d'Manage file archives of various types'
complete-c$cmd-s l -l list -d'list files in archive (als)'
complete-c$cmd-s x -l extract -d'extract files from archive (aunpack)'
complete-c$cmd-s X -l extract-to -r-d'extract archive to specified directory'
complete-c$cmd-s a -l add -d'create archive (apack)'
complete-c$cmd-s c -l cat -d'extract file to standard out (acat)'
complete-c$cmd-s d -l diff -d'generate a diff between two archives (adiff)'
complete-c$cmd-s r -l repack -d'repack archives to a different format (arepack)'
complete-c$cmd-lhelp-d'display this help and exit'
complete-c$cmd-l version -d'output version information and exit'
complete-c$cmd-s e -l each -d'execute command above for each file specified'
complete-c$cmd-s F -l format -d'override archive format (see below)'-xa"(man atool | sgrep -E '^\s+(\S+)\s+\(\..+\)' | sed -r 's/\s+(\S+)\s+\((.+)\)/\1\t\2/')"
complete-c$cmd-s O -l format-option -x-d'give specific options to the archiver'
complete-c$cmd-s D -l subdir -d'always create subdirectory when extracting'
complete-c$cmd-s f -l force -d'allow overwriting of local files'
complete-c$cmd-s q -l quiet -d'decrease verbosity level by one'
complete-c$cmd-s v -l verbose -d'increase verbosity level by one'
complete-c$cmd-s V -l verbosity -d'specify verbosity (0, 1 or 2)'-xa'(seq 0 2)'
complete-c$cmd-s p -l page -d'send output through pager'
complete-c$cmd-s0-l null -d'filenames from standard in are null-byte separated'
complete-c$cmd-s E -l explain -d'explain what is being done by atool'
complete-c$cmd-s S -l simulate -d'simulation mode - no filesystem changes are made'